The New Normal

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Jamal awoke and he rubbed his eyes …. Where was he … He looked around and saw the room his was in … Was this heaven??? Filled with posters of Janet and other female celebs???  “Damn .. u are up … Shyt …are u ok??” asked a guy …he looked about 5.10/dark black skin./slim build ….. he was smiling as Jamal came too …… “U scarred tha shyt outta me … but I saw u was still breathin … so I figured u just need sum rest ….. Jamal jumped up when he realized he was still living … he looked down on his arm ….. it was covered in a dressing …….  “U did this???” pointing to his arm …… “Yea … couldn’t let an angel bleed to death ……”  Jamal smiled …. “I’m no angel …. I’m da devil … and I need to be getting back to hell ….” Jamal quickly remembered what happened …… and became saddened again …..
“No … u need to lie down and rest man …. Ur arm is kool …but why would u be tryin to do that to urself?” “I unno .. I  was just … Wait …. I aint gotta explain myself to you ……” Jamal remembered he didn’t knoe where he was let alone who he was with …….. “I’m sorry …… My name is Dudley ….. Dudley Williams …… but mah friends call me Will Du ……”  “Well thanks Dudley .. but I need to be getting home … My mother is going freak if she find out I’m not home …….”  “Well … u don’t need to be going no where …. Its real late and I’m sure you’ll be okay in the morning ….. and its Will Du ….” Dudley smiled at Jamal … and for a second Jamal thought he saw him lick his lips ……
Well .. I’m still kinda tired … but I’ll sleep on the floor …. I don’t wanna get in any more trouble …..” Jamal said as he eased toward the floor …. Dudley caught him …. “Naw man .. u can sleep right where you are …. I’ll take the floor … just as long as you ok ….” Jamal looked at Dudley … and he felt safe …. “Okay man … I’m,  sorry tho … its just been a long night ….. Thank you for wat u did for me ….” Jamal reached out to shake his hand, but Dudley pulled him in to a hug …. Jamal breathed in his scent …… and for a second he got caught up in the hug ……  He broke it shortly ….. “Well I’m tired …..  uh Imma hit da sheets ….” Jamal turned over and closed his eyes in the bed …. What was he thinking … he didn’t even ask where he was ….. but he felt safe with Dudley … like real safe …….
He closed his eyes as the sounds of Erykah sent him to sleep … he dreamt that he was safe … that he had never crossed his mother’s path …. That he was finally happy …….. He awoke again to the sounds of Kanye blasting from a phone …….  “Mah bad .. just mah alarm clock … I gotta get ready for work …….” Dudley spoke as he fumbled with the phone …… “Are u okay now?” he asked as he stood up … Jamal notice the bulge in his shorts ….. “ umm …. Yea … I uh … gotta go tho .. my ma is gonna be Livid if she find out I aint come home …..”  Jamal tried to adjust himself …. Seeing the bulge in Dudley’s shorts made him become aroused ……..
“You ok ….  Oh damn  u don’t knoe who my ma is ….. My ma is  Dea. Harriel …. And I told her to tell your mom that you was upset and you had came over here … I’m just visiting for a few weeks during the summer so you don’t knoe me …. But I saw u last nite ….. and I figured u needed some time to cool off ……”  Dudley smiled …. Jamal didn’t know what to think … He know that sumthing happened last nite … he was sure the end was there … but Dudley came out of no where and now he was laying in his bed looking at this dark sexual chocolate man walk around ……..  He had to leave …. Fast ……. 
“Im gonna get goin tho … Thanks for everything …… I owe you ….”  “Well how bout u meet me for dinner tonite …  and we can talk about all  the foolishness you was mentioning this morning ….” Jamal lowered his head …… God only knows wat he said …. He was a talker in his sleep ….  “I uh …. I dunno knoe what to say ……”  “Just say yes .. I’ll make sure you have a good time … I promise …..” Jamal couldn’t help the fact that his smile melted his heart ……. “ok …. If my ma say ok .. I’ll meet you ….. here my number ….”  “Don’t worry about that … just be ready at six …… I’ll pick u up at the park across from the lake ….” Dudley said as he put on his work shirt ….. “Ok …. I’ll be there ….”  Jamal hoped it was gonna be a quick dinner … the last thing he wanted was to fall for another straight guy …….
Dudley dropped Jamal off at his house …. He walked through the door and looked around ….. Good no one up yet … He walked up to his room and opened the door …. He saw a note on his bed ……
Dear Jamal, 
I came back after Dea. Harriel son called over to let us knoe us was walking around at the lake and was upset …… Look … this is not how I want us to spend the year …. We should be the best of friends … and I know I said some things that weren’t real Christian like …. But I wasn’t prepared for what happened ….. I’ll expect your apology later on today and everything will be back to normal ……. 
Not your mother 
Rev. Brown, Your Minister …… 
Jamal looked at the letter …. Was this her way of apologizing??? Making him feel sorry for how he felt …. He balled the letter up and threw it in the trash ….. “ I’m not apologizing … Camp or not … He wasn’t wrong ….He sat on his bed …….
*knock knock *
He laid back on the bed ….. pretending he wasn’t there … “Jamal .. I kno u there … Open the door please …” Jamal recognized the voice … it wasn’t he parents … it was his older cousin  Jay ….. He slowly opened the door …. He looked at Jay in his jersey and shorts …. Jay had been his role model all growing up …. But he moved away after he was shot at  a ceremony …… Jamal never forgot that bond they had …… “Jay??? Wat you doing here?”

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