Hopefully for the last time, I wake up in Tasha's mansion. She doesn't know that I know. She smiles at me as she sits down on my lap as we eat breakfast. Without feeling any emotions due to being mentally dead, I eat my breakfast. Tasha and I speak while I pretend to be clueless. I act as if everything is normal, even though I am full of disgust, hate and anger. I plan to leave when I can. When Tasha isn't around, I'll use a screwdriver to open the door. I found this screwdriver in the room with the portraits. I assume it's being kept there for when a relationship goes over so that Tasha can destroy the face of her ex on the painting.
After breakfast Tasha enters her room where she writes songs, behind the mess hall. Next to the staff kitchen. As she just entered I sneak up to the front door and grab my screwdriver. I put it in between the two doors and try to get them to open. While I try to open it, I hear footsteps coming from behind. It's footsteps from male shoes, so it can't be Tasha. I turn around and see Tasha's butler. He looks at me with a strict emotion on his face and says: 'Excuse me, but I cannot allow you to leave, due to miss Scallor's wishes.' I stand still in shock, because I never suspected the staff to be a part of Tasha's disgusting ways of dating. I pushed him aside and ran off. The butler went to warn Tasha, so I have to be quick.
I run around while thinking to myself what the best way of escaping would be. I call my boss and ask him to wait in front of a specific address, namely the address of Tasha Scallor. He agrees to come and says he will be there in twenty minutes. I think about the last door. One that has not been locked for sure: The staff's door! I change my corse and run towards the dining hall to try to get into the kitchen. When I arrive I notice that the door to Tasha's room was open. She has probaby been informed of the situation and knows I'll be heading to the kitchen. I go into the kitchen anyway.
When I get there I see Tasha standing with arms and legs spread in front of the door to my freedom. 'MIKE!' She shouts in a creepy manner. 'Don't leave me, please! I paid for everything! I am the reason you found happiness. I give you everything you want, you're the one making it so hard on yourself!' She starts crying and shows her desperate side again. Her make-up drips from all over her face. 'Please?' she says. I feel bad for her. I think about how much she has done for me. She invested months of time into me. I give a small chuckle. 'Well, I mean, you're not completely wro-'
Her face turns to anger. 'Who do you think you are? I'll destroy everything you love if you leave me. I'll stop the payments to the hospital!' She shows an angry grin and tries to show off her power. But I know she doesn't have that power. I speak up and say: 'I was going to give you another chance, but-' before I finish I grab a cooking pan and hit her head with it so hard, that she loses conciousness. I open the door and run outside, towards the way Tyron is coming from. I run as hard as I can to leave the awful place for once and for all. After ten minutes of running I see a car coming. I jump in and Tyron drives me home.
When I got home, I finally mourned my mother's death. When I called the police they said they would not be able to help. They did not have enough evidence of illegal acts to arrest her. So she gets away with it. When I turn on the news the next day, I see the news, with a photo of me on it. I immediatly think of how they're about to warn others that Tay22 is a bad person and tell the world about the terrible things she did to me. But instead, the news flash goes totally different:
'Tasha Scallor, also known as Tay22 and her boyfriend Mike Frederico have broken up last week. Tasha commented that she didn't get treated well and that Mike was ungrateful to her after all she's done for him. She even reported that Mike had hit her with a pan during their break-up. Her new song 'Treat me with respect' might be a reaction to the hurtful relationship she had with Mike. The new song already has 340 Million view op PewTube. Tasha also gave away that she and Garret Windson might become a thing soon. She gave an exclusive interview about her new lover, so check out our magazine to read the full interview!'
I can't believe what I am hearing. She turned everything around and is making money on our relationship? I walk into the kitchen and grab a kooking knife, from here on I cannot tell you the rest of the story. The world of celebrities will forget me soon anyway.

I'll write your name!
Mystery / ThrillerA mysterious story about the young Mike meeting his favorite artist, 'Tay22'. But Mike does not know what he is getting himself into. Follow Mike's mysterious and slightly creepy story as he gets to know his idol better and better, for the worst. Th...