ROAB TRINP day 9: the entirety of tourist South Dakota + caveboy

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South Dakota, as I have found, is only popular for the far, far left side of the state, AKA the Black Hills. According to the people on this trip that have been there before, other than the Badlands, the rest of South Dakota is a boring, hilly grassland with maybe a single farm or something.

That popular part is where we went because Number A: We were not far from the border back at Devil's Tower, and letter 2: nobody wants to stare at hills.

But I mean if that's your thing then it's chill

Anyway, we yeeted into these nice looking canyon mountain hill things and we stopped at a pretty waterfall

Anyway, we yeeted into these nice looking canyon mountain hill things and we stopped at a pretty waterfall

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We went across these logs on some steaks to get up to the falls (just like in a movie or something!)

My foot slipped into the stream, which was freezing, btw, and so I was like lmao screw it let's get this over with and I walked across in the stream and everyone was like heck what are u doing and I was like "becoming one with nature, obviously"

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My foot slipped into the stream, which was freezing, btw, and so I was like lmao screw it let's get this over with and I walked across in the stream and everyone was like heck what are u doing and I was like "becoming one with nature, obviously"

But anyway the fun thing about having already wet shoes when you're taking pictures of a waterfall is that honestly they're already wet so who gives a gosh darn if you just go up and walk around in the water and get some neat pics

But anyway the fun thing about having already wet shoes when you're taking pictures of a waterfall is that honestly they're already wet so who gives a gosh darn if you just go up and walk around in the water and get some neat pics

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