Imagine the Avengers, plus Bucky, playing Mario Kart.
Steve would be saying curse words no one knew existed.
Thor wouldn't understand the controls, so he'd be driving backwards and into stuff.
Natasha would know ever shortut and come in first all the time.
Clint would always be in second because he watches Natasha.
Bruce wouldn't play in case the Hulk came out, cause let's face it, Mario Kart really burns people.
Tony would always come in last because J.A.R.V.I.S would screw him over with shortuts, making him drive off of the map
and Bucky would play like two races and then throw the controller, with the 'I'm Done' expression.
Skye's Book of Random and Occasional Rant
RandomBringing you randomness from my brain. ~*Le cover ish mah sassy face*~