Ice cream

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June 12th, 1956    03:16 pm
POV Evan

"Mommy! The ice cream man is here! Can I have some money!" I yell as I try to find mom. "Yes you can! I'm in the kitchen darling!" Mommy yelled back. I run towards the kitchen in a hurry as I here the ice cream truck song playing down the road. I stop in front of my mother holding my hand out, she gives me a smile "Hurry back darling I'm starting dinner." She says as she returns back to cooking as I run out the door to the ice cream truck.

I smile in excitement of the different flavors going through my mind. I arrived in front of the truck just as the ice cream man open the side window, smiling down at me. "Hello young man, what is your name?" He asked "My names Evan, Mister." I said happily. The blonde haired blue eyed man smiled and said "How old are you Evan?" I thought of mommy and how she said stranger danger about telling strangers your name. "Mommy said I'm not supposed to be talking to strangers." I said shyly looking down at the ground.

"But Evan we're not strangers, my name is Mr IceCream man. See we know each other's name, guess we're not strangers now?" He said with a smug smile on his face. I thought about it yeah I guess we aren't strangers "No, we're not strangers anymore." I smile at him again. "What kind of ice cream you want Evan?" I think then shout "Strawberry!"

He looks at me then look back and forth on the road then he says "Evan come closer-" I stepped forward "Do you want to know a secret? I have a lot of different ice cream flavors but I'm not allowed to share with strangers. But we're not strangers but if you want some you have to get in the truck." I thought of more better ice cream flavors and got excited but then said "I have to ask mommy first..."

The Ice cream man shook his head and said "You'll be right back, okay? We won't be gone long." He said with a smile. I smiled too "Okay." I said as I stepped around to the back of the van. He opened the door and helped me in. He closed the side window and the whole van got dark.

June 12th 1969 06:00 pm
POV Evan
"Hello this is the 6:00 Report and this is Lewis Duncan. Today is the day to remember when 5 year old Evan Thompson went missing 13 years ago in a small town in Ohio. His mother Marilyn Thompson said he went to get ice cream from a ice cream truck but never came back in. Police still have not found any evidence about him and there was no witnesses to what happened to him. Police still want people to come forward and call if you-"
The television got turned off just as soon as Evan got curious. "Oh cmon Dad, why'd you turn it off? I just got interested in the story." Even said as he sighed in defeat.

His Dad was old but you can still see his blonde hair blending in with the grey and his blue eyes were still the same. He was normally nice but he looked at him with an angry expression right now. "What have I told you about watching the news?" Evan rolled his eyes and said "The news is bad and not correct and just telling lies about the world to scare us. But dad that story about the boy who went missing was really sad I mean me and him share the same first name. That must mean something."

"Evan..." his dad sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. "I know you care but I don't want you believing in this crap. The news just spread lies to scare people like us from staying out late or not working in our crops. Remember that crap the news was spreading last year about aliens in the fields? We looked and didn't see any in our crops. It's all a lie." He finished with a small groan and rubbed the back of his neck.

Evan looked at his father and knew he was being too hard on him. Ever since his mom ran away since he was 3, his dad wasn't the same. He worked a lot to support him along with trying to keep the corn fields growing. Evan walked closer and said "I'm sorry dad, I know I shouldn't watch the news but sometimes it's not that bad, and I'm sorry for not being more supportive."

"It's okay son. Go to bed we have work to do in the morning." Dad said "Goodnight dad." I replied as I walked to my room to get ready for bed. "Goodnight son."  Dad said
June 12th 1969 8:57 pm
POV Kyle

Crap Evan was so close to finding out he was the one on the news. At least I hid the ice cream truck really good away from the police that they can't even find it. Still moving to Idaho and becoming a farmer wasn't my thing, but makes more money. Stupid Marilyn if only she had agreed to marry him when she found out she was pregnant.

Now she has no chance of seeing her son again after her stunt of moving away with his kid. Took a few years but he tracked her down, disguised himself as an ice cream truck man and took back his kid and cutting all contact with him. He hopes Marilyn is suffering from not being able to see her kid like how couldn't see his kid the first time he was born.


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