chapter 3

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it was a usual day at school, since the day taehyung confessed to me, no one ever had the nerve to come close to me because they know that theyll get beaten up by taehyung. unfortunately, taehyung was absent today so i had to go to school all by myself.. i was honestly scared, what if hana and her friends beat me up again! i felt tears form in the corner of my eyes at the thought of that. "youre strong yn, dont let it get into you" i encouraged myself, before taking a deep breath and walking inside the school building. i looked at the time and it was 8:10 AM! damn it! my first class has just started. i panicked and hurriedly ran up the stairs in order to grab my books from my locker. when i reached the third floor, o paused for a hot second to catch my breath but then i heard that annoying, high pitched voice again. "what is it, yn? your taehyungie oppa isnt here to save you?" she mocked me, chewing her bubblegum. i decided to ignore her just like how taehyung told me to but then she held my neck in a choking manner, "or shall i say *_my_* taehyungie oppa?" she smirked and then i cocked my eyebrow up, and looked at her before saying, "i think not. im pretty sure if you tried to clean that ugly personality of yours then he wouldve atleast had some pity towards you and perhaps liked you." i snapped, feeling victorious. "well, i suggest you lose some weight, baby girl. climbing up those stairs everyday is getting harder for a fatass like you, huh?" she smirked, tilting her head and then tightening the grip on my neck. i slightly coughed as i tried to catch my breathe and scanned the empty hallways just looking for anyone so that they could stop the crazy bitch infront of mr but there was no one.. "what? cat got your tongue?" she laughed mockingly. "maybe if you fix that ugly face of yours and maybe lose some weight and stop dressing like a grandma from the 60s, youd look so much better. i cant believe taehyung has to kiss those ugly chapped lips of yours and look at your ugly face all the time and touch all your fats!" she rolled her eyes. "how funny! imagine when he has to go down on you, all what he feels is fat rolls! how disgusting." she mocked me, again. i can feel tears form in the corner of my eyes and my stomach start churning as she said those hurtful words. "at least try you ugly bitch!" she said, moving away from me and giving me a hard slap across the cheek, before walking away with her laughter filling the empty hallways. maybe i dont deserve taehyung. everything she said was right. im too ugly for him. i ran away to the bathroom with my teary eyes and then looked at myself in the mirror. im so so ugly, with those tears streaming down my face and my ugly body. how is taehyung with a person like me?

i looked at the mirror and then wiped my tears. its now time for a change. ill show you. ill show you all what i can do.

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