Finding Y/n (Alex and Kelley)

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Alex's pov

I'm sitting in my living room silently crying as I think about my daughter who was abducted 13 years ago. I hear the door open and I see Kelley walk through the door and look at me with sad eyes.

"I know what you're thinking about and it's okay to be sad Al, we had our child taken from us but we have still have our two bundle of joys in our life we have Taylor and Grant. I know that we won't ever really be able to get over Y/n being taken from us but we have to try to cope with it even if it still haunts us" she says and I sigh

"How can you say that Kel? Y/n was our daughter she was taken from us and you sound like you've just moved on from her, erased her from your life" I say

"You know that's not true Alex, I loved her and I still do, you don't know how bad I wish she would just come back to us" she sighs walking into the kitchen. I sigh as I recall the sheriffs words as I cried hysterically in the police station that night.

"Im sorry but whoever took your daughter is completely off the grid, we can't find any traces and we have no leads about where your daughter could be. Im sorry but your daughter is gone"

Y/n's pov

I was on my way out the door so I could go to school when I heard sirens so I look up to see tons of cop cars tuning onto my street I look around to see what's happening but when I don't see anything out of the usual I start to grow suspicious. The cars quickly pull up to the house and officers rush out of the cars and rush towards me so I quickly raise my hands in the air but slowly lower them as all the cops rush past me and into the house. I turn around but feel soft hands grab my arm spinning me back around.

"I need you to come with me Y/n" the female officer says and I furrow my eyebrows

"How do you know my name? Whats happening?" I say confused as she leads me away from the house.

"I need you to sit in the back of my card and stay there until I come back okay?"

"I'm not a little kid i'm 16 what's happening" I ask with a bit more force in my voice hoping that she would answer my question. I realized that she managed to get me in the backseat of her car and she closes the door. I see two officers leading my mom out of the house in handcuffs and I immediately go to leave the car but the handle doesn't work so I start pounding on the window and yelling but its no use and they continue to drag my mom into another cop car and drive away. The female officer gets into the front seat and I question her.

"Why are you arresting my mom she didn't do anything wrong."

"Thats not your mom Y/n, Your real parents are in Orlando Florida, That woman abducted you when you were 3 years old and she's been keeping a low profile since then and we have gotten a tip that this is a possible location of where she could be." she says driving us to what I'm assuming the police station. I sit and try to digest what she just told me and it can't be true.

"Thats not true she's only ever been nice and caring I think I would know if I was living with someone who abducted me" I say shaking my head

"Im not sure you would Y/n like I said she took you when you were three. Do you remember anything about being that young or your childhood from those few years?" she questions and I stay quite not wanting to lie because the truth was I don't recall my childhood from when I was that young. I can only ever remember just her and I, it's always just been us.

Kelley's pov

I get a call on my cellphone around noon time and I don't recognize the number but something told me to answer it.

"Hello?" I say a bit skeptically.

"Yes this is Mrs. O'Hara-Morgan correct?" I hear a mans voice on the other line

"Yes, may I ask who's calling?"

"This is deputy Parker of the OPD, we got a call from the Pensacola station and they have found your daughter Y/n. They have arrested the woman who took her and they have Y/n on their way here to the Orlando police department and she should be arriving in the next half an hour or so" He says and I nearly drop my phone as it feels like my heart stops at the news.

"Uh ma'am are you still there?" He asks

"Oh Yes! I am" I say and I hear a chuckle

"Why don't you make your way down to the station so you can be reunited with your daughter" and I can hear the smile in his voice

"Im on my way now" I say and hang up rushing down the stairs into the living room causing Alex to look at me like Im crazy.

"What are you doing Kel"

"They found her, They found Y/n!" I say excitedly causing her to bring out of her chair.

"They are taking her to the Orlando police department we need to hurry because she is going to be there in 30 minutes" I say and we rush out to the car.

"Taylor watch your brother we'll be back in a little while!" I call out over my shoulder. We get into the car and I drive as fast as I can to the police department. We rush inside and the lady at the front desk looks at us.

"You must be Y/n's parents" she says noting to herself and she gets up

"Follow me" she says and we walk to the back

"Before you two go in, Y/n still is in a bit of shock I guess you could say. She's been in there saying that there has to be some kind of mistake so maybe you two could explain what happened." She says letting us into the room with Y/n. Alex and I look at Y/n and I feel the tears leave my eyes and the whisper leave my lips



Hey guys here's another one shot for you hope you all liked it. As always don't forget to vote and comment! Stay tuned the next update should be in 2-3 days!

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