Chapter 6- Plane ride+The Arrival

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The music above is what I pretty much based the chapter on, as you know I came up with stories through listening to music, and this song is the 'muse' I guess behind this chapter, feel free to listen whenever or listen on repeat like I did and I hope you enjoy this long awaited Chapter!

Walking down the plane aisles, I took notice of how nearly all the seats were empty. There were three columns, each with four seats (AN: I know it's three but hush, it's for story purposes). That didn't really make sense to me, as Dad said this flight was booked out. I saw my seat number and went to sit down, I was in the middle column but on the aisle seat to the left, probably so that someone can easily check up on me since I'm flying solo. I sat down and made myself comfortable and while the flight attendant was getting ready to close the door, a voice cried out from the hallway. I could hear footsteps running towards the desk and multiple voices in the background.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, are we too late?" I heard a lady ask. She seemed to be catching her breath and through her voice I knew she was worried.

"No, you're Just in time. We take off in a couple minutes, so I suggest you find your seat." The person at the desk told her. She sighed loudly in relief and she called out to someone, presumably the group with her.

"Come everybody! We just made it!" A cheer could be heard from the hallway and before I knew it, kids and teens were piling onto the plane. Everyone looked like they were about 8-16 years old, and they seemed to be in their own little groups. Some kids were fearfully hugging each other as they observed all the other passengers, and most of the teens were just chatting away. Some looked a little lonely though, awkwardly sitting next to people but still looking alone. I looked around curiously for the woman who was at the desk, failing to notice a lady sitting to my right who was accompanied by two girls.

"Hello dear, how are you?" She asked me and I jumped, startled. I recognised her voice as the lady from the corridor. "I hope you don't mind me and these two sitting here." She gestured towards the girls, they both looked roughly the same age as me, both giving me a small smile and a wave they sat down. The taller one took out two pairs of earbuds as well as one of those duo-adapter thingies. Putting one pair in her ear she gave the other pair to the second girl who did the same thing. Once they were in correctly, she started browsing her music. The shorter girl took out a book and began doodling in it while listening to the music with who I guessed was her sister.

"Oh no! That's ok, I knew I'd have people next to me anyway. I'm fine..." I trailed off, was I actually fine? The past couple of weeks I've been trying to ignore my feelings, but now it was starting to come back to bite me. I know it's not good to repress, but it's not exactly easy talking about my 'situation' is it? I stared down at my shoes not knowing what to say.

The Lady started at me for a few seconds, I was getting uncomfortable and was about to point that out to her, when a flight attendant came over to me. She looked as though she'd been searching amongst the other teens for ages.

"Hello, are you Alessandra Burnett?" She asked me. I nodded and she smiled warmly whilst also letting out a sigh of relief.

"Lovely, I'm Perry and I'll mainly be up there." She pointed towards the front of the plane. "Just call out for me and I'll be right over with anything you need. Okay?"

"Yeah thanks." I mumbled. She walked off and the Lady looked at me sceptically.

"Are you by yourself? I thought you looked a bit out of place."

"Gee thanks." I thought, but instead said "I mean yeah... I-I'm moving to London."

"By yourself!?" She cried. "Oh dear! Will anyone be waiting for you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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