chapter 6

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wait. i had to recap. new y/n shouldn't be as kind. my first new me instinct when i met this transfer student was to brush him off n just pass by i was noT ready to get hooked by another guy this semester n get my heart broken all over again. though, something about him was unusual. his charming smile, his fluffy hair and what sincerely caught my attention was the intimate aroma he exuded. i can vividly recognize it. no I'm sure i have smelled it somewhere. i got too held back in the maelstrom of feelings that drived Park Jimin to  knock me back to reality. he said "excuse me, are you gonna show me around" he asked again with a swift and the purest smile I've seen. nope i wasn't gonna fall for this. i finally replied with " i have a class right now i am afraid i can't show you around, I'm sure the teacher of your classroom will assign someone to  do that". Jimin's expressions dropped and was surprised by the sudden change of reply and thought it was a bit uncanny. i didnt give him much time to reply back so i rushed to my class and gave him the casual "see you around". to be honest, i felt like the coolest person ever and not gonna lie turning down this fine creature gave me some pleasure. anyways, little did i know that "seeing you around" was that close. when i entered the class,he was right there, sitting innocently in the first chair which was right beside mine. i was a bit annoyed but had to keep it cool. seconds later i realized that paying attention to this dude distracted me from observing the gasps when my classmates first saw me. they all swarmed around me and all the comments of all sorts overwhelmed me. "y/n your hair!!", "omg look at them cheekbones", " damn, that fit y/n" i was glad my hard work for the past period paid off. i was totally content and satisfied for once, after all how couldn't i, i got my ex to drool for me, the entire school complementing me plus a new potential boyfriend. but i wanted more, i wanted that bitch taehyung to come begging for my love, to admit i am his one and only, and cry out half of the tears i did for him. this isn't any revenge this is The Revenge i plotted and awaited. suddenly, our teacher enters and calls jimin to do a brief introduction. he uttered no more than " Hi i am.." before he broke down and cried! right infront of my salad! 🏃🏃
it took a while before anyone approached him to counsel him or see what's wrong but he just RAN out of class. what a loser no one's gonna forget this for him good luck not getting bullied on your first day, he was officially no longer on my potential boyfriends list. i shrugged and sat there eating my food. our teacher went out after him and after what felt like hours one of the student council members entered the class and yelled "y/n come here please" i nervously stood up and moved forward. he noticed my uneasiness and comforted me by introducing himself " hi i am Kim Namjoon, a member of the student council,  your class teacher needs you urgently but it's not a serious matter so don't panic" of course i know who he was, how can i not know the smartest and top student of the whole school, Namjoon was regarded as an elite to the teachers and students, it felt like an honor to be called by him. he escorted me there and i had a little chat with him about my glow up which came to an end as soon as i saw my teacher and Jimin right beside her! she knew about what happened earlier and scolded me abit telling me that my new look shouldn't affect my pridness in myself. great, so not only is Jimin a loser but also a snitch. and now i had to show him around.

i tried to contain all my anger and wrapped my hands around jimin's wrists letting my finger nails immerse into his soft skin. it's what he deserves for being a snitch. i pulled him and showed him around immediately. i kept silently sniffing his sweet smell while walking down the corridor. i showed him the lockers, bathrooms, playground, the school infirmary, higher and lower grade  classes and the boys' gym locker room . we shared some conversations to let the time pass and he hit me with an unexpected " haven't you recognized me yet" i was sure i knew him but just cant get my mjnd to remember when or where. he told me we were childhood friends and used to play down the neighborhood and that's why he insisted on having me show him around it all occured back to me suddenly. i remember letting snails race down his fluffy hair and him enjoying the hell out of it. though this didn't confirm the smell, it reverted to another time, but i didn't ask him about that as i thought its a bitch creepy. anyways, we've clicked well and i can no more hold grudges against him. he's a friend for now. on our errand back to class i caught a glimpse of taehyung in the corner of my eyesight. i felt his intense glare burning me and he almost opened his mouth to call my name untill he caught sight of Jimin walking beside me holding hands and went, mute. i bumbed his shoulder as i walked i walked past him for the second time today. i felt like a queen among a peasant. i bet he now realized my worth and shall never call me ugly or fat again. i entered the class all giggly and smiley and took my seat. though alot has changed since last semester its still the same boring teachers and boring subjects, if only i can change those. i sat on my phone and continued the usual, stalking hana's past i am still willing to bust her ass on something big that will hunt her thro highschool. the bell rings and i couldn't find shit, like always, but i shall not give up, not just yet. teachers come and go this is school , and now its time for wht i awaited most. lunch time. i turned all heads when i walked in and everyone invited me to join their table. i noticed Namjoon sitting alone so i went to sit beside him and called Jimin to join us. moments later and all the rugby boys and cheerleaders come and join us and we become the loudest table. the way i never thought i d join one of these and now i am literally the centre of one of them. choas erupts when hana comes  " are you back for another slap, bitch" i holler. she flips her hair n walks away. i was deeply aggravated and didn't accept her stupid act as an answer. i get up and pull her hair down to the floor where she falls, screaming and reaching out for help. i was surprised by my strength and let it take over dragging her from her oily hair right to the trash and i spat on her. "here you go, to the trash where u belong" i say with an evil grin. she got up quickly and raised her arm to slap me but i caught her wrist before she flung it n shoved it across the floor. she falls again and i hear cheers from the back, everyone knew she bullied me and knew it was straight up karma going down here. i couldn't bear going back to the table so i called Jimin and left the cafeteria. there was too much emotions to handle so i decided to call it a day and ask Jimin to walk me home.

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