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"Okay, so I finished straightening up my dresser, and I went through my nightstand. Here is the box full of socks I neither want nor wear." Matthew said, presenting the overflowing box to his grandmother.

The lady looked at it skeptically and raised her eyebrows. "I see... Now what do you want me to do with it? Toss them away?" she questioned, eyebrows still raised.

Matthew shrugged. "I dunno. Isn't there like an organization where you can donate socks to homeless people or something? Tossing them would kinda suck."

His grandmother sighed. "I have no idea, Google it. That's all the internet is good for after all." she walked over to the closet and grabbed her coat. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get Alfred from basketball practice. Be good. No answering the door to anyone besides me. Cheers." she waved, slamming the front door behind her.

Matthew placed the box by the door and ran upstairs onto his laptop. His fathers were away on vacation in the Seychelles and Granny Gwendolyn was visiting from England to babysit both him, and his brother Alfred. While the two were away, his Papa requested for him to have his room clean by the time they got back. Alfred got off easy since he's been training hard to get onto the school's basketball team come autumn. His parents have been gone for almost half the summer, and Matthew has still barely even scraped the surface of his room despite his deadline being only tomorrow.

At this point tomorrow was going to be a literal deadline for him.

The sound of the door slamming open startled the twelve year-old sitting at his computer. "Mattie!!! Get over here! Gram's gonna take us out for some grub! Let's go!" Alfred yelled from downstairs.

Throughout their entire meal at McDonald's, Matthew was unbelievably stressed. He'd just keep telling himself that he would clean his room the minute he got home. But at this point, everyone knows that there's no way that's going to happen.

Once they got home, their grandmother was quick to force them to bed. There was a new episode of Geordie Shore, and she felt as if her grandsons' ears were too innocent for such a thing. Of course, she was wrong. They do go to public school after all.

The next day was full of stress for Matthew. He spent the entire morning shoving all his belongings into every single drawer the eye could see. The majority of it going into his closet. For once, Matthew was lucky he had one you could just walk in. It makes it easier for him to just shove everything in there instead of actually organizing his room neatly.

"Whoa, dude. Is this what you've been doing all morning?" Alfred gasped as he stared at his brother's "clean" room in awe.

Matthew nodded and sighed. If his brother fell for this charade, hopefully his parents would too. "Hey wanna head over to the park with Toris? We're going to Carvel after." Alfred offered.

Matthew shrugged. He could continue cleaning his room... But he hasn't had Carvel in forever...


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