Chapter 2

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You wake up at six am, as planned. The first thing you do, is take a shower and change into work clothes. Next. Kitchen, breakfast, brush your teeth. Now it's out the door and head to the morgue.

When you arrive, Liv and Ravi are already there. They got there earlier since the police had found a body. You know this because Liv sent you message.

"Hey guys!" They both look at you with a smile. Ravi's smile is off course the widest.

"So what's with the body?" "Oh you know." Ravi spoke. "Just decided to kill some random dude, because we didn't have more bodies to examine. Same old, same old." You rolled your eyes. "Haha. Very funny. I meant who is this?"
"Robert Jakis. 34. Grey hair and , surprisingly, very good shape. Well you know. Besides all the broken bones."

You walk past Liv and into Ravi's office. You set down your purse and sit in the office chair. It's so comfortable and warm. This might actually be the best chair you've ever sat in.

"Hey! Look who's here! The zombiegirl and the British chap. Hello, lads!"

You recognise the voice from yesterday. It's Blaine.

You run out of the office to see Ravi walking up to him. "Blaine. What an awful surprise." Ravi fakes a smile. "Please." Blaine puts his right hand his heart. "I'm flattered, but I didn't come here for the compliments." He walks two steps down the stairs. "Then what did you come here for?" Liv asks angrily. "Company. Believe it or not, I do get lonely from time to time." He steps closer to her and gives her the puppy eyes. "Yeah right." She turns around and walks away. "A scum like you? Lonely? The only thing you care about is money and power, nothing else." Blaine fakes an offensive expression. "That's not true. I also like music."

Blaine walks around for a bit and finally turns to you. "Ahh! You're here too. Y/N was it?" Liv is alarmed by him being so close to you. "Step away from her." Her eyes turn red, she's gone full-on zombie mode. "Relax. I don't want to hurt her. I met her yesterday. She wasn't hurt when she came home, was she?" Liv turns normal and continues her work.

Blaine looks at you. His eyes moving up and down your figure. You notice it and clear your throat intentionally, so he would stop. Not that you mind, but it became a bit awkward when you saw it.

"Well. I should get going." "Yes, you really should." Liv says, not even looking up from the corpse. Blaine chuckles. "It was uhm... It was nice to see you again, Y/N." You look up at him and fake a smile. "I wish I could say the same."

He starts walking out. "If someone wants to talk, hang out, or whatever. You know where to find me!" "I'm sure that won't be necessary." Ravi replies. Blaine waves with the back of his hand and disappears around the corner.

The workday is coming to an end. Liv and Ravi are ready to leave. "You coming Y/N?" Ravi walks into the office where you are sitting in his chair, again, and fiddle with your phone. "I'm gonna stay here for a little bit. You and Liv can go home without me. It's fine." Ravi looks a bit concerned at you. "Are you okay?" You look back at him. "Yeah." "Sure?" "Yes. Absolutely." He gives you a quick wave and leaves.

You pull up your phone, to see the phone number that you wrote down yesterday evening. Yup. Blaine's.

He seems like fun to hang out with and if he's lonely, why not? You know you shouldn't call, but you must admit, you feel a bit lonely too.

"To call or not to call? That is the question." You mutter to yourself.

You put your phone in your pocket, stand up from the chair, walk out of the office and towards the stairs, but as you reach the third step, you stop and pull your phone up. You press the green button and put the phone up to your ear.

"Shady Plots funeral home. How may I help you?" Wow. It's actually him. You put the phone away from your ear. Should you really do this? You can hear the distinct voice from the phone, as you lift the phone back up to your head. "Hi! Is this Blaine?" "Yes? Do I know you?" You hurry to answer, "Yes, it-" but get interrupted. "No, wait. Don't tell me. Y/N, right?" You chuckle slightly and continue talking. "You told me not to tell you." A quiet laugh comes from the other side of the line. "I didn't think that you'd call. I'm just surprised." "Yeah, well. I didn't think I'd call either." "So what made you change your mind?" "I don't actually know." There's a moment of silence, but Blaine breaks it. "Tell you what. Since you called. How about we meet up?" "I don't think that's a really good idea." "I don't see any harm in it."

"You know exactly why this is a bad idea." Your seriousness didn't bother him at all. "What? D'you think I'll kidnap you and sell your brains?" His tone was sarcastic but you weren't sure if he was joking. "You might as well. I can't see anything that stops you." Blaine makes a long sigh. "Look. I promise you that I won't hurt you. I give you my word." Should you trust him? Should you hang up? "How do I know if I can trust you?" "You'll just have to believe me." "I need to think about it. Don't get your hopes up." "Sure, take your time. Just remember. You called me." He hangs up and you start thinking.

What the hell. You only live once.

You call him up and he picks up immediately.

"Well that didn't take long. It's a no, right?" "Where do you wanna meet?" Blaine becomes completely quiet for about ten seconds. "Hello? Are you still there?" "Yeah. Yeah I'm here." "Did you die?" "No can do. Already dead." "Oh right. Forgot." "Sorry I faded out for a moment there. I just didn't expect that." "Well. Neither did I." There sure is a lot of tranquility in this conversation. "So, where do you want to meet?" You asked, still unsure if you should trust him.

"My place eventually. I mean, if it's okay with you." Great! Now he doesn't have to kidnap you. Just take your brains. "Okay." "Really?" "Yeah." "Alright then." "I'm free for the rest of the day. When do you have time?" "What time is it?" You check your watch since you're using your phone. "6pm." "I have the rest of the evening!" "Fine. I need the address." "Sure. I'll send you in a text." "See you later then." "Looking forward to it." You hang up, check the text and continue your way up the stairs. On your way out of the building, you run into detective Babineaux, or as you call him "Clive"(what everyone calls him, really). "Hey Clive." He looks up from some files he's reading. "Y/N. Didn't you leave with the other two?" "Nah. I have to be somewhere." Clive has a questioning expression on his face. He's probably wondering where you have to be, since you just came a few days ago. "I have a date.""Wow. That's pretty fast." "Yeah, I know. It's just a friendly date, not romantic or anything." "I really hope so. As young as you are, you don't really need that kind of relationship." "Yeah, I know." "Be careful who you hang out with. We don't want you ending up in a bad situation." You grab his shoulder and then pat his back. "Clive. Don't worry. I'm not that kind of girl." You leave him at that and head towards the bus.

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