Heavens not too far (Christen)

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Christen's pov

Im singing along to my girlfriend Y/n's song Bad Liar as I clean around our apartment. She's currently out doing her last leg of her European tour, she's been gone for a few months and I miss her like crazy but we FaceTime everyday.

"So look me in the eyes tell me what you see perfect paradise tearing at the seams. I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake it wish I could erase it make your heart believe. But I'm a bad liar!" I try to hit the high note but fail miserably. I finish up my cleaning turning off the music. I get a phone call from my dad and I smile.

"Hey dad" I say and I'm met with no response

"Dad? are you ok?" I ask

"Honey, it's your mom....she's not doing well. She's in the hospital...We don't think she has long" He says and I feel my heart stop.

"W-What?" I barely get out

"Hurry over to the hospital I'll send you the address" He says and hangs up I immediately start crying. I get the address rushing to my car as I make my way to the hospital. I pull into he parking lot of the hospital hastily making my way inside. I rush up to the receptionist.

"Stacy Press"

"May I ask who you are"

"Im her daughter" I say impatiently.

"Right she's in room 235" I speed off towards the elevator calling out a thank you over my shoulder. I arrive in the room to see my father and siblings all standing by my mother who is laying in the bed.

"Mom" I say weakly as the tears return to my eyes she reaches out her hand causing my to grab it immediately.

"Hi honey, I'm glad you made it. I want you to know that I am so insanely proud of you. I'm so happy that you are my daughter Christen I love you so much honey. Is Y/n with you?"

"No she isn't"

"Well you tell her thank you for me. I want you to tell her that I appreciate her looking after and taking such good care of my daughter"

"I will mom but don't talk like that, you'll be okay and you can tell her yourself okay?" I smile weakly

"No honey I'm sorry but its okay I'm not scared" She says weakly taking a deep breath. "Im just going home". I feel her grip on my hand getting softer and softer then eventually not at all.

"Mama?" I ask shaking her

"Mama? No. No, no, no. Don't leave me, please don't leave me" I cry out collapsing from the chair I was sitting in. I feel a pair of arms around me and I look up to see my dad with tears in his eyes

"It's going to be okay honey." he says with sadness in his voice. The room is filled with sobs from all of us as we just lost a big part of our world. My dad stands up and goes outside for a brief moment then returns.

"We have to leave they need to take the body and clean the room" He says. I feel like I'm out of my own body because I don't even remember getting in my car and driving home. I go upstairs and collapse onto my bed crying my heart out.

Y/n's POV

" All right Y/n you're on" My manager Rachel says as I put in my ears grabbing a microphone. I hand her my phone

"You know how it rolls, answer if its family" I smile and she nods. I walk out onto the stage and hear the fans go crazy causing me to smile giving them a wave.

"How are we doing tonight!" I yell into the microphone. I start my performance and I get about halfway through my set.

"Okay so this next song-" I stop as I look over to Rachel who is calling me over to the side of the stage. "Just one second guys" I say running over to the side of the stage.

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