chapter 7

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jimin agreed with no hesitance, and i was grateful for that since he was kinda new n all that. "is everything alright?" he asked with concern in his voice.

i felt tears form in the corner of my eyes and it brought me back to when i was still the nerdy fatass a few weeks back. i was so caught up in the "new y/n" act to the point that i didnt realize i was hurting my own self.

"yeah," i had managed to lie.
"i know you too well, y/n. any person can tell that you arent okay," jimin sighed and looked away. "lets get you home, alright?" he smiled and then sweeped away my brown locks that had covered my face.
we locked eyes for what seemed like hours and then, his hand cupped the side of my face while his thumb softly caressed my cheek. jimin started leaning closer to me. when his face was a few inches away from mine, the butterflies in my stomach sobered me and i started having a mental panic attack. "is he gonna kiss me?!" i inwardly thought. his face was so close to mine and i almost closed my eyes, but then a very familiar voice disturbed us, "look at you, y/n," he said, a sense of mockery evident in his tone. "new y/n already hitting on the cute transfer boy."

jimin quickly moved away from me, and was now staring at the guy in front of him. "what do you want, taehyung? you save me from my supposed to be bully, get together with me, call me names and dump me then date my so called bully and when i suddenly turn pretty, youre all up my ass and shoving your nose in what shouldnt be any of your concern?!" i tried to remain calm but taehyung has been acting so annoying lately and i wasnt gonna put up with any of his bullshit. atleast not today. taehyung strode towards me and smirked, "i see. youre getting smart with that mouth of yours, arent you?" he took two steps towards me but i remained frozen in my place, trying to stay sane. he chuckled and moved two steps closer to me, "cat got your tongue?"
that was it. he knew how much i hated that phrase. hana's bitvhass used to always say it to me back in the days when i was bullied by her. i tried to hold in the tears because i wasnt gonna show him my weak side. today has been too much.
i were almost lost in my thoughts, but i was brought back to reality when taehyung's index lifted up my chin to look at him. and he was close. so close.
"hey! hands off, dude!" jimin pushed taehyung off me and then grabbed my wrist, pulling me outside this damned school.
*the next day*
"hey jimin," i gave him a friendly hug when he stood by my locker.
"how are you feeling?" he sweetly asked and i smiled in return, "alot better, actually. it was all thanks to you though, really, i dont know what i wouldve done without you."
a blush was evident on jimins cheeks but before he could say something, a manly voice had beat him to it.
"hey y/n and... jimin, right?" namjoon smiled, showing off his dimples.
oh man. him knowing my name is already a privilege, but also coming up to me and jimin first and talking to us?! that is one hell of an achievement.
"hey namjoon," me and jimin said in unison. namjoon giggled, "you guys seem to get along pretty well, am i right?"
"yeah well, we used to—" our conversation with the school's president was cut short when the bell rang. i rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"well i gotta go! lets hangout in lunch, id like to get to know you both more," namjoon grinned and then went to his class.
"hes a nice guy," jimin said and i almost screamed. out of excitement, i grabbed jimin by his shoulders and shook him several times. "do you know how big of an honor that is? having namjoon, the school president — also known as the second most attractive guy in school after taehyung — telling you that he wants to hangout?" i fangirled, but jimin still gave me a confused look. "he literally isnt friends with anyone. when half of the school is swooning over him, he would just be reading a book and not minding them. hes also a gentleman, i heard one of the girls in the bathroom say," i paused, "also quite timid, i have to say. madness luv, real madness."
"uh haha," jimin awkwardly smiled and then i suddenly remembered, shit!
"we're running late to class!" i shireked and then pulled jimin by his wrist, rushing to class.

*at lunch*
me and jimin met with namjoon outside the cafeteria, then we all headed to my usual spot that i used to sit at all by myself back when i was a clown—but now im accompanied with jimin and namjoon.
"the cafeteria is so messy. dude, this is why i never come in here." namjoon said, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"where do you sit then?" i asked namjoon while jimin just shrugged.
"roof top, and sometimes the library but i d—"
"well, well, well, if it isnt the school's president himself that youre hitting on now, y/n," hana suddenly made an appearance, cutting namjoon off. "hey babe." taehyung back-hugged hana, giving her a peck on her jaw.
"oh hey tae," she smirked at me. "look at your ugly ex-girlfriend, so desperate to the point that she lured these two innocent boys into her trap."
taehyung laughed with her, but his eyes showed me something else. he looked apologetic and guilty.
"look hana, im sure you know that students in this school are not allowed to harrass others. you know youll get suspended for it, right?" namjoon stood in between me and hana.
"this is a warning. but next time, it wont be." he sarcastically smiled at her then gripped my wrist and jimin's, dragging us outside the cafeteria.

he took us to the roof top and the gestured us to sit beside him on the ground. we were all silent for a few seconds, only unpacking our lunch and fixing our positions.
"thanks namjoon," i mumbled. "i really wasnt having any of it."
"of course, y/n." namjoon smiled at me, then softly patted my back.
"guys, guys! please tell me what all of this is about, i dont get it. whys hana bullying you, y/n? and ex-girlfriend? taehyung is your ex? whats going on?" jimin said, heaving a sigh of confusion while running his hands through his hair.

namjoon probably knew about hana and how she used to bully me and probably about taehyung too— i mean, who didnt?
namjoon cautiously eyed jimin then looked at me and furrowed his brows. "what?" i asked, stuffing my mouth with the salad i prepared last night.
namjoon leaned over my shoulder and whispered, "are you okay with talking about this?"

i was able to smell his manly cologne from the proximate distance between me and him. his chest slightly touching my arm, and his hand resting on my shoulder. this guy is such a gentleman, his actions were all so careful, gentle, and delicate. the way he stood up for me in the cafeteria, how nicely he treats me, it all shows although we just started talking today. i started feeling nervous by how close he was and my heart began to beat faster. im not used to anyone being touchy with me, since i had no friends.
but before i get too lost in my own thoughts, i quickly gave him an awkward nod.
namjoon gave me a smile of assurance and i sighed in relief, placing my hand on my chest and feeling my thumping heart.
chill y/n, chill. its no big deal, he was just telling you something, i told myself.
i looked at jimin and he was looking back at me with an intense glare. there was something in his eyes; something that i couldnt quite pin. he slightly furrowed his brows and then looked away, "so?"
namjoon explained to him everything, starting from how i was the clown of the school, how hana was my bully, he told him about taehyung and then i joined in the conversation to explain more. then i continued about how i had plotted to get revenge how i went from 0 to 100 during winter break.
"man, everyone was hella shocked when they saw you," namjoon chuckled. "not gonna lie, i was too."
i shyly smiled at him and tucked my hair behind my ear. "i cant believe how shitty the kids in here are. seriously, why would anyone do that? ans taehyung? ill beat that bastard up if he tries to pull a move on you," jimin clenched his fist. "no one will ever lay a finger on you."
jimins words did something to me, as i felt my cheeks flush. he shifted his gaze to look at me and then said, "from now on, dont you worry, okay?" jimin softly smiled.
but before i could respond, namjoon threw an arm around my and jimins shoulders. "yeah! dont you worry. youve got your personal body guards now, me and jimin! nobody will ever think of hurting you." namjoon grinned and pulled me and jimin to him.
"sorry! im just so excited that i became friends with you guys," he said, a wide smile plastered on his face.
"i thought you didnt like being friends with people?" i gave him a suspicious look but he just shrugged it off with a playful eye roll, "no, its just that almost everyone in this school sucks." he said and i couldnt help but nod in agreement.
"listen, guys i have something to s—"
jimin was cut off when the bell rang, signalling that it was the end of our lunch break.
"you can tell us after school, okay?" i told jimin and he just nodded.
"now, lets go to class." i said, looking at namjoon who extended both his arms to pull me and jimin up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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