Teachers tell you not to point at people because three fingers point back to you, but pointing with your whole right hand to Timmy the Bully at the top of the playground slide and shouting makes them go insane.
Thanks so much for 1.46k...
hey hey hey kids ya boi's going on a trip,,,,, on the road,,,,, yEE
I'm sorry oof I'm super excited but I have to wait till Friday and that's not a fun time hhhhhh and yes this is an art book but photography is art too,,,, and writing???
But anyway it's gonna be real cool and if any of you out there live in eastern WY (like, Laramie area) or SD (rapid city area) then feel free to hmu at one of your fancy national parks of which cornland Nebraska is lacking.
It's 11 days of driving in shady vans around the Midwest and seeing cool stuff and mountains and actual forests (which cornworldia only has one of) and stuff like that.
@ the probably four TAWD fans put there (I'm looking three of you square in the eye right now, you know who you are, and I know who you are cause you're my friends) this will hopefully give me some inspiration for writing things because we will be seeing some of the stuff that is in the story, and I think it will be pretty rad!
And @ you classic sci-fi movie fans, we'll be going to Devil's Tower in WY, so if you know which movie was filmed there, you deserve a veteran's discount at Applebee's.
Also I just checked with my boss and cause the roads are hella flooded rn I won't have to work for the rest of the week. WOOp
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That's one of the places I work, and as you can see, those small, colorful things are some of our boats that have floated away
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That sign is like 4'6" and it's drowning oof
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Also, this dock was like, a foot above the water, and now the water is almost a foot above the dock
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Also these ditches on the the south side are about 7-8 feet deep at the bottom (they are pretty wide so it's not hard to get out if you go down in them) but I guess they serve their purpose of being water sheds.
Anyway, with that, I will bid you adieu
Unless I can whip out some more art fight things and make a decent part for that :V