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Scott's P.O.V

Once we get home I text in our pack group chat that has Esther, Kevin and Avi in it that I will wait until after Mitch and I meet my parents to fully establish the pack.

I hope I don't have to make them wait long for their pack but if my parents are doing something that distract me I don't want to lead the pack cause then we will all be in danger.

Now I have to call my parents and tell them that I've met my mate. This won't be the hard part, the part that really scares me is when we actually go to see them and they see that my mate is a boy. I don't want them to say anything to hurt Mitchy or even actually hurt him.

I look at my contacts and see my mom's and I am about to press it but then I check to make sure Mitch is still with me in the room. He is sitting on the couch in the living room looking at me waiting for me to call.

"Baby I'm about to call do you want to be in the room with me while I call or do you want to go do something else in the house?" I ask him. "Can I please stay in here I won't talk I promise I just want to stay with you" He says while giving me puppy dog eyes. I smile and say "Yes baby I just didn't know if you would get bored and not want to go do something else but you can deffinatly stay. I love you" He smiles back "I love you too"

I look back at my phone and click my mom's contact and call her

*ring ring ri-* "Scottny hello how are you" "Hi mom I'm good but I actually have something to tell you and dad so could you get him so I can talk to both of you?" "Yea I'll get dad. It's nothing bad right like you aren't in jail or something right?" "Oh no no mom it's actually good I'm not in jail I promise" "Ok wait one second I'll be back with your dad"

I look up and see Mitch smiling at me from the couch I go sit next to him and let him snuggle next to me while I wait for my mom to get dad. I also put her on speaker so Mitch can hear their reaction.

"Scott I'm back with your dad now" My mom tells me then my dad says "Hey son" "Hey mom hey dad ok so I have some news for yall and I think y'all especially mom will be thrilled to hear this but.... I found my mate." "SCOTT REALLY when can we meet her what's her name is she beautiful is she everything you wanted? Oh Scotty I'm so happy for you I knew you would find her eventually." "Y'all can know their name when you meet them in real life and yes they are absolutely stunning and everything I've ever wanted." I tell them then my dad says "I'm proud of you son. So when will we meet her?" "We can set up a time to eat lunch or dinner together we both are free the rest if today and tomorrow." I say. My mom says "How about we have dinner together tomorrow. Is there anything she dosent like or is allergic to?" I look at Mitch and he wispers "Gluten makes my tummy hurt" "Well they told me that Gluten makes their tummy hurt so make a gluten free meal please mom." "I can do that so do you and your mate want to come over some time around 12 tomorrow?" I look to Mitch and he nods "Yes mom we can do 12 tomorrow I'll see you both then bye guys" "Bye Scotty" "Bye son" Then I hang up

I let out a breath of air "I didn't realise how hard it was to not say your name or  use any masculine pronouns." Mitch giggled "Well I think you did a good job. They are really in for a surprise tomorrow tho I hope everything will go fine" "Me too baby me too"

We are quiet for a little but just enjoying being by each other for a little bit until I say "So dinner?"

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