06. we didn't start the fire

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we didn't start the fire

" oh, that's the town that used to have the tiny horse! god, I loved him! "

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" oh, that's the town that used to have
the tiny horse! god, I loved him! "

G A Y L E G E R G I C H, loved her sweet, sweet husband more than anything else.

To most, why she ended up with Garry was honestly one of the greatest mysteries of human existence. Especially to one Ben Wyatt who had lost many hours of sleep conspiring how the couple was even possible.

Nevertheless, Gayle's unconditional love for her husband continued to grow through their decades of marriage. The morning of Garry's 79th birthday, Gayle sent her beloved off to work with an extra amazing lunch, packed with a little surprise.

The mayor sat in the corner of Leslie's new office space. Now that he had a full-time job, he still spent every spare moment helping Leslie out on her campaign.

Even though he was a greatly respected mayor to all the Pawnean's, his friends still treated him like the same old Garry they always knew. Because of that, Leslie conveniently 'forgot' to get him a desk or office space, leaving the older man to report sitting in a corner of the room in one of the plastic chairs leftover from the most recent public forum.

"Oh, would you look at that, Gayle is so sweet," Garry said to no-one in particular as he opened his lunch box to see that his wife had packed him a slice of chocolate cake.

Donna and Tom were the only ones left in the office space, Leslie in the conference room not very far. Neither of them as much as batted an eye at his statement.

"I'm surely blessed to have her and all of you guys to celebrate my birthday with me."

Tom scowled at this, "God, Harry, just shut up already, I can smell your breath from all the way over here," Tom said from the opposite side of the office.

Garry's face scrunched up, his eyebrows frowning together as he starts to set up the candles in his cake that Gayle also had packed for him.

"Ya know, Tom, I don't appreciate it when you talk to like that, especially on my birthday of all days. Is it so much that I ask for a little respect? I-"

Before he could finish his speech, Tom's voice went into a high pitched scream.

"Really, Tom," Garry pursed his lips together, shaking his head in disappointment, "I'm trying to have a serious conversation."

"No, man, you're on fire!" Tom abruptly stood up, backing away from Garry as far as he could.

The older man gave his co-worker a bashful grin "Thanks Tom, you're fire too".

"No! You're literally on fire!"

Garry looked down at his sleeve to see that sure enough, it had combusted in flames, his lit birthday candle the corporate.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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