Chapter 1

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"I see, a young girl, driving with her friends. Beautiful, golden locks of hair and chocolate eyes. They are listening to loud music, oh no- there's, there's a truck speeding down the road, right towards them. Right towards the side- the side of their- vehicle!" Louis fell backwards into Celeste, eyes squeezed shut, feeling the pain the young girl was in.

"Louis! Louis, are you okay?" Celeste held his head in her lap, and Louis opened his eyes, looking up at her. "She- She didn't make it" he whispered, sitting up. Celeste frowned deeply, the angel shaking her head in sadness.

"She the only one?" She asked quietly, Louis nodding in reply. "The other two are in bad shape- they're okay. Let us go retrieve her before a pesky Demon does" Louis murmured softly, sitting up and helping Celeste up.

The two walked outside of their home, holding hands, before their wings opened up and began to flap. They both ran towards the edge of the cloud before hopping off and diving down, flying in harmony with each other.

It didn't take long until they were on Earth. Louis frowning deeply seeing the huge accident. His eyes drifted over towards the girl he recognized from his vision, shaking his head as he saw her sobbing next to her lifeless body.

Louis was a caregiver, as he was the 'Eve' of Heaven. They didn't take every case, that would be too much. But they took those in their area, those who are the most pained. He took care of everyone under 18 who lost their lives, and he guided them to the light, and helped them become themselves again.

He looked over at Celeste, seeing the same sad expression on her face.

Celeste was one of his best friends and basically his sister. She helped him often.

"Let's go" he murmured. The Angels walked over towards the sobbing, distraught girl. Louis gently reached down, touching her shoulder. Most would flinch away, terrified, but Louis' touch calmed those like her, and brought them close to his heart.

The young girl looked up at both of the Angels with a wobbly smile, suddenly feeling reassured. They each offered a hand to her, taking her up to Heaven and away from the tragedy.


"It was awful Liam- It's been months since I saw such a tragedy like that" Louis shook his head, worry lines in his eyebrows and a crease from his frowning. He was sat in a meadow on Earth, needing to clear his head. "It's hard- I felt her pain. This is a curse" Louis muttered, caressing a rose in his warm and soft hands.

Liam shook his head, "No Lou. Not a curse. God did this to you for a reason, you are able to bring her to peace and calm her down, bring her to her new home. It's comforting to those who go through death, it's as if they sense you feel the pain" he patted Louis' shoulder.

The small angel sighed, nodding. "I know you are right Liam, but it doesn't change the fact that it hurts to go through it over and over again" the brunette looked up at liam with sad eyes. "I know" Liam nodded, sighing.

The two sat in a comfortable silence after that, Louis' head in Liam's lap as the man ran his fingers through his brunette hair, when suddenly Liam's eyes turned gold. Louis knew this meant Liam was being beckoned by God. "Go" he giggled, sitting up and pushing Liam's shoulder.

The man chuckled, kissing his forehead before flying upwards. Louis sat quietly in the meadow, humming to himself.

"Ah- boys look what we've encountered" he heard a deep voice, not five minutes later. Louis opened his eyes, turning around and moving onto his knees, sitting up. "Already on his knees for you! Look at that" another voice chortled.

Louis whipped his head around, heartbeat picking up. He felt a deep and dark force on him, making it hard for his wings to come out and fly him away.

"Boo" the raspy voice whispered as he appeared next to Louis. The boy jumped, gasping and falling backwards onto his bum as he tried to stand up. Three Demon's stood in front of him, and Louis was frozen in fear.

"What do you want!?" He tried to seem intimidating, failing when his angry face looked more like a huffy child, "Who are you?" he snarled.

The curly haired fellow laughed loudly, moving forward. "What a way to greet us, not too kind darling" he cooed. Louis glared up at him, hands behind his back and searching for anything to use to defend himself.

Louis could easily identify them as Demons. The man speaking had short curly hair, and red eyes. He was dressed in all black with chains hanging off various parts of his body.

The other two were dressed similar, but one had blonde hair and black eyes and the other had black hair and- strangely enough, one red eye and one black eye.

"It doesn't matter who we are. We know exactly who you are, Louis Tomlinson" The blonde man spoke up. Louis bit down on his bottom lip nervously, grasping a sharp rock behind his back. He knew it wouldn't hurt any of them, but he could try.

"What do you want?" he asked, glaring up at them with big blue eyes. "Simple," The curly haired male spoke up, chuckling, "You" he then moved forward in a rush to grab Louis, when the boy grabbed the rock and hit him in the head with it.

The man grunted, "Zayn- Niall, fucking grab him". He definitely wasn't hurt, but the impact of it wasn't expected. He looked up seeing the Angel running as fast as he could. The Angel whimpered loudly, before running towards a cliff. Louis being a weaker Angel, he often needed a boost to be able to fly fast.

He dove off the cliff, before swooping up and flying upwards to Heaven.

Zayn and Niall flew off towards him, being a lot faster and stronger, but as soon as they were up to the clouds, Louis was gone.

He landed on the warm fluffy clouds with a gasp, holding his hand over his heart. That was unbelieveably close.

Far too close for Louis' liking.

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