Teachers tell you not to point at people because three fingers point back to you, but pointing with your whole right hand to Timmy the Bully at the top of the playground slide and shouting makes them go insane.
Thanks so much for 1.46k...
I know this is an art book, but I think that I need to have a little bit of a story time for this part. Trust me, it's art related.
So I had a DeviantArt account for about two months during the summer after 6th grade, and let me tell you a couple things about almost all 6th grade DeviantArt accounts.
Letter 1: they are devoted to a single fandom and nothing more.
Number B: they are even more likely to be devoted to shipping art between a self-insert, Mary Sue or Gary Stu character and a character from said fandom.
And Color §: I was not far off from either
On my account, in particular, and I think of this stuff almost daily, I was a fanatic about the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise.
FNAF was (is?) A horror video game series created by Scott Cawthon that was hugely popular with middle and high school kids between the years of 2014 and roughly 2017, before most of the fandom died out. (That is also when they started to see merchandise to try and bring people back. Now they have a bunch of 3rd graders. Not exactly the demographic they were hoping for, I suppose.)
Now if you know anything about FNAF's fandom, you will likely know that it was a gigantic mess of murder, trashy smut fanfiction, fangirls fighting over Foxy and Freddy, countless theories, the worst shipping experience I have had to date, bestiality, and it probably holds the world record for the most fan characters made within it's short lifespan of a few aggravating years. I should know. I had 15.
My little hidey hole, unfortunately and awkwardly, was with the what I can only assume was small clan of Springtrap fanatics. For those who still have never heard of Five Nights at Freddy's, Springtrap was the main antagonist of the third installment in The franchise, and he could be best described as a moldy, 30 something year old mess robot with a dead body inside.
Springtrap was my absolute favorite character in the entire franchise, probably because when I was a scrappy little 12 year old I loved when people romanticized outcasts, segregation, wrongdoing, and injury. Thanks, Warrior Cats.
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And a lesson I did learn much later on, but that's irrelevant to the situation. Thanks again, Warrior Cats.
Now to hit the nail on the head with Number B, I did ship a self-insert fan character with that dastardly piece of mess.
Her name was Doofus McBarfnose
Actually, no. Her name was Sparks
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(Yes, this is an actual, real piece of 6th grade art drawn by yours truly. Yours truly also wants to bleach her eyes)
She and Springtrap, of course, as abiding by each and every law of 6th grade DeviantArt accounts, were married and had kids. Sparks was best friends with all the ones that fans made him like (thanks, headcannons), and enemies with the others.
She had a fully fledged backstory complete with edgy sob story subplots, drama, romance, emotional moments, and, of course, a happy ending.
And along with the excruciatingly complicated story came some dare I say, lovely *nearly chokes on drink* gems, such as these.
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You don't have to understand them, but just know all these and more do exist on the internet and while I'm not really ashamed I just wish I was a little less of a dumb 12 year old obsessed with a robot stuffed with the body of a child murderer.
But some good did come out of the wreckage, such as my very first piece of digital art ever created.
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Compare it to today, and just look how far I've come!
Moral of the story kids, make sure you don't get too wrapped up in fictional characters and ruin your mind with dumb shipping art of your self insert character and another character. Also, keep drawing, keep creating, and you will get so much better so much faster. Trust me.