Healing for your soul

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Jamal awoke in the pastor’s study …… he didn’t remember much … he remembered singing … and then nothing …… “I see you are awake …..” Jamal looked and saw Rev. Davis ….. the youth pastor at the church …… “Um … What happened??” Jamal sat up in the chair ……  “Well the spirit took over … and God moved in you for a brief second ….. You had the whole church in tears though ….”  Rev. Davis was a younger pastor … still had all of his hair …. And a cute smile …..  
Jamal looked down … “Oh its’ nothing to be embarrassed about …. The first time is always rough … well at least you not a Virgin anymore …” They both laughed …… “I guess … where is everyone???”   “Oh .. well I told your mom I would take you home .. I figured you needed some rest ……”  Rev. Davis looked down for a second …. “Jamal … can I ask you???”  “Yes Rev. Davis … I am ….”  Jamal knew this drill ….. “Well I know I’m the newbie around here … but I wanted to ask you personally and not get it from anyone else …..”
“I understand … so is this the part where u give me the Damn to hell speech??”  “No this is the part where I tell you I kno how you feel …… I’m gay … well … I’m not practicing …. But well …. Lets just say I’ve been around the block a few times …..” Jamal was floored …… “Excuse me … Did I just here u say you were .. gay?????”  “Yes you did ….. look .. Jamal .. I’m not trying to be in your business .. and the only reason I said sumthing to you was that I needed someone to talk to me at the time I was going through my life …..  I will tell you this … before you go and make hasty decisions .. know yourself … and don’t ever let anyone separate you from his love …. He’ll always love you … but you have to know and love yourself first ……”  Rev. Davis looked at Jamal …..  “Thanks Rev. Davis … you don’t kno how much I needed to hear that ….” They hugged ….more like a brother hug … and for the first time Jamal knew things were going his way ……. “Oh and one more thing …” Rev. Davis said … “Huh?” Jamal asked as they walked out of the office ….. “Lets just stay out of the parking lot from now on …..” Jamal gave him the evil eye … “I’m sorry ….” Rev. Davis said in between his laughs …… “Wateva …..” Jamal walked out to his car ….. 
He returned to school the next day …… He saw Marcus and Akeem with Kevin by the lockers ….. He stopped for a second ….. but then remembered he wasn’t going to let him win like this …… They starred at each other for a second …… and then Kevin walked off ….. Marcus mouthed … ‘I’m sorry’ and they followed Kevin …… Jamal shook his head and went on to his classes ….. “why u acting like that??” Marcus asked as they walked into class …. “cause … you kno how we gotta roll now …. Its done” Kevin sat down ….. Marcus hesitated with his next question …. “Uh … Kev … I mean I aint tryin to be no punk … but don’t u think u takin it a lil too hard with the drugs and stuff ???? Last night you was wild …  and I kno you got them trophies … but ..” 
“Oh so u are an afterschool special now???”  “No …. But sumone needs to be … its not right ….. Can’t you see that???”  “All I see is a weak negro … U either with me or not … So u take it at face value ….” Kevin looked at Marcus …  “well????”  “ U kno I’m ya obi for life … but I’m sayin …” “No buts ….”  Marcus sighed …. 
Over the next few weeks Kevin was out late everynight …. And each time tried sumthing harder … HE loved the attention everyone gave him …… Especially the sexual attention …… Kevin was in a hotel with James and two other dudes after a ball one night …. And  he lay on the bed as the dude with the phat ass mounted his dick ……. “Dammm …” He moaned as the guy lowered his ass onto him ……. James sucked on his neck …… while he sucked the other guy’s dick ……. Everyone moaned constantly ….. Kevin met the dude’s ass each time …..
He picked up the pace as the guy in his mouth pulled his head  forcing the dick further down his throat …. James licked on his ear while jacking his own dick …… Kevin’s eyes were rolling … whether it was from the sex … or the drugs … he didn’t care ….. he was in the zone …. He  yelled as the dude came on his chest … he followed closely …. “Damn yo!!!” Kevin pulled out and squirted his nut all on the guy’s back …… 
They cleaned up … “so wat u got planned for New Years Baby boi??”  James asked as they lay on the bed …. “I unno … prolly hang with my bois or fam … why??” Kevin sat on the bed ….still rollin from his high ……. “Shyt .. Y don’t we hit up Richmond …. U kno its gonna be on and poppin for the holiday”  James licked in his ear …… “ I …uh …” Kevin rolled his eyes ….. “I was gonna hit up church with Jamal …”
“Wat u was gonna do??”  James pushed his head back …….. Kevin looked at him …. “I kno u aint trippin Ja …. Its just …I promised them I would be there for church …..”  “Look dumbass …. You aint goin nowhere near him … U goin wit me and mah bois to Richmond …. And that’s it ….”  James punched Kevin in the chest causing him to gasp for air ……. 
Kevin should spoke up …. But he didn’t ….. James was right …. Jamal didn’t even call him for Christmas …… why should he be trying to do something for him???  “You right Ja …I unno wat got in me ……”  He hugged up to James ….. Little did the both of them kno that that night would be the last of the few they had left together ………..

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