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Mitchs P.O.V

Scott and I stayed on the couch cuddling watching spongebob together for a few hours. It was now 6 in the after noon and I was getting hungry again. I didn't want to tell Scott cause I dont want him to think I'm eating too much.

At 6:15 Scott looked at the time and started to get up. "Alpha where are you going" I said in a whiny voice not wanting him to leave. "Baby I'm going to go start cooking dinner. Do you want to come along?" "YES! I like cooking with other people." "Ok come on little bit let's go cook"

Me and Scott made a really good dinner together. It was some lemon pepper chicken with mac and cheese. I LOVE MAC AND CHEESE.

Scott and I ate dinner and talked about anything and everything it was an amazing dinner. I don't know if its too soon but I think I really love him. I'm not going to tell him cause I don't want to say it then him get mad because I'm moving to fast and leave me. I don't think I could cope if he left me again. I would fall apart without my Alpha.

After dinner Scott said that he needed to go and get some stuff from his house. He told me to stay so I could clean our plates and such and I was a little hesitant but did it anyway.

After Scott left I started doing the dishes and finished with those then I went around the house and started picking up stuff that wasn't spost to be there. I was doing this to get my mind off of Scott not being here.

While I was cleaning I got a phone call on my phone. It was my Record company. I answered and said. "Hello?" "Hi is this Mitch Grassi?" "Yes that's me" "Ok well I'm sorry to say this but because you have to leave every two months for about a week and a half and also performing badly at you last two shows you did and not fully finishing your tour we are going to have to drop you from our record label. I'm sorry Mr.Grassi have a good rest of your day." The lady said and then hung up.

I stood there stunned I just got dropped from my record label. What will happen to my career now. Is it all over for me? Can I never preform again or go on tour or make music?

I started to cry because it was hard enough getting signed to that record label cause I was an Omega. No one else wants to sign an Omega to their label. I don't want my career to be over. I sat on the ground and cried my eyes out. I HATE BEING AN OMEGA. Why couldn't I have at least been a Beta.

I layed down on the floor and curled into a tiny ball and cried in my hallway.

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