chapter 1

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"watch where youre going, nerd!" one of the popular girls laughed with her friends "s-sorry." i stuttered, lifting my glasses and holding my books tighter. i prayed that they dont beat me up like last time but unfortunately, luck wasnt on my side. "what are you doing you bitch?!" hana shouted as she pulled my hair, while her other friends took off my glasses aggressively and threw them away, "maybe someone would pity you and like you if you took off these ugly glasses of yours and lost some weight!" hana laughed again and gave me a slap. her friends opened my backpack and threw my books on the floor while laughing, "what? too weak to do anything?" hana smirked, as she tightened the grip she had on my neck. "p-please stop." i cried, feeling the tears form in the corners of my eyes. "shut up you bitch!" she said again, "what did you just call her?!!" a manly voice interrupted, i looked over and it was kim taehyung! the school's bad boy.. "nothing oppa! i was just telling her that i liked her outfit!" she giggled as she quickly moved away from me. "well what i saw says otherwise!" he shouted, causing her to flinch "b-but o-oppa..! she slapped me!" she screamed as tears ran down her cheeks. i was too scared to say anything so i just remained silent and watched the scene. "youre lying. yn would NEVER do that. trying laying another finger on yn and youll see what happens. you know what im capable of" he smirked, brushing his blonde locks away from his eyes. "come with me." he said, softly grabbing my wrist and walking out of the scene. "b-but my books!" i shyly whispered. "dont worry babe, ill buy you new ones." he winked, causing me to blush. omg!! i cant believe my crush is doing this right now! he always bullied me and called me fat and ugly.

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