Love under new management

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  Hanging out with Kevin and his friends was more fun than Jamal had expected …… his crew wasn’t anything like this …. They weren’t gay acting …and were all sexy as hell ….. There was Marcus …. Class President …… 6’2/brown skin/curly hair/slim build,  Akeem ….Base ball Playa …. 5’11/dark skin/fade cut/muscular build ….. and of course Kevin ….. Mr. O-So Fine himself …….. Jamal felt in place with them …. They included him in everything …. They even came to church one Sunday …..  Jamal was doing well in the polls ……. Everyone wore one of his buttons … His slogan?  “Crown The Preacha’s Son 2k7” and it was big …….. Jamal walked in lunch in his fresh DC’s and jeans with a pink and grey skull shirt he picked up from the Mall last week …… All eyes were on him …..
“Wassup peeps???”  Jamal asked as he walked over to the table ….. “Nada much yo .. just plotting on this party tonite …… you down?”  It was a week before homecoming so the parties had already started …but this was no ordinary party … The Senior Freak Party was an underground event that only seniors attended … and you knew what was gonna happen there ……. “Uh man … U kno I am … but I’m not sure my mom is ….” Jamal noticed how his speech had changed in a few weeks ….. “Don’t worry … I got my mom calling your mom and she will handle everything ……. Just be ready tonite ……. I’ll come by and make sure everything is smooth ….” Kevin said as he sipped his drink …. 
Kevin always had a plan for everything …. And he was so good with parents … Rev. Brown even liked him ……. “If you say so  ….. Im headin to class tho …I need to get some things str8 …”  Jamal walked off …….  “So u think he gonna be down tonite??” Marcus asked as he walked away …….  “Yea Kevin .. I’m not so sure that he is what we need right now …..” Marcus stated ……. Under the table Marcus and Akeem played with each other’s hand ….. They’d been lovers for almost a year now …. And of course no one suspected them … They both had girls … but they was just pleasing their parents …..  “I’m sure he gonna be down … plus … u seen that ass???” Kevin lowered his voice ….. “Trust me …after tonite .. he gonna be mine …… and then yall can watch”
Kevin wasn’t a playa … but he was a freak … and Jamal was on his list ……. He’d seen him in Norfolk one night as he was leaving a freak party ……. All he had to do was set the trap and he knew Jamal would take the bait ……..  Tonight was the nite ……
The rest of the day went fast for Jamal …. He was walking out of the door … when Alicia stopped him … Alicia was this girl who had been trying forever to get with him … not that she didn’t look good …..5’5/brown skin/long hair/tight body with sum C cups …. It was just that he didn’t wanna complicated things as they already were ……. “Hey Licia ….. Wats good?”  “You baby …” She stroked her hand over his face … “You comin to the Party tonite? Its at my parents beach house ……..”  She licked her lips …. She was getting a lil concerned … she used every trick she knew and Jamal wasn’t biting …. She assumed he was being holy and that turned her on ……
“Yea I think Kevin gonna bring me ……” Jamal said uneasily … why did she always have to play in his hair??? He pulled away as she played on his neck ….. “Well … don’t forget to look me up when u get there … I’ll be waiting …….” She kissed his neck …. And Jamal rolled his eyes back as she massaged his neck with her tongue ……. And then she felt in between his legs ….. “Ooo …..I like that …”  She grabbed his hard dick and walked off …… “See ya lata big boy ….” She winked …. Jamal shook his head … ‘Next time …’ he thought … ‘Don’t wear the tighty whiteys’ …. He got in his car and drove home …….. 
This was one of the few times he had the house to himself …… He sat on his bed thinking about the summer and how things have been with his mom …… he still felt bad about lying to her …..but the family life was back on track ……. He had an awkward convo with his dad one night as he was coming in from a game …….
‘So uh … son …. Your mom tells me you have uh … switched teams???”  Dea. Brown asked as Jamal walked in the door …… “Uh … well … Dad … I’m just saying …that maybe I was confused … and I was going through a lot of things this past summer, but now I’m thinking I kinda jumped the gun ……” Jamal tried to put a show on …… “Well I mean … I can’t say that I’m not happy to hear you say this …. But I wanna let you know … That Happiness comes from within … not from pleasing other folk … or giving lip service …. Cause while u may feel good for a while … You’re building a house on a sand dune …. And guess wat Jamal …. One day the water is gonna eat away at that foundation ….. causing it to fall ……We’re your parents so we love you no matter what … but happiness … can only come from you ……”  
Jamal wondered if Dea. Brown knew he was lying … This was for the best he thought …… he was laying on his bed and before he knew it he was sleep ……. He was awoken by the sound of his cell ringing on his hip ……. It was Kevin …… “Uh…hello?”  he said sleepily ….. “Dude … I kno u aint sleep …. U besta be ready in 15 …..” *click*
Kevin rarely said goodbye or waited for a response ….. Jamal jumped up and started getting ready …. By the time Kevin was there … Jamal had his bag ready and was dressed in some jeans and a print T ……  He walked out and got in the car ….. “Where everyone at?”  He asked looking for Marcus and Akeem ……. O they gonna meet us at the party …… U Don’t mind if we stop at my house first … I need to get my coat and u can drop your things by ……”  Kevin sped off not waiting for an answer …… “Yea That’s cool …”  Jamal laid back in the chair … for once he didn’t have to worry about nothing …..
Once they got to Kevin’s house in Ahoy Acres …… They walked in and noone was home …. Jamal followed Kevin back to his room …… Nothing special … a bunch of sports pictures … all male …. Pretty neat …..He had this black light and a few bottles in front of it that glowed in the dark ….. “Hey man .. lemme shower real fast and then we out ….. Make yaself at home ……”  Kevin said as he walked into the bathroom ….. Jamal aint mind ….. He sat on Kevin’s bed and cut on the TV …… He gasped at the site of two dudes fucking on a couch …..   Was Kevin gay???  ‘No way’ he thought to himself …. But why was that flick playing??  
Jamal decided he wouldn’t say anything about the flick ….. he didn’t wanna cause any trouble ………  
“If u like wat u saw on the tape .. U gonna love this …” Jamal turned around and saw Kevin with nothing on but a towel and a hard-on ……

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