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"Where the hell were you?" Jin scolded Yoongi the second he stepped in the house. He slapped Yoongi with his spatula, getting a glare from the rapper.

"Studio." Yoongi grumbled, pushing past him to head up to his room.

"Hell no. Sit your ass down and eat dinner." Jin commanded without even turning around. He already knew the younger was trying to go to his room.

Yoongi muttered some swear words before stomping to the dining room. Jin raised a brow at Jungkook.

"What were you up to?" Jin hummed, eyeing the maknae.

"I was watching Yoongi hyung work." Jungkook shrugged.

"Did he eat or drink at all while you were there?" Jin questioned, his tone serious.

"No, just a few Tootsie Rolls." Jungkook shook his head. Jin sighed.

"No matter how many times I hit him with this spatula he never seems to learn to listen to me." Jin shook his his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"He's just stressed. We all are." Jungkook responded, trying to reason with Jin.

"I know. But he needs to worry about his health. He can't just faint in the middle of dance practice. If I can't talk some sense into him, maybe you can. After all, he only listens to you." Jin smiled a bit, Jungkook's cheeks going pink.

"No, that's not true." Jungkook shook his head, his soft hair bouncing slightly.

"It is. He's a stubborn little shit, but he'll always make an excuse for you." Jin chuckled, patting Jungkook's head gently. "Well, let's go eat. We were supposed to have a nice meal, but I made the mistake of letting Namjoon cook the meat. Let's just say I'm glad you weren't here."

Jungkook laughed along with Jin and the duo strolled over to the dining room.

"Hey Kook." Some of the members greeted him.

The two sat down at the table along with Jimin, who had been standing. Jimin was about to sit next to Yoongi, but was stopped.

"That's Jungkook's seat." Yoongi stared at him.

"But hyung, he's already sitting over there-" Jimin stopped talking when he saw Yoongi was still staring at him. His expression was completely blank, but Jimin knew he would probably kill him, so he quickly stood and went over to where Jungkook was sitting.

Jungkook hesitantly got up from his chair and sat next to Yoongi. Yoongi's expression was unreadable. He just continued eating in complete silence.

"So Yoongi, how did it go at the studio?" Taehyung broke the silence.

All he got was a grunt in reply. He didn't press on.

"Tomorrow Yoongi, Hoseok and I have to go to our studios to get to work on the solo tracks. The rest of you will be at dance practice for half the day, then at the studio to record some background vocals. Day after that, the rappers will go to dance practice and you guys will record some verses for the songs." Namjoon informed the rest, many unamused groans following.

"Come on, guys. Cheer up. We're doing this for ARMYs, remember." Hoseok's cheery tone made Yoongi roll his eyes.

"You're right. It's just so exhausting." Taehyung sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It'll be worth it." Namjoon stated simply.

The rest of the dinner was quiet, only a couple sentences exchanged between some of the members. They thanked Jin for cooking as he usually does, however Yoongi sometimes cooked for them too.

"Let's watch a movie, I'm bored as hell." Jimin suggested, already heading for the living room.

The others were tired but agreed. It's not like it was being productive. They lazily trudged to the living room. Yoongi sprawled onto the smaller couch, claiming it. Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon sat on the larger couch, while Jimin and Taehyung took up the floor. Jungkook bit his lip and glanced around, no one was looking at him, their eyes instead focused on the TV as Namjoon scrolled through random movies to watch.

There was really no room on the couch, and the floor was uncomfortable for Jungkook. His eyes landed on Yoongi, whose body was taking up the entire couch. He timidly stepped over Jimin and Tae to shuffle over to his hyung.

Yoongi's eyes flickered over to the maknae standing in front of him. The movie started, Jungkook still not able to sit down.

Yoongi huffed and moved his right leg so it was off the couch cushion, an empty space for Jungkook to sit. Jungkook smiled and sat down between his legs. Yoongi ignored him. Well, tried to.

Jungkook leaned back so his back was against Yoongi's chest. He rested his head comfortably on one of Yoongi's broad shoulders. Yoongi stiffened, not as open to skin ship as the others were.

His body eventually relaxed as he grew more immersed in the movie. He realized about half way through the movie, Jungkook had fallen asleep on him. Yoongi did his best to keep his breathing steady so he wouldn't disturb the sleeping maknae, since he was laying right on his chest.

Without realizing, near the end of the movie Yoongi's eyelids drooped shut. He soon fell asleep. Jin glanced over and saw the two fast asleep. He nudged Hoseok and Namjoon when he saw Yoongi unconsciously put his arms around Jungkook's waist in his sleep.

The guys smiled. He was so whipped.

This was kinda boring but I am having writers block for my other books so have this garbage instead😂

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