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A lot of what happens in this part is based on what happened yesterday when I got my wisdom teeth out. Hope you enjoy.

"Sang, it's Time to wake up," the nurse gently said.

Sang opened her eyes just a little bit, then immediately started crying.

"What's wrong, pumpkin?"

"They took my teeth," Sang said, but it came out extremely muffled from the gauze in her mouth.

"What?" Dr. Green asked again, "can you sign that, please?"

She complied, speaking and signing at the same time, "They took my teeth."

"Aw, Pookie, it's okay, your teeth are going to go somewhere fun, it's best that they're not still with you." Dr. Green moved closer to the chair and held her hand.

"They're going to Disney World without me?!" Sang started crying harder.

"Crap," Dr. Green said under his breath. He went to soothe her but she had dozed off to sleep again, still crying.

"Dr. Green?" The nurse walked in with a wheelchair. "Is your car pulled around?"

"Yes, my brother has gone to pull it up front."

"Wonderful, could you please help her into the wheelchair? Then you can be on your way home!"

"Of course. Pookie, my love, it's time to go home." Dr. Green started to set up the wheelchair.

He turned around to help the very groggy Sang move. Once she was completely seated in the chair, he unlocked the brakes and wheeled her through the office. They popped out the door with the nurse behind them, and saw North with his Jeep outside.

Sang, who'd steadily had tears streaming down her face ever since she woke up, started crying harder again. Around the gauze she said, "North! I love my North Star!"

"I love you, too, Baby, now let's get you home. Are you hungry? Do you want a milkshake?" North helped Dr. Green load Sang into the front seat.

"I like milkshakes," Sang cried.

"Okay, then we'll get you one. What kind do you want? Chocolate? Vanilla? Strawberry?" North asked after walking around to the driver's side.

"Va-nil-la," Sang sobbed between breaths and gauze.

"Alright, we'll get a vanilla milkshake on the way home." North looked over at her as he drove, feeling pained, partially because he had just willingly offered to buy her a milkshake, but mostly because she was crying and he could do nothing about it (because the crying was part of the reason he offered her a milkshake, to make her stop!)

"Okay," her sobbing had subsided but she still was crying.

They were on their way to Victor's house, which they had all decided would be the best place for her, and all of them, to rest after their wisdom teeth surgery.

North pulled into a Burger King drive thru, "I hope they sell milkshakes at 8 in the morning."

The speaker crackled, "Welcome to Burger King, May I take your order?"

"Yeah, can I get a vanilla milkshake?"

"Yes, Sir, anything else?"

North glanced at Dr. Green through the rearview mirror, who shook his head. "No, that will be all."

"Alright, your total is $3.00 at the next window."

North began to pull forward when Sang said (rather pathetically), "That sign said they sell tacos. Why? This is Burger King, not Taco King!"

Dr. Green snickered, "I don't know, Pookie, maybe it's going to be like that IHOB fiasco."

"Maybe," Sang said, laughing, but also crying harder.

North paid and was handed the milkshake, which he put in the cup holder. "Okay, once we get home, you can eat your milkshake. They didn't give us a spoon so you'll have to wait."

"Okay," Sang hiccuped. As they drove, Sang looked out the window and sang softly and incoherently to herself.

They pulled up to Victor's house to find all of the boys, Mr. Blackbourne included, standing outside by the door. Sang, who had dozed off again, opened her eyes and saw all of them standing there, then promptly started crying again. North came around with her milkshake, which caused Luke and Gabriel to mimic shock, "Is North really holding a milkshake?!" They continued to make fun of North and the milkshake until Dr. Green helped the crying Sang out of the car.

When all of the boys saw her crying, they all looked extremely worried, most of them freaking out slightly at the sight of a weepy Sang.

"I love my boys so much!" Sang sobbed. "They're so nice to me, and so pretty. They're so good to me, I don't deserve them!"

Dr. Green helped her to the front door. "Do you want to walk up to Victor's room? Or would you like to have Silas carry you?"

"Silas!" She sobbed and made grabby hands.

Silas smiled softly and bent to pick her up, settling her snugly to his chest.

They traveled as a herd up to Victor's rooms where a special recliner had been brought in for Sang. It was covered in soft pillows and blankets. Silas set her down in it and Gabriel pushed his way through to help arrange the pillows and blankets to Sang's liking. She was still crying, though not nearly as much as before.

"Sang, here's your milkshake," North moved forward with milkshake in hand and a spoon.

"Milkshake!" Sang said happily, but softly.

"You also need to take one of these pain pills. Do you want one of us to feed you, or do you want to do it yourself?" Dr. Green said.

"Youuu," Sang slurred.

"Who? And give me your gauze." Dr. Green stuck out a gloved hand holding a tissue.

Sang pulled out the yucky gauze and said, "Kota!"

Kota smiled from where he was sitting and stood to meet Sang. Upon seeing him again, she teared up, "I love you, 52!"

"I love you, too, Ten. Here's some milkshake."

"Yay, milkshake." She opened her mouth and tried to swallow, but her numb mouth wouldn't comply. She then tipped her head up to use gravity to move it down her throat, so she looked like a baby bird. The group laughed at her baby bird actions, and Kota continued to feed her.

"This next bit has a pill in it," Dr. Green pressed half a pain pill into the spoonful of milkshake.

Sang ate it, followed by a few more spoonfuls of milkshake then said, "I have to pee."

The boys chuckled, and Dr. Green offered, "Do you need help?"

Sang stood up, several arms reaching out to help her, "No, I can do it."

She walked to the en-suite, Nathan, North, and Dr. Green following her to the door despite her insistence that she could do it by herself. She did her business, then came back and sat down again, Kota feeding her the rest of the milkshake.

"All done," Kota said, putting the empty cup on the coffee table.

"All done," Sang repeated sleepily.

"Are you ready to take a nap?" Mr. Blackbourne asked.

"Yeah. Movie, too?"

"You would like to watch a movie as you fall asleep?" He clarified.

"Please. Luke, cuddle?"

"Of course," Luke replied, "what movie do you want to watch?"

"Toy Story," Sang said as she snuggled into Luke.

Victor complied, setting up the TV as the others sprawled out on chairs, couches, and beanbags. They watched the movie, and Sang drifted off to sleep.

Uploaded: July 10, 2019

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