Perrie's pov
Jade hasn't woke up until now and it's been a week already. The doctor said she would be fine because they already took out the bullet but the trauma on her body would decide how long until she finally wakes up. The baby, thank God the baby was fine and nothing serious happened.
"Perrie c'mon you have to eat", Leigh told me. I looked at my hand that was holding Jade's hand and I shook my head no.
"Oi Perrie you better eat because the baby remember? And Jade will kill us if she knows we didn't take care of you and the baby", Jesy said.
I sighed at her comment. And I heard Jesy said again, "I will tell you and Leigh if something happened to Jade when you guys outside but now it's my turn to look out for the dumbass".
I laughed at her comment and finally stood up. I kissed Jade's forehead and whispered I love you to her then I walked out with Leigh to get some food.
Jesy's pov
I looked at Jade's unconscious body. I proud of her because she was so brave put herself in danger for Perrie but well she loves her. But one thing that I've been curious about is when that guy was being taken then he walked pass by us, he screamed for Jade to talk to him. I mean what the hell he just shot her and put her in coma but there must be a reason. Jade was the only one who can talk to him and find out.
I heard beep sound getting louder and a cough from Jade. I pushed the button to call for help. Not long after the doctor and nurses ran in and one of them ushered me out from the room. I waited outside and decided to call Leigh to let her know what happened. I rang her phone and she finally answered.
"Leigh did you guys finish eating yet? I need yu guys to come back to Jade's room immediately", I told her calm then hang up because I was so nervous myself what if something wrong with Jade.
But not long after the doctor came out and smiled at me. He said, "Jade is awake now you can see her but please small talk because she just woke up".
I smiled from ear to ear heard that Jade awake and thanked him. After that I heard Perrie screamed my name and I looked at her and Leigh walked fast toward me.
"Jesy you better tell me what's going on", Leigh said worried.
"I think it's better if Perrie see Jade first", I told. Perrie just nodded then she entered the room.
Perrie's pov
I was so nervous when Leigh told me that Jesy wanted us to go back to Jade's room. What if something bad happened to Jade? When I opened the door I already felt myself crying. Everything blurred because of the tears but suddenly I heard someone said my name.
"Pez, come here baby", I looked at Jade's bed and saw Jade was sitting there and smiled at me. She looked little better but tired.
I still shocked but finally I could move my feet then ran toward her. I hugged her but be careful with her wound. I cried in her arms and she hugged me back and told me she loves me and miss me so much. She asked about the baby and I told her that the baby was fine. Then she touched my bump and I felt a kick from him and I saw Jade smiled and her eyes welled up with tears.
Jade's pov
I held Perrie in my arms and rubbed her bump then I looked into her plump sexy lips. Oh I missed them so much.
"Pez?", I said to get her attention. She looked up at me then I pressed my lips to hers. I started kissing her and she kissed me back with so much passion. I caressed her cheek and licked her lip begged her to let me in. When the thing was getting hotter, I heard someone screamed and instantly pulled away.
I looked up and saw Jesy and Leigh. Leigh was covered her eyes and Jesy was smirking and I groaned at them.
"What did you do Jade? You horny bastard", Jesy teased to me.
"Mind your own business Jesy and Leigh you better uncover the face of yours because it's just a kiss", I told them annoyed.
"Someone is horny right now", Jesy teased me again and I groaned but I felt a hand held my hand and squeeze it. It was Perrie, I looked at her and she smiled at me. I smiked back at her then I heard Jesy asked me something.
"Jade I going to tell you something. When the officers tried to take him to the car, he screamed for you to talk to him. Well I'm not sure what he meant by that but I think it's serious", Jesy explained.
Then Perrie intervened, "no baby he is wicked he said that to make us confused because he is good in traps".
I sat there confused, "who is he Perrie?", I asked her.
"He is my ex Zayn, Jade I told you about him", Perrie explained.
'What did he want from me? But there is one thing, the feeling of curiosity to know the truth. I have to talk to him but I think I have met him before but where? Ah the milk accident. This is interesting'.
" Let's think about it later", I cut the conversation. I sat there kept thinking about the guy's words.
2 days later they allowed me to go home. And the first thing I did was going to talk Zayn. I walked to the prison and asked for him. An officer led me to the waiting room and told me to wait. I waited for about 10 minutes then Zayn finally appeared in front of me.
"Jade is your name I believe", he said calmly after the officer told him to sit across from me.
"Yes and how did you know my name?", I aksed suspicious.
"Someone called me right before the police gathered around the place I used to took Perrie hostage", he said.
"You wanted to talk to me about what?", I asked him impatient.
"I didn't do it on purpose. I kidnapped Perrie but actually I didn't have intention to hurt her. I had a deal with a guy and he offered me lots of money if I get to kidnap someone so I accepted. But when he told me it was Perrie I called off the deal but he threatened to kill me if I did that so I accepted. That guy called me several times and told me to hurt her but I didn't because I know Perrie keeps the baby so I don't wanna kill the child too, that's why I keep lied to that guy. The shot, I didn't to shot you I apologize I was nervous and I have short tempered actually so I just did that. But the guy, I don't know what his relation to Perrie and I'm sure Perrie is nice woman but why that guy wants to hurt her but I know his big boss name anyway. He is famous in the area", he told me.
"Who is it?", I asked him.
"James, James Thirlwall", he told me and heard that name make me stood up.
"That fucker", I snickered.
"You know him?", Zayn asked confused.
"Well almost my whole life. Because we share the same surname", I explained to him.
"Eh how?", he asked still confused.
"I have to go now Zayn thanks for the information, we'll catch up later", I told him that then stormed off from there pissed.
Hiya my lovely readers thank you for reading this story. Fast update aye! This chapter is actually a gift for my soulmate on our first month anniversary, I love you baby. So enjoy this weird chapter my lovelies, until next chapter.
ZiallHeroes xx