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Trying to catch my breath, I sat down on the ground. My lungs were burning, and my legs were in pretty intense pain.

"3 minutes and 46 seconds. You're improving greatly, Hitoshi." Aizawa said, crouching down in front of me. He offered me my water bottle, which I gladly took. I gulped down half of the drink, wiping the sweat forming on my forehead. Aizawa does make me train a lot, and it's exhausting sometimes, but I couldn't ask for a better teacher. We both know that I'm not in great shape, not yet at least. I have to train much more than everyone else, as my quirk doesn't benefit me physically. I wouldn't be able to keep up with the other students if my health was still as terrible as it was when I started in U. A.

"Who were you with today?" Aizawa asked curiously. I raised my eyes to look at him. I adore this man, and I'll forever be thankful for all the things he has done for me, but Jesus Christ. He tends to be too curious, and he likes to hover over me like a concerned father.

"Denki Kaminari," I mumbled. He furrowed his brows.

"Is he your friend?" he asked.

"I wouldn't consider him as my friend, as we have only met two times," I said and got up from the ground. He let the topic go, fortunately.

Thursday, 4th of April

Kaminari's POV

I wake up to the annoying alarm that I have set on my phone. Rubbing the sleep off my eyes, I yawn and stretch. I only got 5 hours of sleep, and I literally feel like a dead battery. Begrudgingly, I drag myself out of bed and start getting ready for school. I look at the clock on my wall, and it's 8:10 am- shit. I'm already late. Well, this is fucking great.

"Why didn't you wake me up mom?! I'm gonna be late again! You know I almost never wake up to my alarms!" I shout and start shoving my school stuff into my backpack.

"It's not my responsibility no longer! You gotta grow up and take care of yourself!" she shouts from the living room. Groaning, I try to find something quick to eat. I grab an apple, that'll do. I run back to my room, and put on my uniform, making sure that I have my backpack, keys, wallet, and phone with me. I hurry to school, eating the apple at the same time as I wouldn't make it to lunch without eating something for breakfast.

"This is your last warning, Denki Kaminari. Don't make me expel you," Mr. Aizawa says as I try to sneak into the classroom without him noticing me. I sit on my place, and my friends start snickering. I rest my face against the palm of my hand, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Get yourself together, Kaminari," Jiro whispers to me, slapping the back of my head. I flip her off when Mr. Aizawa isn't looking.

After the school day had ended, I, Midoriya and Todoroki head to the library in our school to study. We find a quiet corner away from other students, and I pull out all my undone assignments from my backpack. I asked help from them since I struggle a bit with math. I still don't know why we have to study math and biology and boring stuff like that when we are here to become pro heroes. Like, no one needs to know what is inside of mitochondria. That knowledge isn't going to help us in any way in the middle of a rescue mission.

I'm glad that my friends agreed to help me, though. They both are smart, straight-A students while I have two barely working brain cells.

"So what do you need help with?" Todoroki asks, setting down his backpack.

"Oh, just these assignments.." I hand them the four pages in my hand.

"Kaminari these were due a week ago!" Midoriya nearly shouts, and I feel my cheeks heating as my friends glare at me.

"You're gonna get kicked out if you keep doing this," Todoroki says in a disappointed tone, crossing his arms. I sat and sulked, rolling my eyes.

"I know. I just can't do this on my own."

"You're lazy, Kaminari," Midoriya argues.

"I'm not. I just don't see the reason in studying biology or chemistry or all the other bullshit when we are in a hero course. Frankly, I think it's stupid." I whine.

"Listen, I get it. I don't particularly enjoy biology, or chemistry, either. But we still have to do all of our assignments if we want to pass this course. So you better fix your attitude and get this stuff done." Todoroki scolds me.

I groan. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm acting like a brat when I shouldn't." I take out my pencils and we start working on my assignments.

We spend a good hour and a half on them, and fortunately, it didn't take that much time.

"Thanks for helping me, really. This would have taken me days if I were to do this on my own," I say, stretching my arms. My back hurts a bit from sitting down for so long, as I have a horrible posture. I hear a small bing from my pocket, and Midoriya gives me a warning stare.

"Why isn't your phone on silent? We are in school," he asks. Giggling a "sorry", I fish my phone out of my pocket and check who's texting me. Shinso Hitoshi? Oh, Hitoshi! Right!

Hitoshi: when do u want to meet up and where? tomorrow is friday, hoping u haven't already forgotten

My eyes scan over the text, and I type out a response right away. Midoriya and Todoroki both give me curious looks.

Kaminari: ofc i haven't forgotten. meet me at the same restaurant we ate at, around 4 pm ?

Hitoshi: kay

My cheeks heat up from excitement, and I stow my phone away in my pants.

"Now who is our young boy Kaminari texting? Hmm? Did some pretty lady get you all flushed?" Midoriya teases. I shake my head, biting my lip.

He raises his brows. "Who is it? You gotta tell me!"

"Um- Shinso Hitoshi..." I mumble. Now they both have even more perplexed looks on their faces.

"Oh? You two are friends now?" Midoriya asks.

"Well, I sort of just... started talking to him yesterday when I saw him at the mall.. we went to get food and chatted for a bit. I asked him to hang out with me tomorrow," I replied.

"Well, that's great then. After all, he doesn't really have friends.." Midoriya said, concern laced in his voice. I nodded.

"True. He's a really cool guy. So misunderstood, though." my mind starts drifting again, and I think about the conversations I had with him. How he had been bullied his whole life and how he had no friends. I want to be his first friend. I want to prove to him that there are kind people in this world and that not everyone is out there to get him. I want to help him start trusting people again.

a/n: this was a bit short, sorry. i'll try to make it up to you on the next chapter o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o

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