Chapter 5- the day has arrived

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"Come on!" I cried, trying to zip up my last suitcase. It was putting up a brave fight, containing most of my clothes, while my other case had my personal belongings. I had also packed a small backpack for the flight with snacks, my iPod and headphones and an extra pair of gloves just in case I ever needed them. Dad had been extra strict with them ever since I ran off a couple weeks ago. He didn't need to be, ever since my trip to the cemetery I haven't taken them off for anything, if they got dirty i immediately put on another pair and washed the dirty ones. I rarely went outside and I had been more quiet as well. Well, most of the time.

"Arghh!" I yelled kicking it, causing it to flip over, some clothes fell out. It had taken me ages to neatly stack everything in. I stared at it for a few seconds, then proceeded to scream and kick it again. More clothes piled out.

"What the hell is going on?" Dad asked, walking into my room, before stopping and looking sadly around my nearly-empty bedroom. All of my shelves were empty, and my closet only had a few things in it which I wasn't taking with me. And in the middle was me refolding my clothes and place them back in the case.
Dad walked over and while I pressed my hands on top of it, he managed to get the zip to close. I stood up breathing heavily and sat my suitcase against the wall with the other one, plus my guitar case. I decided to take my guitar with me, as Dad said there might not be one there, plus you feel more comfortable playing your own guitar then others. I also play piano, but obviously I couldn't pack one, and Dad said that there should be one there already.

"Thanks," I said looking around my room too. "I'm finally done!"
"Yeah, it only took a few tantrums, a new case and some new zip replacements." Said Dad smiling softly, I gave him a hug.

"Can't believe I'm flying out tommorow, are you sure someone will be there at the airport?" I asked looking up at him.
"Positive, it won't be Sirius because he's technically not allowed outside. I believe Remus Lupin and Alastor Moody will be, possibly more but so far it's just those two. Just look out for a man covered in scars, and a man with a walking stick, trust me you'll know who I'm talking about when you see them. And before you say anything, no not all wizards look like that." He added laughing at the expression on my face. "Some just have it worse than others. Plus I hear Remus is very friendly, contrary to Alastors... Well, "tough personality". They'll help you get to the house safely.
"Yeah..." I said slowly, then said to myself "this is gonna be interesting."


Getting through the Airport was a struggle, the closest one that could get me to London was in Melbourne, nearly a three hour drive from Stawell. Since it was International we had to deal with struggling tourists and families on vacation the most. Since it's so close to Christmas the flights were busier than ever, my seat was actually the last one left on the plane which is very lucky.

"Remind me why it had to be close to Christmas again?" I said getting annoyed at how slow the line was going, "No, don't! I was being sarcastic!" Dad quickly shut his mouth as we moved up a spot in the queue and I sighed. Tension was starting to build between until he broke the ice. (AN: Ha get it... I'm sorry Continue reading please don't leave ;-;)

"Now are you sure you have everything? I'd hate for you to fly out and realise you left something behind."
"Dad." I groaned as we finally got to the desk. I set my bag on the x-ray machine and while it went through the scanner Dad and I put our metal things down and prepared to walk through another scanner. Dad got through easily, I on the other hand had another issue.

"Excuse me ma'am, you forgot something." The security man said. He was pointed to my pendant and gloves, which he managed to notice underneath my coat. I stared nervously at Dad while playing with my pendant.
"Um, is there any chance she can leave it on? It's really important to her." He asked the man, he shook his head.

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