"Hyung! Jimin keeps stealing the remote!" Jungkook tattled on the laughing male who was keeping his distance with the remote in his hand.

"The fuck do I care?" Yoongi muttered, his arm draped over his eyes as his body took up the entire couch where he was resting after hours of dance practice.

"I want to watch TV! He is hurting my feelings and I-"

"You fucking jamless midget, give him the damn remote or else." Yoongi suddenly growled as he sat up, glaring at the now shocked midget. How dare that garden gnome hurt his boy- hurt Jungkook's feelings?!

"You're mean." Jimin pouted, throwing the remote at Jungkook who quickly caught it.

"What else is fucking new?" Yoongi scoffed, standing up and grumbling to himself. All he wanted to do was get some sleep, but no. It's always the same shit. Being head over heels in love with one of your members was exhausting. Wait, what?

He didn't love Jungkook, right? He just cared for him. Yeah. That's what it was.

"Ow! Jimin, stop!"

Yoongi hadn't even registered when he walked over to the bickering duo and grabbed Jimin's arm, flinging him away from the maknae. He cupped Jungkook's face and looked him right in the eyes.

"Are you hurt?" Yoongi asked in most gentle and caring tone Jungkook and Jimin had ever heard from him. Jimin raised his brows.

"No, not really, hyung." Jungkook shook his head, that was indeed still in Yoongi's hands.


"Okay, fine, just on my forehead but it's not that bad-"

Jungkook shut his mouth when he felt soft lips press against his forehead. The warmth from Yoongi's hands left the sides of his face. Yoongi walked out without another word. You could hear his bedroom door close in the distance. Jungkook and Jimin stood in shocked silence, trying to process what just happened.

"Did Yoongi hyung just kiss your 'boo-boo'?" Jimin tried to contain his laughter by covering his mouth with one of his small hands.

"I think." Jungkook blinked once, still surprised by the action.

"He is so whipped. You guys are so cute together, why don't you just go out already?" Jimin huffed, crossing his arms as he impatiently waited for an answer.

"I-I don't know. I've never looked at Yoongi hyung that way." Jungkook stated while staring off into the direction Yoongi walked away.

"Maybe you haven't, but I'm starting to think Yoongi hyung is." Jimin replied gently. Jungkook turned to him.

"Maybe you're right."


"I need to talk to you guys about something serious." Yoongi murmured, his eyes moving up from the table to the two males sitting across from him.

"Spill the tea." Jin hummed, leaning forward as he sipped his iced tea.

"Go ahead." Namjoon nodded encouragingly.

"I may have feelings for one of the members." Yoongi forced out, quickly chugging down the rest of his beer after the confession.

"Jungkook? Yeah, I know." Jin replied, not seeming shocked even a little bit. Namjoon agreed while nodding.

"What? You know? How?" Yoongi asked frantically, his eyes wide as he stared at the two.

"It's really obvious. I think everyone knows." Namjoon shrugged.

"Does Jungkook know?" Yoongi stiffened, preparing for the worst.

"No, but he'll probably figure it out eventually. He's dumb but not that dumb." Jin shook his head, sipping his tea once again.

"Great. So the others know too?" Yoongi raised his brows, getting nods from the others. He sighed and leaned back. "So everyone knew when I didn't even know?"

"Yeah, pretty much. It's funny that you were in such denial that you didn't realize it till now. Ever since you met the kid it was like you had heart eyes every time he spoke or you saw him. It's so cute that you're so soft for the maknae." Jin rambled, speaking a little louder than necessary. Yoongi quickly shushed him.

"I'm not soft for him!" Yoongi snapped. The two gave him a pointed look. "Okay, maybe a little bit, but-"

"A little bit? You told him the password to your Genius Lab after you deliberately changed it so no one would bother you, so now he can visit you whenever he wants." Namjoon scoffed.

"And every time you make dinner and he loves it, you always make seconds for him. Not for everyone- for him." Jin raised his brows.

"Oh, or when we come back home and we have to shower so you let him go first so he can have the hot water." Namjoon quickly added.

Yoongi's cheeks flushed. How were they so good at noticing these things?

"Oh, and what about how you stare at him so lovingly when the camera isn't on you, hm?" Jin smirked smugly.

"Or how you always go out of the way to compliment him for just breathing?" Namjoon snickered, seeming to enjoy this as much as Jin.

"Or when you comfort him when he is sad."

"Or when you defend him from the others making fun of him."

"Or when you-"

"Okay, I fucking get it!" Yoongi interrupted, his brows furrowed.

"If we notice all these things, what's to say Jungkook doesn't? You have to tell him how you feel otherwise he'll feel like you're just leading him on." Jin sighed, setting down his tea. Namjoon nodded in agreement.

"What if I fuck it up and we completely ruin our friendship?" Yoongi panicked.

"I don't see how you could, you guys are practically made for each other." Namjoon shrugged.

"Just go for it, Yoongs." Jin smiled.

"I'm gonna tell Jimin how I feel next week. Do it before me, I don't want to go first." Namjoon leaned in so only the three at the table could hear.

"You like Jimin?!" Jin's eyes enlarged into saucers.

"Well, duh." Namjoon scoffed, rolling his eyes. "And when are you going to confess to Taehyung and Hoseok, hyung?" Namjoon smirked when he saw Jin's cheeks flush.

"How the fuck did you know that?!" Jin whisper shouted.

"Oh, please." Namjoon waved him off. Jin huffed and leaned back, crossing his arms.

"I want to go last." Jin decided.

"Fine." Yoongi huffed. "I guess I'll tell him...tomorrow."


Lol that was so lame

I hope this book isn't boring, I'm just not good at writing fluff lmao

I'm thinking I'll make this short, like maybe 10 chapters but idk we'll see how it goes.


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