Working overtime

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      I scrubbed my skin until it was raw. I hope to get it all off my skin, I don't want to feel his hands on me anymore. I wash my hair and body twice, hoping that the ghost of his hands on me would go away. I sob and cry as I realize I have to see him at work again tomorrow. If only I didn't work overtime, of all days that was the day I chose. I'm sooo stupid to have not noticed the way that he looked at me the way he said my name as if it was his favorite thing to say. I should have paid more attention to my surroundings and my co workers than all the paperwork I was trying to do.

    Turning off the shower and wrap a towel around me as I sit on the bathroom floor thinking about tomorrow. I start crying again, my puffy eyes are just sore from wiping tears away. I can't tell the cops about him because he threatened if I tell anyone he's kill my sister he showed me her picture not ones that looked like she posed for them but like she didn't know she was getting her picture taken, the fucker was stalking her. I don't know how, she was all the way in California for college and I live in New York.

Crying harder as I realize I can't get help and it might happen again and again so long as he keeps black mailing me. Fuck I don't even know why he's attracted to my body, I'm ugly compared to other girls at the office. Short, flat chest, wide hips, short dark brown hair, brown eyes, and my skin is pale tan, where does he see the beauty? I'm not old but I'm not exactly young either 24 is old but young. Been working at the office working at the office for 2 years now and you'd think I'd know everything about everyone.

I sob in frustration, nothing can go my way can it? First my cat ran away, now I have to deal with this fucked up situation. I don't even know what to do about this. I can try and explain it to my boss but he will probably just involve the police, I can't tell anyone of my co workers because I don't know any of them. I can't even talk to my best friend Angela because she's in the country visiting her grandparents while she's on break. I have no one to turn to.

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