Chapter 2

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A high school, in our heroine's eyes, was nothing more than a cursed place, where different people gathered in order to delude themselves into believing they'll find their purpose in life. Maybe she was wrong. After all, she does have a very vivid opinion about opportunities. Her motto often is: If life gives you lemons, squeeze them in your enemies' eyes. Ouch.

The next morning, the Ashworth house was more busy than usual. No more waking up at 11 am and going to work whenever she pleased for Mira.

It was the first day of her sophomore year at Hawksgreed High School. There was nothing particularly different about this high school that made her hate all the others. It was rather the purpose of high schools in general, which led Mira to utterly hating them. She hated being expected to be in a constant search for herself, during 4 years, when she already knew who she was and what she wanted to do in life. Therefore, they were wasting her time. And she clearly despised that.

Nonetheless, unfortunately she didn't have any other power to fight back with than words. And her words did cut like Japanese ninja swords. She had to attend, because she couldn't defy the system. Her parents wouldn't let her drop it anyway.

She woke up cursing at the sound of the gong. I guess that should be explained. Instead of an alarm clock, her parents decided it best to install a sort of mini metal disc, which, if hit with a small hammer, would make a sound and vibration impossible to ignore. She was used to it by now, but it doesn't mean that it could go by as normal.

After a quick shower, she didn't put black clothes on. In spite of the common stereotype people have about mean girls, she didn't wear death colours and didn't prefer being alone. She went with dark blue ripped jeans and a white lace tank top which fell right bellow her belly button leaving one thin line of skin uncovered. She liked that. Mainly because it was like breaking the rules without breaking the rules of the school dress code. That line would be unnoticeable under her short jean jacket. Mira did not like to use much make-up either. She always went with a little mascara, some blush and a faint rosey lipstick.

The mirror was reflecting her just as beautiful as she was. With her long chocolate brown hair, which reached her lower back. It was shorter in the front, until mid neck, and then it went gradually longer. She had big eyes of a deep honey colour with nuances of hazel around the pupil and long dark lashes. And with her shaped body, flowing like a river, thin waist, nice curves, just at the edge of normal and skinny.

She raised the right corner of her medium lips thinking about why she got to be so beautiful when everything inside her was just wrong. It was like her unlikable personality possessed a too beautiful girl's body. This thought bothered her sometimes, but not for too long. She shook her head sending the thought away in the back of her mind and exited the room heading downstairs to the kitchen.

Her mother saw her and did as much as raise an eyebrow, without commenting on her outfit. She knew it was useless. And, since she never got a call from school about her daughter's clothes, she didn't bother. All the calls were about her mean comments, which probably led them to ignore how she was dressed altogether. The thought made Hillary shake her head in half amusement and half despair. "Good morning sweetheart." she said watching her take out the cereal and milk from the fridge.

" Yup, it would have been a good morning, if only I wasn't woken up again by a stupid 'gong' thing. When are you going to take that down anyway?" Mira said taking a spoon and sitting at the table facing her mother.

" Well, we're not. It is creative. Plus, you know we like Japanese and Chinese inspired things for the house." Hillary said picking up her phone and scrolling through it.

" In that case you should've considered a cherry blossom tree in your backyard, not a gong at my door." Mira argued a few minutes later finishing the cereal and taking the dish to the sink.

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