Chapter 15

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sorry guys!!! dont hate me, i've had this planned from the VERY beginning!

"Louis Tomlinson,

We hope this letter finds you in good health. You may notice a special something, or someone, missing. We have the boy. If you want him back in one peice, we highly suggest following the steps on the back of this sugar paper. Do so wisely, or face the concequences.


Louis held the paper in his shaky hands, eyes scanning over the angel gold ink, 10, 100, 1000 times.

He'd found the letter in Mason's crib, when he went to check on him, but the baby was gone.

The Angel turned the paper over, seeing black, spear like writing.

"1. Dispose of this letter properly.
2. Meet us by Greenwood train station, by the forest at dawn
3. Bring nobody, tell nobody, and we will return the baby shortly after in exchange for you
4. Don't mess up"

He bit down on his bottom lip and dropped the letter, shaking his head.

Not even realizing he'd already failed the first step, the angel hurried towards the door, glancing down beneath the clouds. It was nearly dawn. He had to hurry.

He'd do anything for Mason, and he felt as if nobody would care of his dissapearance anyway. God and Ashereah were so angry with him, Liam and Celeste had betrayed him... Harry had broken his heart.

Louis got a running start and jumped, flying down to the location that was listed on the letter, nervously glancing around. He could hear wails in the distance, a screaming baby.


"I'm here! Show yourselves" Louis angrily cried out, stomping his foot. He didn't see much as he peered around, and he gasped feeling something sharp in his neck.

Louis whimpered quietly, his glowing skin dulling, and his eyes falling closed as he sunk to the ground.

He weakly opened his eyes, seeing Mason be dropped on the grass, and he tried to reach out to him but his limbs felt heavy.

Then it was dark.


"Harry you can't sulk like this forever" Niall's voice was heard through his door. The man grunted, throwing a nearby object at the door, which happened to be a knife.

"Niall's right. Lucifer is getting suspicious, and you need to tell him a story before Damien gets to him first" Zayn's voice was muffled.

Harry sighed, sitting up from his bed, "Let him tell my Father. I could care less. Nothing Satan could do to me could hurt more than how I am feeling right now without my Louis" he whispered.

"Oi cut the shit Harry!" Zayn yelled, before the door swung open and Zayn and Niall strolled in.

"You broke my door" Harry noted out loud.

"Thanks captain obvious" Niall snorted.

Zayn walked over and climbed onto the bed, "What will make you feel better? You want Niall to suck you off?" Zayn hummed, gently carding his fingers through Harry's hair.



Zayn kicked Niall, "You sure Hazza Bear?" he cooed, and Harry glared at him with glowing eyes.  Zayn raised his hands in defense and scooted away.

Harry looked up as he heard loud sobs, "Do you hear that?" he asked.

Niall hummed, "A child crying. We currently have no babies in Hell? Why can we hear it?" he asked.

Harry's thoughts immediately drifted to Mason, and he hissed in pain as the gold pendant on the necklace grew hot and burned his skin.

"Fuck. We need to go up to Earth. Somethings happened to Louis" Harry gasped.

"Um, Harry. You literally said you'll never speak to him again" Niall noted, and Harry shushed him, hurrying out of the room and downstairs.

Zayn grunted before following, Niall doing the same.

"Enfoncer Harry, toujours en train de faire des conneries idiotes" Niall muttered under his breath as they flew up towards the surface of Earth.

The three demons landed, the wailing in the distance louder and clearer than ever before.

Harry stalked over through the woods, gasping as he saw Mason laying on the grass sobbing, face red from stress and his body shivering, only clothed in a diaper.

The man hurried over, gently lifting Mason up and holding him to his chest, shushing the baby.

"Thats the baby you told us about? The one Louis saved?" Zayn asked, Harry nodding. Niall pulled off his t shirt, knowing it was warm, and handed it to Harry.

The curly haired demon wrapped Mason up in the warmth, his sobs slowing down a bit.

"Fuck. What do we do?" Harry asked, facing them.

The three cruel creatures stared down at the little baby, unsure how to take care of him.

But they knew for sure they had to keep him safe.

"We have to go up to Heaven" Harry whispered.

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