Chapter 4- This cant be happening!

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I paused my music and took out an earphone slowly to make sure I had heard him right.
"I'm sorry, what!?" I asked in disbelief.
"I've found a solution as to how you can get your Magic Schooling!" He looked so happy as he spoke, a huge smile plastered across his face. I was too stunned to speak so I just gaped at Dad with my mouth open.
"Helloooo! Earth to Aless! What's wrong?" He finally asked the smile dropping a bit from his face.
"Oh n-nothing, go on..." I said uncertainly, how had he managed to find a magic school in Australia when he wasn't even a wizard anymore? Wait a second! He doesn't mean-
"Well, it took some courage but I talked to my brother about the situation and asked if he could take you in and he accepted. Here's the catch though... He's in London..." He added unsure of how I would react, I nearly exploded.
"WHAT! You want to send me OVERSEAS to the other side of the WORLD!?" I yelled, "What about YOU! I can't just leave you here, and what if he doesn't like me!? I don't even know his NAME!" Dad looked shocked, backing away, he looked a bit scared but I didn't care, he wants to send me abroad so he doesn't have to deal with me and my crazy magic!
"You don't understand Aless! I'm doing this for your own good, be appreciative that someone is willing to help you! Yes it's a long way away but that doesn't mean I don't love you-" a photo frame fell off my bedside table and smashed on the ground. I picked it up brushing off bits of glass and gasped, it was a photo of me and Dad with our arms around each other. We had our backs to the camera and we were watching the sunset from the top of a hill. I was getting so angry and upset that as soon as he said that, I made a picture of us shatter!
"See, this is why we need it to get under control Aless! If we're not careful who knows what others thing are gonna break!? You need-"
"Enough!" I said standing up from my bed and putting the earphone back in my ear, "I see how it is, you think I'm too dangerous so you want to pawn me off to someone you haven't even SEEN for years! What a great Father!"And with that I pushed past Dad and ran outside. I could hear him calling for me to come back but I wasn't having it, I ran into town until my legs got sore. I saw an alleyway nearby and went down it, making sure no one was watching, then I concentrated on becoming invisible, i felt something as if water was running down my body and knew it had worked. I then spun around thinking of my wings and they appeared on my back, I flew into the air and floated there for a few moments looking around, I spotted a graveyard not far away so I flew there, nobody was there but there was someone I wanted to see. I landed on the ground and spun around again making my wings disappear, I walked down the rows and came to a stop at the end of the line, there sat a newly placed gravestone which I sat down in front of. I was still invisible but I stayed that way, not wanting to draw any attention to myself if anybody happened to walk by. I started at what was engraved on the stone.

Isabella Burnett
Date of Birth: 6 January 1961
Date of Death: 30 November 1995
Mother to Alessandra Burnett and Wife to Robert Burnett
Forever in our hearts

Tears were streaming down my face, I didn't wipe them off because nobody could see me, plus Mum used to say it was alright to show that you're upset, and that crying doesn't make you weak.
*** Flashback to 7 years ago***
"Mum! Dad! I hurt myself!" I cried on the ground, I fell off the swing set at the the playground I was at with my parents and friends. I held my leg as I cried, Mum came over and helped me sit on the grass so I wasn't in the way of the other kids.
"Let me see, it's not bad." She comforted me as I took my hand away, she brushed the bark off my leg and had a look. It was a minor graze but it wasn't really serious, it really stung though which is why I was crying so much.
"Are you sure?" I sobbed, "it really hurts!"
"I know, but you're going to be fine. Don't be ashamed." She said wiping some of the tears from my eyes. I felt embarrassed that I had made a big deal out of it, even if it was unintentional. Her voice was soft and it helped me calm down a bit. Her voice was like an angels, she never yelled and she always knew exactly what to say. I couldn't imagine a life without her.
"Hey, look at me," I looked into her eyes. "It's ok to be upset, it scared you and that's ok! Crying doesn't make you weak or any worse person than me or your Father, always remember that." She planted a kiss on my forehead. I felt a million times better, I wish everybody had a Mother like I do.
"Ok, thanks Mum..."
"It's alright Sweetie, now go back to playing" And I ran to the slide to join my friends in a big line blocking the bottom of the slide. Laughing as I too went down the slide joining the pile of people while my parents were watching together holding hands in the distance.
***Back in the Present***
The tears dried on my face as I stood up, I wanted to use my power one last one time before I moved away to London. I took off my gloves and curled my right hand into a fist, after the cold feeling rushed through my veins I opened my hand. On my palm was a small snowflake, which I froze on the gravestone next to her name. I made it so it wouldn't melt anytime soon, I wanted it to remain there for as long as possible.
"Goodbye Mum" I whispered before spinning around and flying into the air again...
I quietly snuck into the house through my bedroom window, but somehow Dad knew I was home. Not too long after my feet touched the carpet did I hear him call "Aless?" I sat on my bed holding my knees while I rested my chin on them. I suppose I didn't really give Dad a chance to finish explaining before I ran off earlier. The glass, thankfully had been cleaned up and the photo was placed in a new frame. I heard a quiet knock on my door and I said "come in" softly. Dad walked in and sat on the end on the end of my bed.
"Hey Dad... sorry about earlier..." I said to him. He sighed and looked a little bit guilty too, there was an awkward pause as we both looked everywhere except for each other.
"Hey, look I'm really sorry about what I said. I didn't mean that I don't want you here anymore... I was just excited that you have a chance to learn your witch abilities and EMBRACE them! You could have the wizarding life I never really got to have and I guess I just got over-excited, I can't homeschool you so I talked to the person who might be willing to take you in." He said as if he'd been waiting forever to say that, I looked at the time and figured out I was gone for three hours!
"It's ok, I understand. So am I eventually going to find out the name of my uncle or not?"
"Oh yeah, guess I got over-excited earlier, my bad..." he said sheepishly, "His name is-"
We were interrupted by the sound of a tap tap on the window and when I looked, I screamed while Dad laughed. Standing on the windowsill was a large brown owl, holding a letter in its beak. I cautiously opened the window and the bird flew in, landing on my desk and dropping the letter.
"Uh Dad, WHAT THE HELL!?" I said, the owl looked offended and flew back out the window, but not before giving me a sharp peck on the back of my hand.
"OW! What was that about!?" I asked Dad while grabbing a tissue from my desk, blood had started to appear on my hand. Damn the bird had a sharp beak.
"That's what wizards and witches use for communication, owls." He said simply. How he thought this was normal was beyond me.
"Aren't they nocturnal? How can they go through the day?" I asked.
"Oh that's a myth Muggles made up, but recently they've started spotting them everywhere flying through the sky. Experts are very confused but it's really entertaining."
"What the hell is a Muggle, someone with no magical blood?" I asked sarcastically.
"Actually yes, don't look so surprised." He laughed at the expression on my face. "Your mother was a Muggle you know."
"I figured, because she wasn't magic..." Thinking about mum was still painful but I felt better after visiting her grave. To distract myself and Dad who was once again looking real sad too, I walked to my desk and picked up the letter.
"It's for you!" I said to him handing him the letter. It said Robert on the front but it looked like the person who wrote it crossed something out before writing his name. He opened it up and read through it quickly, he sat it down and put his face in his hands.
"Dad? W-whats wrong?" I stuttered, "Are y-you ok?"
"Yeah," he sighed, "I think you're going to be moving much sooner than we anticipated. He says the Christmas holidays will begin soon in Europe so it's best if we get you there before the holidays start so your not overwhelmed by everyone.
"What!?" I exclaimed "But I only just found out I'm moving to London! And I want to have Christmas with you!"
"I know, it's just the way it is." He said, putting the letter down and walking out my bedroom.
"Wait Dad-" But he had already shut the door, I was curious as to what the letter said so I picked it up and read carefully.....

Just wanted to let you know that over here in Europe the Christmas holidays are close to starting... if it were possible could Alessandra come over sooner rather than later so she can get settled in before everyone gets back from school? I get that you probably want to spend Christmas with her but we need to get her magic under control as soon as we can. It's also so that she isn't overwhelmed and she can be informed on what's going on without some of the other kids listening in... as you know I can't leave the house without being caught and I can't work so Aless won't be alone all the time, they'll be heaps of Order members there too to protect her and help her with her studies. I don't know when she'll be ready to attend school but she will need to be homeschooled for the next two terms. Molly will make sure she gets her things from Diagon Alley (the money can be taken out of the family vault, as I don't really need to use it and you don't really have access to it, sorry) and I'm pretty sure her and Harry will get along just fine.
I look forward to your response (good luck finding an owl, this one won't want to stick around)
Your brother (hopefully you still forgive me)

"Uhh, Dad!" I called loudly, I have so many questions! Again! Can't I catch a break!? "Can you explain this!?"
"Wha-" He came back in and saw the letter in my hand. "Oh, you saw....."
"Yeah I saw! What'd you expect! You better explain some more about this!" I waved it in his face and he took it, sighing.
"What other things have you kept from me Dad... I want to know..."
"I know, but I can't tell you! This isn't the right time and I'm not the right person, the Order will fill you in when you get there."
"what the hell is the Order?"
"I can't say everything since there's a protective charm over the place and it's supposed to remain secret, but what I CAN tell you is that they are going to help you get through this... I promise"
I took a deep breath and looked at the floor.
Looks like there's more changes then I originally thought, I just have to prepare for it.

And there we go, fourth chapter done! I don't know if anyone can relate but I do so much editing before I feel confident enough to post another chapter... It's a lot more work than ya think!
I started my last term of year 9 a few weeks ago, I can't believe how fast this year has gone!
What are your thoughts on "Roberts" brother Sirius, were you expecting it? Was it too obvious? Let me know in the comments.
One more thing, do my own views (as a reader) count in the number of views my story has. If not then I'm so grateful for everyone that has read this, it means so much to me! The number is a lot more than I was expecting (I know it's small but nobody never really notices me- stop it! Positive vibes Kori!)
Anyways I hope you enjoyed and I'll talk to you in the next chapter!
Until next time

Story of an Ice WitchWhere stories live. Discover now