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Hitoshi's POV

I wake up in cold sweat. Again. Every night. It never stops. My hands are gripping my sheets to tight my knuckles are turning white. I sit up and try to calm my breath. Fucking hell.

I rub my eyes and take a look at Kaminari who is sound asleep on the guest mattress. I can hear the quiet puffs of breath leave his lips, and he starts shifting and mumbling something in his sleep. I can't understand what he is saying, though.

Sighing, I get up from my bed and try to find my jacket in the dim moonlight. I reach for my pocket and pull a pack of cigarettes along with my earphones from there. I take my phone from where it was charging and quietly tiptoe to my balcony. It isn't really cold outside, but the concrete floor under my bare feet doesn't feel good. With my legs crossed, I sit on the outdoor sofa that I have on my balcony and plug my earphones in. I put the playlist that I made for sleepless nights on shuffle, and light up a cigarette. Taking a long drag, I breathe out the smoke along with my anxiety.

Through the glass panel of my balcony, I take a look at the people walking down the street below me. Some may consider it creepy, just watching other people like this, but I don't care. I just like to watch other people live life and try to guess where they're headed to. Is that couple walking home, or have they just left their home? Are they even a couple? I wouldn't know. I see the old drunk man wobbling down the street, again. Every now and then, the same guy comes from the bar across the street and tries to make it home, I presume, without falling over. Sometimes he manages to get down the steep street without stumbling, but apparently not this time. He trips over his own feet, and lands face down on the concrete. Cursing like a sailor, he gets up with shaky legs and continues walking until I can't see him anymore. I shake my head.

I take a look at the night sky unfolding in front of my eyes. The sky was dark with a hint of purple lingering in the distance, the moon had taken sun's place. I take the last drag and put down the cigarette, hiding the ashtray under the sofa.

"For such an intellectual person you sure as hell are dumb," Kaminari's voice scares the crap out of me.

"Don't sneak up on me like that," I hiss and take off my earphones, turning to look at him. He's standing by the door with his arms crossed, a judging expression on his face. Sighing, he sits next to me on the couch.

"Care to explain?" he asks, raising his brows.

"I don't need to explain anything to you," I state.

"So you claim that you want to become a pro hero and that you want to make the world a better place, yet you consciously choose to harm yourself." I can feel him glaring at me. I avoid making eye contact with him.

"What does smoking have to do wi-"

"How are you going to save other people when you are dying of lung cancer? Huh?" Kaminari cuts me off and looks at me as if he's waiting for some witty reply from me.

"How often? For what reason? You're not even old enough to buy them on your own, so where do you get them?" he asks, examining my face.

"Rarely. They help with stress. I get them from an acquaintance," I sigh.

"There are other ways to relieve stress. Healthier ways, you know," he says softly, inching closer to me.

"Yes, I know. I'm not stupid," I grit my teeth.

"A smart person wouldn't put themselves in danger," Kaminari remarks.

"A lecture is the last thing I need right now," I mumble, picking at the skin on my finger.

"Fine. Sorry," Kaminari says, playing with his fingers. "Can you promise me something then?" he continues.

"That I'll stop smoking?" I reply, raising my eyebrow.

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