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All 7 members were at dance practice today. They were learning the new choreography for their title track. It took them a while, but eventually they were almost perfectly in sync. They practiced three more times for the day, only making minor mistakes.

"Okay, that's it for today. You guys can rest now." Their dance instructor announced, clapping his hands twice.

The guys cheered weakly as they were extremely out of breath. They grabbed their water bottles and chugged down the fluid, gasping for air. Jungkook gulped the entire bottle down before tossing it back into his bag.

"Good job today, guys." Namjoon praised while panting softly. The members thanked him breathlessly.

"My bag is so heavy." Jungkook whined, pout set on his lips.

"That's your fault." Jimin huffed, grabbing his own bag and leaving the studio.

"Ugh." Jungkook rolled his eyes, picking up his bag from where it was resting on the bench. His arms felt weak from working out earlier and then dancing for the rest of the day. He groaned and set it down, taking a few deep breaths. He was supposed to be the strongest, yet he was barely able to pick up his own dance bag.

He heaved it up and struggled to walk towards the door. He felt a bit dizzy, like he'd collapse any second. He pushed forward, telling himself the van wasn't that far. His wobbly steps almost made him fall.

Suddenly, the weight was lifted.

He looked to his right and saw Yoongi already walking away, carrying both of their bags. He smiled a bit, really grateful his hyung helped him. He really wasn't feeling good.

The youngest followed the rest of the members out the door, trudging down the hallway to the exit. They all loaded their bags into the trunk and stumbled into the van. Jungkook and Yoongi took their usual spots in the very back.

"Thanks for carrying my bag, hyung." Jungkook whispered, the older glancing over at him.

"Stop pushing yourself so much. You're gonna end up fainting." Yoongi deadpanned, his tone serious.

"I'm not-"

"Yes you are. You know it. Stop doing that, you're making me worry." Yoongi grimaced, realizing he let the last sentence just slip out.

"I'm sorry, hyung." Jungkook lowered his head with a pout.

"It's fine just...be careful." Yoongi muttered, shaking his head and turning his gaze to the window.

The car ride was silent, half of the members were asleep. The van slowly pulled into their driveway. Members were shook awake so they could get their bags and go in their house. They sleepily staggered into the large estate. Even though they were exhausted, they all had to take showers.

They didn't have to fight over who gets to go first to get the hot water since they all ended up taking cold showers to cool down their bodies. It was only around 8:00, but most of them already said goodnight and went to bed without eating dinner. Jungkook stayed up because he was hungry. He made himself some ramen and sat on the couch to watch TV as he ate. The cushion next to him dipped, indicating someone was sitting beside him.

He looked over and saw a relaxed Yoongi with his dark eyes trained on the TV. Being the member who was known for sleeping the most, he looked surprisingly alert and awake.

"Is something wrong, hyung?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side.

"No." Yoongi mumbled, his eyes not leaving the TV.

"Are you hungry?" Jungkook questioned.

"No. I am just keeping you company. Now stop talking before I change my mind." Yoongi replied, still not even sparing the maknae a glance.

"Thanks." Jungkook smiled, giggling softly. Yoongi glanced at him. Instead of being mad about him talking after he was told not to, he was gushing over the cute sound.

"That was cute." Yoongi commented casually.

"What was?" Jungkook stared at him with wide eyes.

"Your giggle. I like that sound. It's adorable. But, what do you expect it to be coming from an adorable person?" Yoongi rambled, not seeming one bit fazed by the way he was blatantly making his- the boy flustered.

"Hyung, s-stop." Jungkook whispered, burying his red face in his sweater paws.

"Why? You like it." Yoongi smirked, glancing at the younger again.

"N-no I don't." Jungkook protested with a shake of his head.

"Then why are you blushing? Just cause you feel like it?" Yoongi hummed, his eyes on the TV once again.

"Hyung, stop teasing me." Jungkook whined, hiding his face again.

"You get cuter every fucking day." Yoongi scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. He didn't know why he was being so gayforward with Jungkook all of the sudden, maybe it was because they were alone. Whatever the reason was, it didn't matter.

All that mattered was that he liked it, and so did Jungkook.

Jungkook was silent, too embarrassed to say anything else. He shut off the TV and put his bowl in the sink when he was finished. He and Yoongi went upstairs. Yoongi said nothing as he opened his door, walking in his room. Jungkook looked back and forth between his and Yoongi's room.

He thought about the way Yoongi was acting toward him. He seemed to care, even if he didn't say it much. But who knew he could be such a flirt? He debated it for a few moments before walking in Yoongi's dark room. He heard rustling in the sheets as he stepped closer.

"Hyung?" Jungkook called out softly.

"Just get under the covers." Yoongi muttered, already knowing why Jungkook was there.

Normally he would turn him down at first, but now he was used to it. It actually became a common thing for them to cuddle lately.

Jungkook quickly did so, laying his head on Yoongi's chest. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the maknae and held him close to his warm body.

"Good night, hyung."

"Good night, Kookie."

Wrote this at 3 am so sorry if it's shitty and if there are errors. I really don't care right now.

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