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As Y/N was lurking around streets after going to the library, she saw a familiar figure on her light post again. It was the similar guy who she let to come inside on her house.

"Why is he on the post again?" Y/N murmured to herself.

"Sir! Why are you there again?! Please, come down..." She pleaded the unknown man.

She didn't know if she was imagining things or what else but she saw how the unknown man smirked. Maybe she was imagining things. Why would he smirk without a reason? Right?

And then again, with a blink of an eye, the man was now in front of her. She looked at him shocked.

"H-How..." That was the only word she managed to say before passing out.

The unkown man, or should everyone say Yoongi, caught her on time. "You didn't eat breakfast again..." he said as he smiled. He then teleported themselves inside her bedroom and carefully laid her down on her bed.

He went to her kitchen and make himself some hot cuppa then went back again. He pulled out a chair and placed the mug on the table beside the bed. He then grabbed the published novel on the table. It was written by Y/N herself. As much as he wanted to deny it, he really enjoyed reading her novels, though without her permission, of course.

Minutes passed, Yoongi didn't noticed that Y/N was slowly waking up. Y/N squinted her eyes and his figure was visible, making her smile. He was so beautiful. Very breathtaking. The way he sipped the cuppa on the mug as he sat on the chair while reading the book was ethereal.

And then, it hit her.

"AHHH!" She screamed.

That startled Yoongi. Serendipitously, the mug didn't fell. Y/N then pointed at Yoongi.

"Y-You... y-you... H-How did you come here?!" Y/N yelled at him.

"You passed out," Yoongi replied in a deep husky voice.

Wow. Even his voice is so gorgeous...

She snapped back herself to reality.

"Even that's the case, you shouldn't go inside my house without permission!" She argued back. "I-I'll sue you!"

Yoongi laughed mockingly. "You wouldn't do that human."

"Of course, I'll do it! You are tresspassing!" Y/N replied in return.

"Aish. How stubborn..." Yoongi replied. "If you ate your breakfast, you wouldn't passed out..." he continued, a little bit annoyed.

"I... Uhh..."

Y/N was speechless on his statement. He was right, if she only ate her breakfast, then she would never passed out and bring her here by himself.

Yoongi turned to her, staring at her closely making Y/N gulped. "How did you manage to see me?" Yoongi asked her.

"I..." Y/N was still speechless. She can't speak. She felt being drawn to his trance. She felt so weak. "I..."

Seconds after, Y/N managed to snapped herself back and looked away. "I have two eyes sir. Of course I can see you," she replied back.

"You supposedly not to see me human..."

Y/N automatically swung her head on him as she furrowed her eyebrows. Confusion was plastered on her face. "Why not?"

"Because I'm a Guardian..."

Y/N just stared at her in a couple of seconds and then she laughed loudly. "What are you talking about? Guardians aren't true!"

It was Yoongi's turn to furrow his eyebrows, slightly narrowing his eyes. "Don't act like you don't believe in them."

That made Y/N stopped from laughing then looked at him with a serious face. "I believe in them but that doesn't mean I'll believe you're a guardian just because you told me so..."

Yoongi closed his eyes then breathed. He then suddenly grabbed Y/N's waist.

"W-Wait! What on earth are you doing-"

Y/N's words was cut when she felt weird and uneasy. Before she knew it, they were now on the top of the tower. Yoongi let go of her as she looked down. She could see the whole town, how people roaming the streets, children playing with snow, how busy the town was. It was breathtaking.

"W-Where are we?..." She questioned between her breaths.

"We're in the tower," Yoongi simply replied.

Y/N turned her gaze to him with a questioning look. "H-How?..."

"I teleported US here," he answered, emphasizing the word 'us.'


Without warning, Yoongi grabbed her waist again and the next thing Y/N knew was she and him were on her bed, Yoongi hovering over her as he stared at her closely.

"Believe me now, human?"

Y/N felt her heart hammering on her chest. She knew her face was burning red. She was obviously flustered. Because of him. With all her might, she pushed him away from her.

"I-If... I-If you're a guardian, what kind of guardian are you then?" She asked, looking down, calming her thumping heart.

Yoongi looked at her as he sat on the chair, crossing his legs. "I'm the Guardian of Death."

"Guardian of Death?"

Yoongi didn't responded but just stared at her instead.

Y/N gasped, widening her eyes. "You came to get my soul?!" She asked loudly.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows once again. "You aren't dead human, can't you see?" he said, irritated.

"Well, that's a relief then..." She whispered. "Oh right!" She exclaimed as she remembered something. "I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Y/N."

"I know."

"How do you know?"

"That's out of your business."

"What's you name then?"

Yoongi looked at her and she could see her determination and sincerity. "Yoongi," he replied shortly.

Y/N smiled at him. "That's really a beautiful name. Nice to meet you, Yoongi."

He smiled in return. "You should eat breakfast."

Y/N looked down, puckering her lips. "I can't. I'll throw up if I did."

Yoongi sighed and snapped his fingers. A small bottle then appeared on his hand in a split of second. He then throw it to Y/N who immediately caught it.

"What's this?"

"Drink that. It's a medicine from the town."

Y/N hesitated a bit but decided to drink it anyway. After she drank the medicine, she noticed Yoongi wasn't there. He just... disappeared.

She looked at the bottle of her hand and smiled. "Yoongi..."

And with a single second, Yoongi appeared in front of her.

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