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The Four Guardians, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok was hovering over Y/N who was sleeping on her couch peacefully while a book was still on her hand. The four guardians were observing her closely, or more like analyzing her by the features of her body.

Taehyung hummed. "She's beautiful," he then commented, staring intently at the young lass.

Jungkook nodded, agreeing to what Taehyung had said. "Yoongi has taste, I see."

Y/N felt someone was watching her that she felt very uneasy and uncomfortable. She flung her eyes open and there she saw four pairs of eyes was looking at her, or should she say, staring at her.

She immediately get up and screamed, surprised at what she saw. Four men? On her house? What on earth was going on?

"W-Who are you?!" She asked them, still shocked on their sudden presence. "Why are you in my house?!" She questioned again.

Jimin nodded, putting his finger on his chin. "A total opposite of Yoongi, huh? Opposite really does attract. Like magnet and metal," he commented, nodding his head, analyzing the young lady in front of him.

"Why are you here?! Get out or I'll sue the four of you!" Y/N threatened loudly as she gazed up on them sharply on the process.

It was Hoseok's turn to nod while analyzing her. "Quite feisty, I see. Yoongi and you are a perfect match."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. "Yoongi? You know Yoongi?" she asked in confusion.

Jimin smiled at her. "Of course. We're part of the Holy 7 Guardians. Of course we know each other!" He replied, making Y/N's mouth hung open. "I'm Jimin, by the way. I'm the Guardian of the Wind. I'm responsible of the air that human's were breathing," he continued, introducing himself.

"And I'm Taehyung. Guardian of Fire. I'm responsible of heat that warmed up the living and non-living things. Anyway, nice to finally meet you!" Taehyung introduced himself and even hugged her.

"My name's Jungkook. I guard the Souls. I helped everyone's souls not to fall on the darkness. I also cleansed those sinful souls," Jungkook simply introduced, showing his bunny smile on her.

"Hello!" Hoseok exclaimed, smiling so brightly at her. "I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi. And I'm the Guardian of Life, so basically I helped you get and have your life in this world. And that's why I know you!" He continued, emitting so much brightness from him. He was the Life Guardian so it was expected.

Y/N squinted her eyes. "So you all are real?!" She questioned.

"Of course," Jungkook replied. "Why wouldn't we? We are in charged in guarding the world."

"I can't believe it. I'm dreaming, right?" Y/N still staring at them, still lost at what they were talking about. It was too much to take in.

Jimin shook his head and smiled. "No, Y/N. We guardians are real. We are just not visible to human's eyes," he responded.

Taehyung exhaled and inhaled again, filling in his lungs. "Woah. Yoongi wasn't kidding. She really could see us, as guardians."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Yoongi doesn't joke, you know?" he responded with a bored expression on his face.

Taehyung hummed as he was nodding his head, up and down. "Well, you have a good point there."

"Uhm... Where's Yoongi?" Y/N asked profusely.

"Oh your saviour? He wasn't here," Hoseok responded.

Y/N didn't know what exactly she felt at that but somehow, she felt so disappointed. She was looking forward on seeing him.

"Oh don't worry! I'm sure he'll come back to see you again," Hoseok reassured as he let out an awkward laugh at her.

Y/N just replied a nod and smiled.

"Oh snap!" Jimin suddenly said, slightly startling all of them. Something was telling him that the wind on the far east pacific ocean wasn't good and balanced. He had to report there immediately and see what was happening. "I have some work to do. See you next time, Y/N!" He said before disintegrating. Probably, teleported himself on the place.

Taehyung turned himself to Y/N. "We should get going too Y/N. Nice meeting you anyway!" He said as soon as he remembered that he also had some work to do. He smiled at her.

"Yeah. It was a pleasure to finally meet you," Jungkook said.

Hoseok ruffled her hair. "See you around, Y/N."

With those words, all three vanished in the air. Obviously, teleported themselves back.

Y/N was left exhaling air. All revelations at once?! First Yoongi. Now them? This is making me crazy... Well! I should get back on reading then!


It was 9 PM in the night and Y/N still on her couch, still reading on the book she had stolen from the library. She had to learn more about the existence of Yoongi and the rest, the existence of the Guardians.

When suddenly, Y/N felt someone was watching her. She put down her book only to find unknown creatures on her house. They were many. They were black, with tails and long nails. She couldn't move. Then it started to attack her. But only thing that Y/N managed to do despite being frozen and had no idea what to do was to call him.


It was merely a soft whisper and inaudible word but it managed Yoongi to appear on her side. Bringing her on his embrace, he spoke some unfamiliar words.


It was a spell and the unknown creatures screamed as the dark smoke started to consume them and deteriorating them.

Soon enough, all of them died and vanished.

Y/N was uncontrollably shaking. "W-Who are they?" She asked, terrified that it almost make her tear up. She looked at him while her arms was still on his waist.

"Succubi. They came after you now, huh?" He replied.

Tearing up, Y/N buried herself on Yoongi's chest, hugging him tightly. Yoongi could hear her small sobs. He let the woman to hug him. That must scared her so much. He kissed her hair softly.

"Why are they after me? I have done nothing!" Y/N mumbled, asking confusedly as she still crying.

Yoongi separated himself from the hug but his hands was still on her waist. He looked at her. "Live with me, Y/N."

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