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Scott's P.O.V

When I wake up in the morning Mitch is still asleep cuddled into me. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps its adorable.

Ok ok I need to stop staring at him sleep and go do something else.

I carefully get out of bed with out waking him up and think about last night. That delivery lady was very mean to my Omega. I called the pizza place and asked to talk to the manager.

"Hello this is pizza Hut what would you like? " "Can I speak to your manager I had a delivery girl who was rude to my Omega." "Ok let me transfer you" Then I was out on hold for like 5 minutes and then the manger answered. "Hello manger of Pizza Hut here." "Hi yesterday day at about 8 at night I ordered a pizza and we got an Omega delivery girl and she was flirting with me and then my Omega asked her to stop politely. After he told her that I was his Alpha she told me that I could do better and to call her once I had left him and she cussed a few times too in front of my Omega and made him cry. I'm not trying to get her fired I just want her to get some reprocutions and told not to do that. She could have stoped when my Omega told her that I was his Alpha." I told the manger. "Oh no I'm so sorry I will deffiatly give her some reprocitions I am so sorry. The next time you order pizza you will get a free soda. I'm so sorry that happens I send best wishes to you and your Omega." The manager told me

"Thank you so much. He is better now it just scared him when it happened. Good bye." I then hung up.

I went to the kitchen and started making coffee. From the corner of my eye I saw Mitch walk into the kitchen.

"Hay Baby how did you sleep?" I asked him "It was fine up until the point that I woke and I wasn't snuggling my Alpha." He said with a frown. "Awe I'm sorry baby you just looked too peaceful for me to mess with and I need to call someone and make my coffee for the morning." He looked at me with a pout and came up to me and hugged me "It's ok I just wish you were there. You are my favorite thing to wake up to." I hugged him back

"Thank you sweetheart you are my favorite thing to wake up to too. I'm sorry I wasn't there. Do you want some cereal for breakfast or do you want to help me burn some pancakes?" He smiles "I don't want to burn any pancakes today let's just eat some cereal." He says then pecks me on the lips and goes to the cupboard and gets out some cereal. I go and get the milk from the fridge and he grabs the Bowls and we make our self's cereal.

"I'm scared to meet your parents today I really hope they accept us." He says "Me too Mitchy me too" We just need to wait until dinner time now.

Ok this chapter actually sucks but I wrote it while I was at a pool party that I didn't even want to go to in the first place cause I know no one but O well

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