This means War

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Author's Notes:
This is where the story takes a few more twists..... AS I've stated before..This is My story....I am the Preacha's trust it wasn't as fun or exciting as writing it........
So needless to say Jamal’s last week of classes were not all that great ……… He couldn’t convince Marquice to tell their parents what happened …… he just wasn’t so sure about everything, but he knew he didn’t want his parents involved …. And as much as he hated it … Jamal had to respect his decision … Marquice had a chance … he was only 16 ……. Not fem …. Maybe it just was sumthing he was going through at the moment ……… but that didn’t stop Jay, Q,  Jamal, and Berry from confronting Patrick about the whole situation ……..
“Okay Preachas Son … we bout to  give u a lesson in how we make folk understand the order …….” “Q …. Stop that ……. We just wanna let Pat know we aint going for any of this anymore …..” Jay said ………… He always knew Pat was a closet case ……. But either way this shyt had went on for too long ….. and Jay wanted it over ………. “Its ok Jay ….. I kno what he mean …….” Jamal said … he was in his black fatigues and black tank top …….. Jay made note to talk to Jamal about his new body image …. Which was really filling out ……. 
They arrived …… and all jumped out the car …….. “ok … let me talk first …. And don’t say nothing ……… ok???”  Jay took charge as always . …… *knock knock*  Patrick came to the door ……. He had just downloaded his flick from ……. And  was kinda confused as to who would be at his door ……….. “Well … If it aint the Pussy Posse … and their ring leaders Gay and Gamal …… and to what do I owe the pleasure of the entire punk force???? I don’t have anything to fill you up tonight …..”  Patrick didn’t  too much care for Jay  or Berry….. they never got along growing up ….. and Jamal ….. well he had his fun with that …. Now this other fella … Hmmm .. Patrick couldn’t stop looking at his chest ……….
“Look Imma make this perfectly clear … Stay away from Marquice … and for that matter anyone else in our family on that level … or I swear …… You will regret it …..”  Jay spoke with fire ……… “Hahahaha ….” Patrick laughed at the statement ….. “And prey tell is gonna happen to me???? I’m sure none of you have the balls to face me ….. so lets cut this lil intervention short okay??? Before I have you arrested for trespassing ……..”  Patrick was cocky ……….  “Why … all I wanna kno is why ….. we aint never didn’t anything to you … My mother helped raise you … and you do this to me and my brother????”  Jamal pleaded …….
“I fucked u and pissed on your lil brother …. He had a nice tight ass …… emphasis on the word had … before I ran up and through it …… and I’d do it again ….. because you kno what … can’t not a soul find out about me cause they’d never believe a bunch of cock sucking bitches over a holy roller like Patrick T. Winston …….” Jamal smiled …… “Oh you must want some more ……..”  “No bitch ….. but I’d suggest in the future be careful about giving information out ….” He pulled a recorder out of his pocket ………. “You might get got …..”
Patrick couldn’t believe Jamal had tricked him …… “So it seems the Pussy Posse is running the show now …..” Q spoke up …….. Everyone laughed as Patrick looked for words to say …… “What do you want???” he sighed ……. “Stay the fuck away from my family ……..” Jamal yelled ……. “And this tape will never be played …. But if I so much as catch you looking at Marquice or any of my brothers or friends ……. I’m taking this straight to the police ……. Got me???” Jamal didn’t wait for a reply ……. He walked off toward the jeep leaving the rest to follow …. 
After he dropped everyone off, Jamal returned home ….. He thought back over the last few months …. He’d definely changed a lot ….. He knocked on Marquice’s door …. “Come in” …. Jamal entered the room and sat down on the bed …. Marquice lay on bed staring at the ceiling ….  Deep in thought …. “So ….”  Jamal stammered …. “Patrick won’t do anything else to you …. I promise …” Marquice looked up … “What … what you do???”
“Don’t worry about it … just know that no matter what .. .I”m always your big brother …. I’m always gonna be here to protect you ….. to watch out for you …. Don’t think that cause of the lifestyle I choose that I’m less than that …. And don’t think thjat because of the way you feel that you are less either …..” Jamal looked at his brother and waited for a response …..
Marquice got up and walked to his window …. “You remember last summer when you .. I mean we was going through all of that stuff?? A part of me wanted to tell you that ….. but I couldn’t …I was scarred …. And I blamed you for the things that happened … I even tried to blame you for the feelings I have ….. I dun deserve a brother like you man ….”  Marquice turned around and tears fell from his eyes ….. “Mal promise me you won’t leave and forget about me man … that you’ll never turn your back on me … even if I do sumthing stoopid ……..”
Jamal stood up and walked over to his brother …… “Like you even have to ask ….. anything …anytime … any place ….. no matter what it is …. I’m always gonna be here for you …..”  They hugged and  laughed ….. Jamal finally felt that he had the bond that brothers should have … even tho he still wasn’t sold on the DL thing with his brother ….. he knew they would be okay ……
*Sunday at Church* 
Rev. Brown’s church met at the hotel downtown …….. She was truly excited about the possibility of ministry …. Each Sunday, more folk seemed to sprout up … and the word of God was being taught ………. This week there was so many folk, the manager allowed them to use the big ballroom for service …….. Jamal arrived with Marquice and of course Marcus and Akeem made an appearance …….
They were amazed at how many folk were at the service …. Some in dressed up church clothes …. Some in t-shirt and jeans ……. Some … well some needed to use the shower …. But they came … all wanting to hear the buzz from Rev. Brown …… “After a selection from Jamal ….” The worship leader spoke ….. “The next voice you shall hear ….. Is that of the anointed woman of God …… Rev. M. Brown … receive her on your feet ….”
Jamal approached the mic … this week …this song laid heavy on his heart …… each week his mom asked him to sing one special song before her sermon ……. And he couldn’t think of a better one to sing ……. “Before I sing …… I want to say how much I am grateful … Grateful that God has placed us together ….. Grateful that no matter what we’ve been through … he’s never left our side …..”  “You better sing boi” one of the girls said in the audience …….. He didn’t see, but Deuce had walked into the back ….. Jamal breathed lightly as the keyboard player cued him … He opened his eyes ….and sang ….
I am grateful for the things that You have done.
Yes, I am grateful for the victories we've won.
I could go on and on and on about Your works,
Because I'm grateful, grateful so grateful just to praise you, Lord
Flowing from my heart
Are the issues of my heart
Is gratefulness.
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful
Grateful, grateful, grateful, grateful
Grateful, grateful, grateful gratefulness
Is flowing from my heart.
Flowing from my heart
Are the issues of my heart --
It's gratefulness.
By the end of the song, …there wasn’t a person sitting down or a dry eye ….. Jamal held his tears back … but as he looked, out and saw his family …. He saw Marcus and Akeem … He saw everyone … he was so grateful … That almost a year ago …. He didn’t die …… Rev. Brown allowed the spirit to have its way …….. “GRATEFULLNESSSSS!!!!! …. Yes Lord …. I’m so Grateful ….Are you grateful ???? Grateful for bringing you out of the storm ……. And safely through it!!! ….”
Jamal went to the back and took his seat …. Everyone was telling him how good he sounded and that he needed to be singing for real ……. Jamal just shook his head …. And took his seat …… he looked back and saw a wink from Deuce …… He instantly blushed …… After service everyone was hanging around down stairs in the lobby …… Jamal, Marquice …Akeem, Marcus, Deuce ….  “ So are we eating at the China Palace today???” Akeem asked as he rubbed his stomach …… “Damn you eat like a third world child …” Marquice said as they laughed ……… for some reason .. Marquice got along well with Akeem … maybe it’s because of the sports thing. …. But whatever it was …… Jamal was happy Marquice had someone he felt comfortable around ……. 
“Look … we will get there boi ……” Jamal laughed … “Deuce coming??” Jamal asked ….. “U kno it Eagle Trend …”  “Going where Jamal???” Rev. Brown said as she walked toward them …… She had been in the room making sure everything was put away …..  “Oh mom … we were going out to eat for a few hours …….. You remember Akeem and Marcus right???”  “Oh yes … How are you two doing???  Just keep your faith in God and he will make it all right …..”  She said as she shook their hands …… Jamal hoped she wouldn’t ask the next question ……
“And this gentleman is????” “Um … Due … I mean Darnell ….. nice to met you Rev. Brown .. I really enjoyed the sermon this morning …….”  Deuce said as he took her hand …….  “Well thank you son …. Are you one of Jamal’s male friends?” Everyone stopped breathing …. Jamal couldn’t believe she said that ……… “Uh …. Well I actually am his barber and he invited me the other week ……” Rev. Brown wanted to be accepting and understanding … but sometimes, she just asked the wrong questions ……… “Oh … well you are welcomed anytime …. Jamal …. Don’t be out too late …. You still have one more week before graduation ……”
After she had walked out … everyone started laughin …… “I am sooo sorry she said that to you ….” Jamal hung his head as Marquice, Akeem and Marcus continued laughing as they walked out of the hotel lobby ……. “No need to apologize … I was gonna have to meet Ma-dukes anywayz …… and its no biggie …..I’m sure she’ll be seeing more of me …… They all piled into their cars and headed out the lot … unaware that a pair of eyes watched their every move ……… “Yea … that’s him …”  the person spoke into their phone ……

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