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It was late as 11PM on the night and Yoongi surprisingly went back from their house. Unlike from the book of fairytales where humans used to believe that guardians like him lived on a mansion, pillars as white as snow, gigantic that would be as sized as two palaces combined, elegant just like their titles as the Guardians but all of these was fake. It wasn't true. Guardians lived on a simple house made by red bricks and wood just like humans, only humans can't see it. Aside from that, humans can't easily find the house even if they could see it. It was located a little bit distant from where humans lived.

"Oh, brother! You came back!" The Wind Guardian, Jimin, exclaimed as soon as he noticed his presence. His eyes twinkled as he saw him.

Jimin was siting on the couch with The Life Guardian named Hoseok. They were drinking some hot cocoa.

"You came back so early? Why?" Hoseok asked, closing his eyes as his head leaning on his right hand.

Hoseok was as powerful as Yoongi given on their powers. Life and Death Guardians were currently ranked as Level 6 while the others leveled number 4. The reason that these two remained awake was because Hoseok was the one who was in charged on the giving of life of humans and in every living thing on the world while Yoongi was the one in charged on collecting the souls and send them to the Judgement World. Each minute, each second, each time, someone will die and someone will be born. They were the personification of Life and Death itself. And that's the reason why they never sleep unlike the five guardians. Nonetheless, they never felt the urge of sleeping. They don't even yawn.

"You're still awake Jimin?" Yoongi asked him, having a wild guess that the latter might be just accompanying Hoseok.

Jimin just smiled and gave out a small and an awkward laugh.

"I asked him to accompany me tonight since you left the house," Hoseok replied for Jimin, still not bothering to look on Yoongi.

The opposite latter nodded and went on the couch and sat, crossing his legs as he leaned back.

Jimin cleared his throat. "Alright!" Jimin clapped. "Since you came back, I'll gotta sleep. Good Night!" he said yawning as he squinted his eyes. He then flew himself to his bedroom.

As soon as Yoongi made sure that Jimin left the living room, he then looked at Hoseok, wearing a straight and serious look on his face. The opposite latter felt it so he opened his eyes.

Hoseok asked, "Why are you always out during this day?"

Yoongi didn't responded.

That left Hoseok to sigh deeply. "You always left me here during this day of the year," Hoseok said being dumbfounded and even pouted his lips. "So, why did you came back so early. I expect you to come back tomorrow," he just said, looking at him.


Hoseok's ears tingled. It was very rare for Yoongi to call him that nickname. Something's wrong.

"She can see me..."




A night had passed and it was morning again and Y/N never felt so relieved. She gazed on her calendar to see what's date was today and it was December 25th. Probably, people were still tired from last night's event as the streets were so silent. She looked outside through her window and she noticed the snowing stopped and the streets were covered by white snow. Excited as she ever be, she wore her coat, warming herself before going out. She'll just gonna stroll around the town.

As she walked, she noticed there were children playing on the snow. She stopped herself and watched them with a smile on her face. She loved children playing on the snow.

Little did she know there was a ran away horse carriage that came after her. She didn't noticed it until someone yelled.

"LOOK OUT!" Unknown man yelled and Y/N was taken aback and tried to find the source of the voice only to see the ran away carriage before her that will almost hit her. She closed her eyes, not knowing what to do.

With just a matter of second, Y/N felt someone's arms embracing her before falling on the snow. She was so scared. She slowly opened her eyes and she was on the other side of the street, laying on the snow. She looked on the street where she was before the incident, the horse that was carrying the carriage was held up by the town's men.

I wasn't hit? she asked herself. Y/N looked left and right to see who saved her from her death. And there she saw an unknown man, walking away from her with black clothes.

"T-Thank y-you..." She thanked him, stuttering.

"Oh merciful Gods! Are you alright miss?" Someone approached her. Somehow, people gathered on the incident.

Y/N nodded and looked again on the person who saved her but failed when she saw nothing.

"How did she get here on the other side? She was so far away from here?" Someone that Y/N didn't know asked unconsciously.

An elderly woman cupped Y/N face suddenly. "Oh child. The guardians might have saved you..."

She believed in guardians?

"SILENCE! Guardians doesn't exist Helen!" An elderely man responded at the woman's words. "Mind your words."

Helen just sighed before assisting Y/N to stand up. "I'll walk you home dear child."

Y/N was left with no choice but to nod. She was shaking. She can't believe she almost died. If it weren't from that mysterious man, she would literally end up dead. This wasn't her first time though but she still can't get away from the fact that she nearly tasted death. The incident still vivid on her mind.

Helen opened the house for her and left her on her couch. Before leaving, the woman gave her a cuppa.

[Cuppa - (British) Coffee]

Silence then enveloped the house.

Y/N still breathing so heavily. It was a nearly death experience, so of course she would be like that. She calmed herself down with the coffee and it was somehow effective. She heaved a long sigh, calming herself fully. Y/N then sprung up her feet to the bathroom to bathe. She needed that.

Whoever you are, thank you for saving me for this time around...

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