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•Chapter 78•



"I-I'm pregnant?" I asked the doctor with wide eyes.

It wasn't hard to believe since we didn't use protection the first and second time. I mean, what was I expecting if we didn't use protection?

I think I'm just surprised at the news. Holy shit! I'm pregnant!......again.

No wonder I was feeling so sick like I was when I was pregnant with Ethan. I knew the sickness I felt was similar to my first pregnancy symptoms but I just pushed it away not paying too much mind to it. I just thought I had the flu.

"Yes you're exactly 5 weeks pregnant." the doctor replied, snapping me out of my thoughts while he packs his things in his suitcase. "and it's still early yet to say with gender it is but for now you should rest and not exhaust yourself. Also, try not to stress yourself out. Stress is not good for the baby" he continued as he finally got all of his stuff packed. He took his suitcase in his hands and turned towards Damon.

"thank you, Dr," Damon spoke and shook his hands. The doctor whispered something to him which he nodded at before the doctor turned to the door and left.

I watched as the door shut and only then did I averted my eyes to Damon. I was quite curious about what Ethan and Damon have to say about me being pregnant.

He looked down at me with a smile and surprise dazzling in his eyes but that wasn't all. There was a presence of tears in his eyes as he placed his hands on my tummy. Ethan, on the other hand, was smiling crazily at me with happiness flashing in his eyes.

"Dad, did you hear that? Mommy's having another baby!" Ethan said happily to his father as if Damon didn't know anything and was only now knowing of this.

"Yes Ethan, she is" Damon responded to his statement with a smile on his lips. He averted his eyes back to me.

I smiled at him as I brought my hands and placed it on his, which was on my tummy, and felt tears suddenly gathered in my eyes. "I'm pregnant....with our baby" I whispered as a tear fell and he quickly wiped it away.

"Yes and this time I'm here," he said cupping my cheek.

• • •

"Are you coming to work?" Ian asked as I entered the kitchen. He was sitting at the kitchen island with a bowl of cereals set in front of him.

"No Ian. I'll be work from home" I replied while walking to the refrigerator.

Camila is now almost 10 weeks pregnant and I've become so protective of her. I won't allow her to go down or up the stairs on her own nor make her do any work. I wanted to make sure she and the baby are safe and letting her not work and exhaust herself is one of the ways to keep her and the baby safe.

I've also promised her that I'll always be here if she needs me for anything and has decided that I'll work from home. I wanted to be around to help and be the one person she can depend on since she has no one else except her friends, Bianca and Mark.

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