chapter 5

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they can call me a nerdy fatass as much as they want but at the end its *me* who have seen hana's true colours. not even her phony friends who pretend to be "her besties" . how i found out is a pretty much crazy ...

but that story, will be saved for later. im gonna collect as much information and expose her bitchass infront of the whole cafeteria. the more i thought about it, the more i felt like taehyung didnt geniuenly love me. i felt like he only liked me. anyways, now to my plan.

after getting shat on for the past 4 years, i have decided to put this plan into work and thats what im going to do now. i didnt even talk to taehyung although he tried calling me and texting me so many times, i ignored all of them and put my phone on airplane mode. he also tried approaching me at school or he came by but i always avoided him. he deserves someone prettier and better looking, someone who isnt weak and can stand up for themselves. tears started forming in the corners of my eyes when i remembered the way that hana and her friends clowned me. i clenched a fist of rage and gritted my teeth, ill show you all. so now that it was time for a change, i was listing makeup products that i needed and i searched for workout routines and healthy foods i can eat. winter break was next week, which gave me the perfect opportunity to walk in school like a whole new person and see who the real clowns are now. i was silent at school, ignoring everyone as i walked down the hallways.
"y/n!" i heard taehyung shout my name but i increased my pace and entered my class but he wasnt having it so he grabbed my wrist, dragging me. he took me to the rooftop and locked it with the key he somehow had. i loved him but enough! i cant embarrass him anymore and as they said, if you love someone then you have to let them go... and so i decided that i should.
"whats wrong with you y/n?!" he said in fury. im so sorry taehyung. youre gonna be real mad at me but it must be said, for your sake. i shut my eyes and fired back, "what do you want?!" i shouted, almost sobbing because i wanted to hug him and apologize. "why do you keep ignoring me?!" his voice softened. "i know what youre planning and im not stupid!" i said but then felt my back being slammed against the wall as i stared into his brown orbs. it hurt but i was scared that hed go back to bullying me so i remained silent. but i wasnt wrong, "you know what! why am i even trying. i can get any girl i want but look at you, youre fat and ugly. you should be grateful that im looking your way!" he said, smirking as he leaned closer to me. back to square one. "fuck off y/n, you pathetic nerd! " he whispered, smirking and moving away then brushed his brown locks away from his face and walked outside. i fell to the ground and sobbed, feeling all the build up motivation and self esteem just shatter. why does he have to be so harsh on me?! i pulled up my sleeve and quickly grabbed a razor from my pocket, and proceeded to harshly slide the cold metal against my innocent skin, watching with satisfied eyes at the way blood came out. i sighed and then pulled my sleeve down, ignoring the blood and only feeling the pleasurable stinging effect in my arm.
it was rhe last day of school before winter break, taehyung always called me names along with hana, the whole cafeteria laughed at me but i tried staying quiet. because as said, it was the calm before the storm. as i went back home, i quickly read the glow up notes that i had written and did my skin care routine, then skipped lunch and went to the gym.

i worked out for 3 hours non stop and made my way home, tired and dizzy. i tiredly collapsed on my bed and fell into slumber. the next day i prepared healthy breakfast, did my skincare routine and then headed to the gym. i worked out for 3 hours non stop then had small but healthy lunch and skipped dinner. i did my skincare routine and headed to bed, the next day was the same but i ate dinner too, because skipping meals did me no good.
it was the last day of winter break so i went to the salon and got a new haircut that suited my face. i got my eyebrows done and then went home. looking at the mirror, i couldnt recognize the reflection. small waist, slim thighs, a toned stomach and a sharp jawline. my collarbones were now evident and so were my cheekbones, but not in an unhealthy way. my skin had cleared out and for once, i liked what i saw in the mirror. i went to sleep happily
i woke up and did my daily routine that ive been doing for the past month, then applied simple makeup, unlike hana. i left my hair loose and wore skinny jeans and an off shoulder.these were the things that i never wore because i didnt like the way i looked in them. i made my way to school and walked in, everyone's heads snapped at me and i looked at their jaws dropping, smirking. i heard many whispers, "is she a new transfer student?!" "shes so pretty i want to be like her" but then a loud voice caught everyone's attnetion, including mine. "WAIT! THATS Y/N!" and then everyone gasped. i smirked at them and walked away sassily, seeing hana and taehyung appear from the distance.
heres the moment ive been awaiting. i walked towards them and then placed my hand on my hip. "hey hottie, are you new here?" taehyung smirked, pushing hana away. i laughed, but in my head to keep my cool image. "nah, not really." i said and he recognized my voice. his eyes widned in shock and his jaw dropped. "im y/n, and its not nice to meet you." i spat, purposefully bumping shoulders with him and walking away feeling so proud of myself. i heard many oooohs from the others in the hallway but i kept on a straight face as i walked away. "you bitch!" hana screamed. i clenched my jaw, its time to show her the real y/n. "what did you just call me?" i asked calmly after turning around and raising my eyebrow sassily at her. "uh i- it w-was n-n-nothing.." she stuttered. "oh really?? heres this for making me go through shit!" i said and then gave her cheek a tight slap and then everyone in the hallways chanted my name while i walked away, feeling proud of myself.
this has been just like how i imagined but i somehow still felt empty." e-excuse me?" o heard a low and shy voice mumble. i turned around, seeing the most breathtaking guy i have ever laid my eyes on. i looked at him in awe and nodded, "im new here.. c-could you show me around?" he said shyly. "oh! sure thing!" i told him and smiled. "im park jimin. nice to meet you." he mumbled and i nodded, "y/l/n y/n. nice to meet you too" i grinned, shaking his hand.

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