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"This is the manuscript I just finished sir," Y/N said as she handed the hard-bounded manuscript. That was the one she was bustling herself for couple of weeks. This was her job. Being a book writer.

Mr. Hadleigh, her publisher, replied a smile at her. "I'm impressed. You finished another novel after a month huh? It's holiday!" he remarked making Y/N laughed at him slightly.

"Yeah but I feel so bored doing nothing. It would be best if I keep writing while ideas are still fresh, don't you think?" Y/N replied, smiling so widely.

"Hmm..." Mr. Hadleigh hummed while nodding his head. "Alright. I'll run through this pages later," he continued while putting her manuscript on the table next to him.

The opposite man cleared his throat. "Anyway, I heard you almost hit by a ran away carriage. Are you alright?" He asked, worried at her recent situation.

"Don't worry gaffer, I'm alright. Besides, I'm a cat. I have nine lives!" Y/N replied, joking.

[Gaffer - (British) Boss]

Mr. Hadleigh just scoffed at her response. "You're human. Not a cat. You want to grab some cuppa?"

Y/N shook her head. "Don't bother Mr. Hadleigh. I'm going to your library to grab some books to read!" She excitedly said and extending her hands.

Mr. Hadleigh understood that gestures so he fished for his golden key for his library. "Don't lose this key, okay?"

Y/N laughed. She knew these key was the tenth one since she always lost the keys. She didn't know though or she just being so careless to lose.

"Yeah yeah. Got it. I won't lose this key this time around," Y/N replied as she smiled, reassuring the man opposite her.

Y/N then headed herself to the library. She was eager to read further that book and since it still holiday, she had enough time to read it. She inserted the key on the key hole. As soon as she heard a clicked, she swung the door open. Y/N then went inside.

She smiled as a memory flashed to her. It was so vivid that she still can remember it.


Y/N could be found on the library while riding on the ladder. She was finding a certain book, a dictionary that would help her on her on-going novel. She was carefully searching for it.

When one thing suddenly happened. She admitted that the latter was crook and old and it might break anytime but she was very determined to get the book so she risked herself and rode it. But since the ladder can't take anymore her weight, it started to break, outbalancing her on the process.

She thought it was the last time that she would be alive because the next thing after she will fall, she would be dead.

"AHHHH!" Y/N yelled but she knew no one would hear her since no one was around. She was sure she would be dead at that moment.

Suddenly, someone's arms caught her and brought her on the floor carefully. She opened her eyes but all she could see was a blurry face of a man who had saved her from death.

A loud thud of the floor was then heard. It was the ladder.

"T-Thank you... for saving me..." Y/N thanked him but before her eyes fully see the clear view of his face, he disappeared in the thin air.

Y/N rubbed her eyes. "Huh? Where did he go?"


Y/N shrugged that memory out of her head. She then brought with her the ladder. Unlike from her memory, this ladder was sturdy and safe. She then climbed it and went to the section where the supernatural books were located.

Yes, indeed. She believed in the supernatural world and its living entities. Sadly, she couldn't tell to anyone or she would end up beheaded. Stupidity as believing in them was enough to behead a person and she couldn't risked herself that. So she hid this secret a long time ago 'till now and no one still have any clue of it, including Mr. Hadleigh himself.

Y/N finally found it. She then brought it with her and sat on the table, carefully reading the content inside the book.


On the other end of the spectrum, The Fire Guardian and The Wind Guardian, who were Taehyung and Jimin, were on their faces again, pranking each other using each of their powers.

Since both of them have powerful powers, it's very dangerous to humans. But for the guardians like their older friends, it's very minimal.

"Yah stop throwing me your fire balls!" Jimin exclaimed at Taehyung as he continuously removed all the oxygen content on the fire to put it down. He was a Wind Guardian, it was easy for him but because Taehyung was also a guardian, his fire balls were extra-ordinary.

"Then stop teasing me!" Taehyung responded loudly as he continued throwing fire balls at the opposite latter.

Jin, as the Guardian of Water, he put out Taehyung's fire balls by throwing water to them. "Stop bickering you wankers! Aish! I'm going mad as a bag of ferets because of you."

[Wanker - (British) Idiot, Mad as a bag of ferets - (British) Crazy]

Taehyung pouted while Jimin on the other hand was wearing a victorious smile.

"Thanks Jin for saving me!" Jimin said as he flew over to Jin who just wore an unamused look on his face.

"I came here to pick you up. We have some work to do on the eastern part," Jin said before dragging the poor latter with him.

Taehyung just laughed at him. He then stopped as soon as he noticed The Soul Guardian, Jungkook going closer to him. Him and Yoongi had relationship between their powers. However, his work was only to guide the souls of humans not to fall into darkness. He need to keep the balance of their souls.

"Oh, Jungkook!" Taehyung called him.

"Have you seen Yoongi?" He asked.

Taehyung hummed and shook his head. "No. Try asking Hoseok. He probably went out again."

Jungkook just nodded and went to the living room. This where the Life and Death Guardians used to work each day. They don't necessarily go out but Yoongi was a bit different. He liked to watch people die and take their souls personally, sending them to the Judgement World but this only happens during the day. At night, he only used his powers to collect their souls at home. Then went out again during the day. However, in every 24th day of December, Yoongi went out the whole 24 hours.

Jungkook could feel the seriousness as he went closer the living room.

"How's that even possible?"

That's Hoseok's voice. Jungkook then appeared and sat on the couch to listen them.

"I also don't know. She can see me..." Yoongi replied.

It was surprising for Jungkook to see Yoongi around the house during the day.

"Hmm... Well, deal with that problem. I have some work to do. Bye-bye!"

Hoseok then left the room. Jungkook then turned his gaze to Yoongi who was wearing a straight and unexplainable face.

"I'll go out now Jungkook."

That was the last sentence Jungkook heard before Yoongi disintegrated himself and teleported somewhere.

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