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In a freezing cold breeze of December, Y/N could be found on her house, writing on a certain brownish-coloured paper using a Quill pen and a black ink. It was Holidays and there was an on-going festival down town but this didn't make any more interesting than writing her book.

Stretching her arms, she put down the pen beside the ink before leaving the table. She headed down on the kitchen to get some hot chocolate for herself, unfortunately, she ran out of cocoa. Y/N heaved a sigh disappointedly.

"Alright. Guess I'm heading to town after all," the young lass muttered to herself.

She brought out her coat to protect her from cold due to continuous falling of snow outside. She then marched herself on the town. Despite the cold breeze dancing on the atmosphere, people were still roaming and lurking around town with huge cheeky smiles plastered on their faces. Obviously, feeling very victorious.

Y/N didn't loose a second to buy her cocoa on certain shop before going back. She wasn't very interested on joining the festival. Aside from the freezing cold on that faithful night, it's very crowded and she had no specific friend to go with. So it was best for her not to join.

Until then, when she arrived at her house, she noticed a black clothed man on the top of her light post, sitting on it while watching on the people dancing and singing down town. Y/N felt uneasy. She had to get him down or something might get worse. The man might fall.

"Pardon me sir but aren't you a bit cold up there? Come down and I'll make you some hot chocolate, please," she told a bit loudly on the man on post, cold smoke came out from her mouth as she spoke.

And with that, a surprised yet cold look gazed up on her.

Who is he? she even thought through her mind.

The man remained silent and ignored her sentences. Y/N felt a bit annoyed at the man's attitude.

She spoke again, "Please sir, it's very dangerous out there. Come down, let me make you some hot chocolate."

The opposite latter stared down on her coldly, sending chills down on her spine. And with a blink of an eye, he went down from the post instantaneously.

Y/N was a bit stumbled as she felt a huge breeze brushed to her as the man came down. She blinked and saw the full figure of the man. He was wearing exceptionally black, only his face and both of his hands were visibly seen that were pale than anyone Y/N have seen in her entire existence.

"H-How?..." She stuttered, her question referring to the swift move of the mysterious man now on her front.

She mentally shook her head as she totally ignored what just happened. "Come inside sir, it's cold out here..."  she invited sweetly as she showed a genuine smile on him who was still wearing a straight and unexplainable face.

She inserted her golden key on the key hole of her house and opened it, waiting for the mysterious man to come inside who immediately did. Y/N then closed the door. She never had any idea why would she let someone come inside her house. Pathetic as everyone would say but she didn't care.

"Please sir, have a sit and make yourself comfortable. I'll just make us some hot chocolate in a minute," Y/N said to him, wearing a smile as she gestured to let him sit on her couch.

Y/N then excitedly went to her kitchen and make two mugs of hot chocolate like what she promised to herself and him.

It didn't took her so long to make it and brought it with her to the living room. She handed him his hot chocolate who immediately accepted. She then sat on her couch adjacent to the opposite lad.

Y/N blew her hot chocolate before sipping it. "It's quite cold outside, isn't it?" She asked as she let out a small giggle. "I don't understand why people continued partying when it was freezing to begin with. Can't they postponed it?" she continued talking.


Couple of seconds that felt like millions had passed and the opposite lad didn't even bothered to utter a single word nor drinking his hot chocolate. He was just there, sitting and carefully observing her and her features. With these stares, Y/N felt uneasy so she gazed up on him and met his eyes.

"Uhm..." She said, agitated at his stares. "May I know your name sir?" she asked, breaking the silence between them.

The unknown man blinked and seconds after, he stood up and headed himself out of the house.

"You're leaving?" Y/N asked again. "Please, stay."

Nonetheless, the man seemed to ignore her plea as he marched himself out of the house, not looking back. As soon as he closed the door a bit loud, Y/N ran up to the door hoping that he was still outside. Unfortunately, there wasn't any. No person. Only herself.

"That's weird. Where did he go?" she murmured before closing the door once again. Disappointment was all written on her face.


How on earth did she do that? Yoongi asked himself as soon as he teleported on the tower. Up there, no one could disturb him and of course, he could see the full view of the festival. No one supposedly can see me. How did she managed to see me?

Frustrated, he felt something. Someone was dying in 16 seconds. Yoongi disintegrated himself and teleported at the person who was dying. It was an old beggar on the street.

10 seconds...

Yoongi stood still a bit distant to her, waiting for the time to tick.

5 seconds...

"I'm sorry human but I have nothing to do..." Yoongi whispered, looking at her.

And seconds after, the old woman died, closing her eyes as she fell down on the cold freezing snow. A soul then came out from her and Yoongi went closer at the confused soul.

"I came to collect your soul. The Gods will judge where you will be put on the rest of your afterlife. Come," Yoongi told her coldly before snapping his fingers. A black oval then appeared in front of the soul. It was the portal of the Judgement World where the Gods will make their decision on where to put the souls for eternity.

"Go inside human," Yoongi commanded.

And with his command, the human's soul went inside the black oval and vanished in the thick air.

Yoongi looked down on the dead body. Somehow he felt pity on it. But he never had choice. It was his duty. He was one of the Seven Holy Guardians. The Guardian of Death.

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