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Friday, 5th of April

Hitoshi's POV

I play nervously with the loose string that was hanging from the sleeve of my hoodie, tying it around my index finger. I looked on my left and right, trying to spot a certain yellow-haired boy. I'm usually not the nervous type. When I interacted with other people I really couldn't care less what they had to say or what they thought of me. So I wasn't anxious because they didn't matter to me. But this time it's different because, for some reason, I felt the need to impress Kaminari. 

Suddenly, I felt a pat on my shoulder, and I snapped my head around. Kaminari stood there with a playful smile on his lips. The black turtleneck sweater looked very good on him, and I noticed that he had a golden bumblebee pendant hanging from his neck. The bee had sparkly wings, featuring tiny crystals and black stripes on its butt. My eyes traveled from his pendant to his black skinny jeans that were distressed on the knees. Kaminari had also cuffed the jeans a couple of times, flashing his ankles. A pair of low cut, burgundy Doc Martens were covering his feet. He clearly had put effort into his appearance.

"Hey, how're ya doing?" he smiles, offering a hand for me which I take. He pulls me in, chest to chest, and gives me a pat on the back with his free hand, and I awkwardly do the same for him. Guess that's one of those "bro handshake" type of things. I'd rather just give a regular handshake or even a hug, to be honest.

"Still alive," I chuckle, scratching the back of my neck. He looks up and down on me, clearly wondering why I still have my school uniform on.

"You didn't have the time to change your clothes after school?" he questions, and steps closer as a bunch of tourists try to walk past us, and all the other people.

"No, I went to take care of some things right after school," I replied. He nods and doesn't ask further questions. I'm glad.

"Should we get some food? I'm kind of hungry," Kaminari asks sheepishly. I shrug. 

"Sure, what are you craving for?" I ask, and we begin walking. 

"I honestly could just go for a burger," he replies, and we do just that.

"You should dip your french fries into the milkshake," Kaminari says, stuffing his face with food.

"Why on earth would I do that? That sounds... disgusting," I chortle.

"That was my exact thought when Midoriya told me to try it. But it's actually really good, even though it's an odd combo," he says, and I watch as he dips his french fry in his vanilla milkshake, and pops it into his mouth. "Try it!"

I shrug and give it a try. The mix of sweet and salty is strange, but it isn't as bad as I thought.

"It's okay. Not gross, but not that great either. I give it a two out of five stars," I say, making him giggle. I finish my french fries pretty fast, as Kaminari is still eating his second burger. He had ordered quite a lot of food, two burgers, large fries, and a milkshake. I figured he hadn't eaten anything after 12 pm, when we have lunch hour in school.

"For such a small man you sure can eat a lot," I snort, and he looks at me, waving his index finger in front of me.

"I'm not that small. I'm 168 cm (5' 6") !" he argues, frowning.

"And that's tall to you?" I tease, sipping my drink.

"You're within punching range. If I were you, I would stop now," he warns me and points at me with a french fry.

"Am I supposed to feel intimidated?" I laugh and dodge when he throws the greasy potato at me. He lets out a small laugh as well, finishing up his fries. From the corner of my eye, I notice a girl slowly walking closer to our table. I turn my head and she seems to notice that I'm looking at her, and a crimson color creeps up on her cheeks. I raise a brow as a "what do you want?" and she comes over to our booth.

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