Chapter 2- Im a WHAT!?

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Hey Everyone, here's the second chapter for you, hope you all enjoy!
Same disclaimer as the first chapter.

When I finally awoke I was in a bed with white sheets and pillows, as well as a couple chairs around me. At first I was confused, but then I realised I was in the hospital. I looked around the room, plain walls with a board saying who the doctor and nurse were, as well as my name "Alessandra Burnett" written in red. My whole body ached but I managed to walk into the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror, what I saw nearly made me faint.
On my forehead was a small cut that seemed to have scared. I washed off the blood and looked at it again, it was a small scar shaped like a lightning bolt which I thought was weird. Roughly a year ago I got a glimpse of a strange looking newspaper in the recycle bin, I couldn't see much but I saw that same shape on someone else's forehead and it looked like it was MOVING slightly, I thought I was acting strange again so I didn't say anything. I didn't see the rest of the person, just the scar and after seeing mine I was intrigued as to who that was.
I trudged back into my bed, pulling on the covers as I felt a bit chilly and looked around.
"Hello?" I called out, but no reply came. I saw the nurse call button next to my bed and pressed it, not a second later a young woman with cute curly brown hair and eyes came into the room.
"Hello, good to see you awake finally! I'm Brooke the nurse in charge of your room. I'm sorry about your mother, is there anything I can get you?" She said lightly. It was only then that I remembered mum was with me.
"Wait a Second! What happened to my mother!? She's not hurt is she! SHED BETTER NOT BE BECAUSE OF ME!" I cried with tears starting to form in my eyes. What if I had somehow hurt her? Dad will kill me!
"Oh dear, so you didn't know! I'm not sure I should tell you but I'll send your Father in to see you, he's been worried sick about you." She said not not unkindly. She went out for a second and came back with Dad who was looking a little pale but looked better when he saw me, he looked a bit taken aback by the scar though but didn't say anything.
"Alessandra! I've been so worried about you! Are you alright! Is she hurt!?" He asked the nurse quickly before giving me a massive hug.
"Dad! Can't breathe!" I spluttered, and he let go. "Thanks, I'm not hurt much but is mum ok!? Brooke said something happened to her!" I added trying to relax a bit.
"Brooke thanks but you give me a minute with my daughter?" He asked looking a bit sad. She nodded quickly and left the room closing the door behind her.
"Dad what's going on!? Please tell me!" I said blinking back tears.
"Oh Aless, I'm really sorry but your mother won't be with us anymore. She died." He said before single tears trickled down his face. "Do you remember what happened? If so you need to tell me." He added.
The news hit me like a ton of bricks. I could only just remember what happened so I told him everything that i knew happened at the park, I guess I hit my head pretty hard.
"I put an ice shield in front of me but it knocked me over, the last thing I remember seeing is a green light hitting mum and she.... she...." I finished, then a thought entered my mind. "Dad? What if I accidentally killed mum? Oh no! My shield must've deflected the light onto her and somehow she died! The man said i was dangerous but I didn't think i was a MURDERER!" I screamed then looked at my hands and burst into tears. Dad looked shocked, I don't think he was expecting that last part. "What if he thinks I'm a monster?" I asked in my head, "what if he hates me now? What did I do to my family!"
"Listen Aless, im not sure whether or not that's what happened but I need to tell you something. Something that is going to change both of our lives forever. You see, the man wasn't wrong, you are a witch." He said and i nearly fainted again. "I've been suspicious for years now and yesterday confirmed it. But you're not alone, I used to be a wizard. That green light was the killing curse also known as "Avada Kedavra", and he wanted you dead. I know it's a lot to take in but just trust me, please!" He added that last part with a desperate look on his face, one that I've never seen before in my life.
"How do I know your telling the truth, prove it!" I cried. "C'mon Dad! Prove it!"
He sighed "I can't Hun, that's the thing, I don't have my wand. I ran away from my wizard life because I had waded into deep waters I couldn't get out of. You'll find out what someday I promise, just not yet.
So I changed my appearance slightly and broke my wand, I moved here where I met Isabella your mother. I even changed my name. You see Aless, my true birth name is not Robert Burnett, I can't say my birth name incase anyone finds out. You can't say that to anyone because i could be questioned by people I don't want to be anywhere near. Please Aless, try to understand!"
I was shocked, that was a lot of information to take in. And I still had so many questions! How come nobody told me this before! What about this stupid Scar!? What did Dad do to make him run away like that!? "Who even am I anymore?" I asked myself. "Why am I still here? Who was that man?"
"Aless? Please just look at me." I looked up to my father with tears streaming down my face.
"I-I d-d-dont know w-what to s-s-say!" I spluttered trying to keep my breathing under control. "H-How come y-you never t-t-told me b-before!?"
"Because I wanted to protect you, I thought I could keep the truth hidden but that was a mistake. I should have told you sooner, I also never told Bella the whole story either. I only thing I kept secret was my true name. I regret it now, I loved her more than anyone in the world. Apart from you of course" I managed to smile "I can't say why you have your gift but I think it's best if you don't use it for awhile, is that alright?" I looked up to my father and nodded sadly. "Good Girl" he finished giving me a kiss on the head "I'll let you get some rest and I'll see you later" And with that he walked out of the room leaving me to think things through.
"So let me get this straight... I'm not just a teenager with a crazy magic power no one can explain! But my my dad is a runaway wizard who will be tracked down if anyone even knew about him. An evil person who looks like a giant evil snake tried to kill me and mum-" my voice broke, "and now I have to try and conceal my power because I'm dangerous to be around! My life is just great..." I mumbled trying to get my head around everything. I still had so many questions though! Who is my cousin? Who was the person who tried to kill me? What will happen to me and Dad?
One of the most pressing questions I had was "Who am I anymore?"

So there's the second chapter done! I might post the third soon as well as post the first chapter of a new story. Keep in mind that I have changed a major detail in the Harry Potter Universe regarding Aless' Dad, I wont reveal who it is but if anyone here thinks they know feel free to comment.
As usual if you want to, let me know what you think about this story, I'm planning to post quite a few chapters as I have the entire story planned out in my head, I just need to write it.
Until Next time!

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