chapter 4

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while i was starring at the reflection of my hazel brown eyes in the mirror i thought maybe thats the only good thing about me, maybe thats a reason why i should love myself but these thoughts didn't last long, not till i caught a glimpse of a pocket knife dumbed in the dust bin i had no idea how to got there but hana's evil voice saying 'at least try u ugly bitch" started ringing in my ears so i graped the pocket knife n i rinsed it in some tap water while getting my wrists ready for 2 more slices altho i promised myself n taehyung that i ll come clean i couldn't resist this tempting urge, so i press the knife on my wrists n a cold chill flows out of my wrists along w the red fluid after the second one n in the midst of the cutting i hear the bell, oh no wht have u done yn i already missed the first class! so i hurriedly yanked some toilet papers n dried off the blood along w my tears n washed my face n got out before anyone could see me, i noticed its already 9:15 and my next class is in 5 minutes so i run towards my class as my biology teacher makes a big fuss about anyone coming to class after her n tbh i aint got the energy for that rn. as i approached the class i kept a sharp eye on any sign of hana or her stupid friends n fortunately they werent in my way. as i enter the class i took a seat n waited for my teacher who later on started lecturing about sexual awareness which was none of my interests. so i go back to my thoughts n I haven't forgotten my promise to get back on her. i have to. if tae taught me something its how to stand up for myself n if i cant do it to hana then i basically failed him. so firt of all i have to come up with a plan. n i got caught in a maelstrom of ideas but i decided i gotta gather more information about her,, so i open my phone n covering it w my thighs n laugh in my head  "haha how that bitch gon hide her phone like that, ugly skinnie whites smh"
n i start digging in thro her social media i started off w instagram n went thro her following n followers, i found 5 of her exs this bitch had alot already wht else does she want. i commenced by dming them all at once using my 5 finstas which i just created solely for that purpose

after a whole week of stalking it turns out it was her. the 5 exes were all her behind a fake account.😳

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