Chapter 3- Trying to Adjust

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Before you read, this video is for halfway through the chapter if you wish to use it. I really like this song and I think it fits Aless' personality well, again you don't have to use it but it is there if you want it. Happy Reading ;)

I had managed to get a small sleep in before Brooke came in with the doctor. After a quick check to make sure I was ok, I was allowed to go home. I met Dad in the waiting room and he took my hand after another bone crushing hug. "You got your gloves?" He asked as we started walking to the car.
"Right here," I said pointing to my bag, he had brought some pyjamas and other things in it while I was staying overnight. "I wish I didn't have to wear them though, remind me why it gets dangerous again."
"Because Angel, without the proper wizarding training your magic hasn't been bought under control, and with your other magic it could go haywire if we aren't careful. I know you might not like the idea but it's until we're sure you can handle both magic at the same time." We drove in silence for a couple minutes before I decided to ask another question.
"Dad? How am I supposed to control both magic when I only found out yesterday I was a witch? Is there some kind of special school for people like me?"
"Now don't go talking about yourself like that! You're amazing and nothing can take that away, as for the school situation..." He paused for a second. "You were supposed to be going to a school in Europe called 'Hogwarts'... that is, if I was still living there. I'm not sure if there is a magic school here in Australia which is why you've never gone but I'll find something, don't you worry."
"Hogwarts?" I giggled, "What kind of name for a school is that!?"
"I don't know, but the one in America is called Ilvermorny, and the one in France is Beauxbatons. There's another one I know of called Durmstrang which has a reputation for the Dark Arts, but no one exactly knows where it is."
"Hogwarts, Ilvermorny, Beaxbatons, Durmstrang? Who comes up with those names!? They're ridiculous!" I said. Dad just laughed.
"I know they're funny but they are really good schools, Hogwarts is the one I went to with my brother."
"Your Brother!? I didn't know you had a brother! What other things have you been keeping from me?" I demanded, he sighed.
"Same reason as why I can't reveal my birth name, also your uncle is supposedly a wanted criminal but I believe he's innocent." I was one again stunned but decided not to press any further. We pulled into our driveway and as I got out and walked through the front door I looked around.
Everything looked the same, but I knew it wouldn't be. Now I only have my Dad to wake up to, never being able to hear Mum say "Good Morning Aless" anymore was going to be hard but I knew I had to stay strong for Dad. By the sound of it, he's had to lose everything he had to in order to come to Australia.
I walked to my room and opened my door, then nearly burst into tears again. While most teenage girls I know cover they're walls with posters of singers and they're friends, my wall behind my bed had a massive board filled photos of the three people in my family, as well as the occasional picture of the snow for obvious reasons. I went and sat on my bed and looked at it sadly, there were photos of me as a kid using my magic around the house, as well as me playing music and going to the snow during the winter. I unpinned the one of me sitting on a park bench with mum and dad on either side of me and sat there staring at it. A few dots of water fell on it and I realised it was tears rolling down my face. I dried it off with my sleeve and put it back on the board, then walked across my room to where my guitar sat in the corner. I picked it up and started to play, I was singing as well.
You see, I've always loved music and love to perform it in front of people. I can also dance pretty well if I do say so myself, and my friends have a hard time beating me at a game of "just dance". Right now I was playing "Most Girls" which is one of my favourite songs.

If you can, press play on the video above (for me it's above because I scroll, just press play on the video that goes with the chapter) if you want audio to go with this next bit. You don't have to, it's just a suggestion
Some girls, feel best in their tiny dresses
Some girls, nothin' but sweatpants, looking like a princess
Some girls, kiss new lips every single night
They're stayin' out late 'cause they just celebrating life
You know some days you feel so good in your own skin
But it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in
'Cause you look greatest when you feel like a damn queen
We're all just playing a game in a way, trying to win at life
Most girls are smart and strong and beautiful
Most girls, work hard, go far, we are unstoppable
Most girls, our fight to make every day
No two are the same
I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls
I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls
I wanna be like, I wanna be like
I wanna be like, I wanna be like
I wanna be like, I wanna be like
Some girls, like to keep their physique real private
Some girls, wear jeans so tight, 'cause it feels so right, yeah
Some girls, every day searching, keep the page turning
Sleepin' in late 'cause they just celebrating life
You know some days you feel so good in your own skin
But it's okay if you wanna change the body that you came in
'Cause you look greatest when you feel like a damn queen
We're all just playing a game in a way, trying to win at life
Most girls are smart and strong and beautiful
Most girls, work hard, go far, we are unstoppable
Most girls, our fight to make every day
No two are the same
I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls
I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls
I wanna be like, I wanna be like
I wanna be like, I wanna be like
I wanna be like, I wanna be like
Most girls, yeah
Most girls
Wanna be, wanna be, wanna be
Most girls, our fight to make every day
No two are the same
I wanna be like
Most girls
I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls
I wanna be like, I wanna be like
I wanna be like, I wanna be like
I wanna be like
By the time i finished singing the tears had dried on my face and i had managed to smile, a clapping sound brought me back to earth and I spun around to see Dad leaning against the doorframe also with puffy red eyes, which told me I wasn't the only one crying.
"Sorry if I was too loud, I just missed playing even though it was two days." I said awkwardly.
"Don't be, Ive always enjoyed listening to your voice, Bella also was a good singer." He said quietly.
"What are we going to do now Dad? Too many memories of Mum are here! If it weren't for me-"
"Please don't blame yourself for what happened, your Mother wouldn't want you to remember her like that! She'd want you to keep going no matter what happens, and besides, you still have me." He added the last part a little awkwardly.
I ran up to him and gave him a big hug, "I know, I just can't help but feel guilty that's all"
"Survivors Guilt is what that's called," He said as we pulled apart, "You feel guilty that you survived and she didn't, there's nothing wrong with that. I might leave you alone for a bit, there's something I want to do." And with that he closed the door to my bedroom, leaving me to once again play on my guitar.
Over the next few days I noticed something different about dad, he seemed to go out at night looking for something but when questioned he just said "Nothing, I thought I saw a cat or something" but I could tell he was lying. I also noticed he seems to be doing a lot of writing on paper, and he covers it up when he sees that I'm looking.
I'm also back at school now, I had taken a few days off because I couldn't face going there. I caught up on the work I missed and people have noticed my gloves but I haven't told anyone why I'm always wearing them now.
I was also brought in for questioning by the police about what happened, I didn't say anything about the whole "magic stuff", but I did say that someone tried to kill me and killed my mother. I had covered my scar with makeup so it wasn't visible because I had a feeling the less people that knew about it, the better.
I was also interrogated by people who say they were from the FBI, but I could tell they weren't, they looked a little mismatched when it came to their clothes and one of them spent awhile examining the light switch. I decided they were nice though since they offered me a drink which I took gratefully, and I thought it would be better to tell these guys the truth so I told them the whole story including the part of my own ice magic. They didn't say anything but they looked at me a little strangely when I mentioned my power but didn't press any further, not long after they left a loud sound rang through the air but everyone thought it was just a car backfire.
Finally it was Saturday and I was laying on my bed listening to music and reading when Dad came in looking excited about something.
"Good news Aless, I've found a solution to your witch schooling!"

And there's the third chapter done! Feel free to tell me what you thought! Hope you don't mind that it's a bit longer, also hope you like the song lyrics in there too!
I am so close to uploading my new story, I'm just doing some final editing but I will have it up soon.
Until next time

Story of an Ice WitchWhere stories live. Discover now