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    He loves me goddammit. I know he does he's just playing hard to get by ignoring me and flirting with Lindsey, that skanky hoe who's only with him because she heard he was a good fuck.

Little miss hoe with her mousy brown hair, light baby blue eyes, and her big boobs and her small non existent ass that she thinks is so thick and will get every guys attention.

I'll show that bitch that I'm better for Miles than she will ever be. Her and Molly her best friend, were always rubbing it in my face that Miles was clearly not into me and only into her. I knew it was all a lie though I knew that me and him were meant together  the universe was pushing us towards one another.

I'll prove it and dress as sexy as I can, to get Miles to look at me and notice the chemistry between us. My plan was starting to get heated then suddenly it got shot down. "Kiera! Hey wait up!" Ugh fucking hell of course she started following me. I started walking faster down the road trying to avoid skanky whore Lindsey. "Kiera! Stop!" She screams at me. I sigh in frustration and stop waiting for her to catch up, her high heels clicking against the asphalt the only thing you hear in the 2 am nightly evening. She finally arrives in front of me breathless and smelling like cheap booze. She's wearing a white halter top, black mini skirt, and strappy heels, ugh makes me want to strangle her.

"Hi Lindsey. What do you want?" I direct at the stupid dumb bimbo. She looks at me with a unclear gaze as she sways slightly "I'm looking for Miles have you seen him? We were supposed to meet up but I haven't seen him." She smiles at me in her drunken stupor and awaits my response. I think it over, hmmm? Perfect I know exactly what to say to her.
"Oh yeah I seen Miles, he's this way. Come follow me." I say with a smile while directing my hand in the direction in the woods, she dazedly smiles at me and starts following me her heels clicking.

If I do this correctly, Miles is all mine is all I can think, we stop when we're about 10 feet in the woods. I inhale in delight and discreetly take out the small knife I take with me when I'm out late, out of  my hand bag. I turn around, hiding the knife and smile. "Bitch I don't like you and I never liked you, you skanky ass hoe. Miles is my man and he won't ever like someone like you." Then I lunge at the bitch in the throat with the knife, her eyes go wide as saucers in pain or horror. Blood starts pouring out of the wound, her face contorts in pain and her throat tries to perform words but gurgles is all that comes out. I'm not sure if she was going to scream or talk but the thought of me and Miles closer now is all I'm thinking about.

I get excited and stab and stab until I can't see anything but the future with Miles. I get so caught up my dream fantasy that it took me awhile to get back to reality and see my knife is red with blood and I was covered in nothing but red.

I looked at Lindsey and her once white top is now blood red and torn up from where I stabbed her. I got rid of her, now I need to go see Miles. I start running out of the woods and to my one true loves house.

Sometime later

I run up to Miles door and knock three times and wait patiently. After what I did to Lindsey I ran home, showered, changed into a low cut black top, jean shorts, and red peep toe ankle top heels. I'm so happy and excited for what's about to happen, I wore my sexy half cup bra and lacy thong underneath my clothes. I even washed my knife and put it back in my bag just in case I get mugged.

The door opened after a moment, my true love was standing there with an adorable puzzled look on his face. "Kiera? What are you doing here?" He asked puzzled "Miles, I came to see you. I finally got rid of that skank Lindsey, now nothing can get between us being together." I smile and gaze at his amazingly gorgeous face. "What do you mean? What did you do to Lindsey? Is she okay?" He asks with concern in his voice and worry on his face. "Why are you worried? It's just me and you now, I love you Miles. Don't you love me?" I say as my gut clenched with fear.

"What? No! I never loved you, we weren't ever a thing." He said angrily "But-" he cuts me off mid sentence "Kiera get it through your head. We were never a thing. I never liked you, Lindsey was my girlfriend. I loved her, I don't love you." I tear up in sadness but I get furious "No!!! You can't do this to me! You were supposed to be in love with me!!! Not that skank Lindsey!!!" I scream at him. "Kiera I think it's time for you to leave." He says icily.

I'm not going to let him get away like that! The bastard. I grab the knife I used to kill Lindsey out of my hand bag and I stab him in the heart, just like he stabbed mine and broke my heart. He groans in agony "Kiera..." He shakily says as he looks at me. He falls to the ground bleeding, while I sob in sadness that my love didn't love me back. "Call 911!" Is what I hear in the house as I turn my head and through my blurred vision I look in the doorway and see Miles mom sobbing as his dad is calling 911. I look back down and see Miles stopped moving, his eyes glazed over, they were a beautiful bright green now they're just green.

I run away from Miles, his parents, the cops, I ran away from everything. I ran to my empty house that literally is only occupied by me because my mom is never here because By simply doing one simple thing by taking out the gun I had in my parents room and pressing it to my head.


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