Chapter 1: How it all Began

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Hey Everyone! Hope you're having a good morning/afternoon/night. So this is the first chapter of my first ever book here on Wattpad and I'm really nervous as to what you will think of it. I've realised that I talk as if I have a million followers which I don't I'm just trying to be nice and open to anyone who might be reading this. I might change the hometown if I think of a better one but this will do for now.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything apart from Aless, her mother and any other characters I add along the way. This book is set in the Harry Potter universe with a twist from the movie Frozen. Credits go to the rightful creators of the two.

It was a beautiful morning in Stawell, the skies were clear and the weather was warm for a November spring day. The sun was shining through my window into my eyes waking me up. I opened my eyes and sat up yawning, then I remembered something. It was my birthday today, and summer started tomorrow! And I mean the season, not the school holidays.
I could hear voices in the kitchen which meant Mum and Dad were awake, I put on some slippers and walked into the kitchen to be greeted with "Happy Birthday Aless" from both my parents as I sat down at the table.
"I can't believe your 14 already!" Said mum as she put bits of raisin toast on my plate, yum!
"In September next year you can get a job, any idea what you want to do yet?" Asked dad
"Dad, it's only part-time, it's not like it's going to be my life-long job!" I answered, "It's a bit overwhelming to be honest, deciding on a career path."
"Yeah Robert, don't scare the poor girl" Said Mum
"Ahh!" I yelled surprised as I took a bite of my toast, it was ice cold. "It's freezing! Why does this keep happening to me!?" For years now my magic had been acting up a little bit, I don't know why but it mainly happens when I'm feeling a strong emotion. We haven't done anything about it earlier, because we thought it was just because I'm getting older if you know what I mean. But now it's just getting ridiculous.
"Im not quite sure." Mum sighed, "we really need to do something about that power of yours, it's been going on for years! How about we go buy some gloves today, it is Saturday after all, if it doesn't work today or tommorow we can try something else. Does that sound ok?"
"Alright, anything to make it stop."
"Great, go get ready and I'll meet you here in fifteen minutes."
I went to my room and took the plaits out of my hair, then I looked at myself in the mirror. Brown wavy hair just below my shoulders, slightly tanned skin, ice blue eyes and my Blue pendant necklace sitting on my chest. I brushed my hair into a high ponytail and put on some leggings and a t-shirt.
The main reason we're getting gloves is because I have a special power if you couldn't tell already. If I spin and think wings then blue fairy wings appear on my back, also if I jump and click my feet twice while thinking "skates" then ice skates appear on my feet which can go anywhere. Another crazy thing is that I can make myself invisible on will and even make my magic invisible too! The main thing I can do is create ice and snow with my hands, I really don't know where it came from but I'm glad I'm a bit different from everyone else.
I went back to the living room and saw mum giving dad a kiss on the head saying "we won't be long" and walked out the front door and down the street towards the bus which would take us downtown.
We got to the shopping centre and entered Target where we started browsing all different types of gloves.
"Hey, do you need help with anything?" A store assistant asked us
"Nah I think we're good," I said "hey mum, what about these?" I held up a pair of black gloves, on the label it said they were waterproof which would come in handy.
"If you want, I think they'll do" Mum said and we walked to the registers to pay for them.
After we payed for them we went to the bathrooms to test them, since they were waterproof we could put them in water without damaging them.
"Ready?" Mum asked.
"I guess," I said "we'll just have to see what happens."
I turned on the tap to slightly warm and filled the sink with warm water, then I put my hands on top and waited for the cold feeling to run through my veins whenever I use my ice magic, nothing happened.
"I guess it works then." I said, a little bit disappointed. To be honest, I love using my magic. I love how it makes me feel freezing but it doesn't really bother me, I love how I can wear dresses during winter without freezing to death, even if I get heaps of strange looks. I love how I can ice-skate during summer even if no one else can. So to find out I might have to start wearing gloves to stop it makes me a bit sad. But Ill do it if it means keeping me and everyone else a little bit safer.
Mum suggested getting subway for lunch and eating it at the park, I love both so I agreed. I always get the same thing at subway; Chicken Schnitzel, Cheddar cheese, lettuce, carrot, a bit of red onion, sometimes pineapple, a bit of mayonnaise and have the bread toasted so it's nice and warm. Yum!
I chose to go to the garden park I like, even if nobody else does. We sat down and started eating, I had taken my gloves off so I didn't get them all dirty, it also meant I have a higher risk of freezing my food by mistake but I didn't care.
"How's your food?" Mum asked while taking a bite of her sub
"Great! It's still nice and warm and toasty..." As i said this mum seemed to look around as if someone was there. I turned around to see a shadow coming out from the bushes. It was someone I'd never seen before, he had pale waxy skin, slits for nostrils and red eyes. He looked a bit like an evil human snake to be honest and i did not like it one bit.
"Hello! Are you lost?" I said trying to keep fear out of my voice.
"Why would I be lost? You are who I wanted to find. You see, you are something I have never heard of before and I cannot let you live! You are too dangerous to my plans and a danger to everyone else!" He snarled then seemed to reach for something in his robes and pulled out a stick, no..... it looked like a wand.....?
"Aless! Get away! I think I know who he is! You have to run before-" But I was already scrambling up and backing away slowly before running behind a hedge.
"Come out Alessandra! Come out before I drag you out!" The man said angrily
"Who are you!? What do you want from me! And how do you know my name!?" I yelled out, trying not to cry. And how DID he know my name is a really good question.
"I can see you don't have your cousins courage but the same brains as him, any witch or wizard would know me as the most powerful wizard in the world!" He said with a time that made chills go down my spine as he spoke. "Now come out so I can end your pathetic life. Incendio!" He cried and i yelled as the hedge burst into flames and crumbled, leaving me to face the 'man'. "Did I do that?" I thought.
"What do you mean!? I'm not a witch! And I don't even have a cousin! What stupid planet did you come from!" I yelled frightened. I saw mum poke her head around a tree with a sad expression on her face, no... it was a scared face with a hint of guilt. "MUM!" I cried out desperately as the man held the wand high drawing closer, "HELP ME!"
"NOOO! PLEASE DONT HURT HER!" Screamed mum, "I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT BUT DONT HURT MY DAUGHTER!" The man just laughed and said something that sounded like "Avada Kedavra" And a green light came shooting towards me.
I held up both my hands and an invisible ice shield appeared, next thing I knew I was on the ground, I had hit my head on a rock and started feeling dizzy. The last thing I saw before passing out was a green light hitting my mother and she crumpled to the ground and didn't move.

So that is the end of the first chapter! Please let me know what you think and I already have two more chapters ready if anyone is interested in this book. (I've had this one written for about a month I've just been too scared to post it)
Until Next time

Story of an Ice WitchWhere stories live. Discover now