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"Yoongi! Stop messing up! From the top, everyone." The dance instructor barked for the fifth or sixth time that day.

Yoongi was so distracted. He had to confess to Jungkook today. He had to get it over with. Millions of thoughts were running through his head since last night. He was thinking of what he could say and how he would tell the maknae how he felt.

He also thought of the millions of ways he could be rejected.

He was scatterbrained and couldn't even focus on the choreography, which wasn't as difficult as the ones for their other songs. He was so nervous. He was almost never nervous about anything anymore. But this was different. This could make him the happiest person on the planet or it could ruin his life and friendship with one of his members.

He can't screw this up.


"I like your personality and your ass."

Yoongi slammed his head on his desk repeatedly after he said that. Why wasn't his brain working? He was trying to plan a good way of wording it, but that's all he had. Which was not good. At all.

"He does have a nice ass though." Yoongi muttered to himself, chewing on the toothpick in his mouth.

"I'm so creepy!" He groaned, pulling the wooden stick out of his mouth and flicking it into the trash. He shook his head and was really ready to give up.

He wrote down multiple phrases and scribbled them all out. Nothing was good enough. It was harder and more stressful than writing lyrics. His head was pounding and his hands were shaky. What was wrong with him? Why was he worrying so much? Oh, maybe it was because he was in love with one of his band mates.

A soft knock at his door rudely interrupted his 'hating his brain' session.

"What?!" Yoongi snarled.

"Hyungie, can I come in?" A familiar voice chimed sweetly.



"Fine." Yoongi muttered barely loud enough. He heard a cute squeal on the other side of his bedroom door.

'Fuck, is he trying to fucking kill me?!' Yoongi felt a pang in his chest at the sound. Why the fuck was that kid so cute?

The door opened and closed gently and soft footsteps neared his desk. He spun around in his chair and saw Jungkook smiling at him.

"What do you want, bunny?" Yoongi sighed, not even realizing the nickname slip out of his mouth until a few seconds had passed. He wanted to kill himself in that moment.

"I'm cold." Jungkook pouted, hugging himself tightly to prove his point.

"There's this large piece of cloth called a blanket that can help you with that." Yoongi scoffed softly. Jungkook whined. Yoongi wasn't being mean, he liked teasing the younger. His reactions were so cute.

"I'm trying to say I want your cuddles, hyungie!" Jungkook blurted out, his lips still set in a pout.

Yoongi blinked a few times and opened his mouth. No words came out. He closed it. He opened his mouth again. Nothing. He closed it.

"Please hyung? We haven't cuddled in forever!" Jungkook whined, stepping closer to the older.

"We cuddled yesterday."

"That was so long ago." Jungkook groaned, trying his best to convince his hyung to cuddle him. He's cuddled with other members, but Yoongi's cuddles were always his favorite since they were rare.

"Fine, whatever." Yoongi waved his hand, his eyes closing as he caved.

"Yay!" Jungkook leaned down and hugged his hyung. "C'mon, I'm tired." Jungkook motioned to Yoongi's bed, already moving towards it.

"Wait." Yoongi stopped him, slowly standing up from his office chair.

"What?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side cutely.

Yoongi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He slowly opened them and looked right at Jungkook.

"I need to tell you something."

And I oop-

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